While I played the hell out of RE2, and it was the last game post-Half-life to actively give me the willies and downright scare the shit out of me at one point: I missed the Licker in the window the first time around so when it came through on the way back, being alone in a house in the middle of the woods playing this on a brand new surround system, well... that fucker scared the shit out of me so bad I tossed the controller in "NOPE" fashion and hid in the bathroom for a few. That being said, I find this game does not hold up at all. Having driven a tank before, I decry the "tank-like" controls because tanks are way more responsive than this game. Put it this way, the M1A2 Abrams I drove could at full speed drive up the incline of a hill and at the top sight and fire and hit a target before the tracks hit the ground... pretty accurate compared to the sluggish unresponsive controls RE2 suffers from. Dialogue is pure crap, and even back then I wasn't impressed with the CGI cinematics or the game's visual style.
This all from someone who dearly loves the game and would loved to have seen a RE1 Gamecube style remake.
Its just a game that benefitted from being FIRST!!! in the survival horror genre and spawning a long standing tradition of Zombie attack games (OK I really blame Zombies Ate My Neighbors for that but most people might disagree with me).
Seriously though, without Resident Evil would we have as many zombie games? It really was the first game to actively emulate the tone of the Romero zombie flicks, especially the horde.
RE2 suffered though in the end from a very very disjointed story that to this day I'm still wholly unaware of what went on. But hell I still love it for all its Akira-like story confusion (seriously I watched Akira like 1000 times back before there was anything significant on the internet and I never understood the plot without having someone else explain it to me... even then it was a tenuous explanation at best). Maybe it was poor localization and translation that made the dialogue so shitty...