White God Trailer: Revenge of The Mutts


New member
Dec 31, 2008
White God Trailer: Revenge of The Mutts

Hungarian thriller is Homeward Bound meets Rise of The Planet of The Apes

Hot on the heels of news that someone at Paramount decided that Transformers 4 should be an Academy Awards nomination-contender [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/138968-Transformers-4-Submitted-For-Best-Picture-Oscar-Consideration] comes the first trailer for another outside the box Oscar submission: Hungary's entry into the Best Foreign Language Film pool, White God - the story of a girl, a dog... and a revolution.

The story, at first, seems to tread familiar animal-adventure ground: Hagen, an ordinary dog, is trying to get back to his owner after she is forced to abandon him upon being sent to live with her pet-unfriendly father. But this is no mere Lassie Come Home update - it's a dark parable for racial unrest and class conflict, with a plot that inches toward outright sci-fi allegory. In the world of the film, the local government is attempting to ethnically-purify dog breeds by imposing harsh taxes on the ownership of mixed-breed "mutts" like Hagen, forcing them out into the streets and into the pounds. As Hagen struggles to return home, he inspires his fellow mutts to full-scale violent revolution against the "mongrel"-hating human authorities - call it Rise of The Planet of The Dogs. [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/escape-to-the-movies/3821-Rise-of-the-Planet-of-the-Apes]

Directed by Hungary's Kornel Mundruczo, White Dog was met with largely positive reviews on the festival circuit earlier this year, and is scheduled for a March 27th bow in U.S. theaters regardless of how it fares at Oscar time. The film's title, incidentally, is believed to be a play on White Dog, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhkrvBNnAcw] Samuel Fuller's infamous 1982 shocker about a woman who discovers that her otherwise gentle-souled new pooch is actually a vicious attack dog trained by racists to attack and kill black people on sight.

Source: Magnolia Pictures [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/movies-and-tv/] [B]Permalink[/B]


Leaf on the wind
Feb 20, 2011
White God?



Oh subtlety, I hardly knew ye. xD

Real talk though, this looks like my kind of movie. Why yes, I am one of those saps who can observe depictions of violence and injustice against people and be fairly detached, but the moment somebody in a movie is mean to a dog... shit just got serious!


New member
Jan 28, 2013
I won't be able to watch this. If a single dog is killed in a scene...just...yeah nope.

EDIT: Metaphors aside, there are many real dogs out there that have been abandoned and are in need of rescue, so hopefully this film can help raise awareness about that too.


New member
Jan 20, 2014
So the movie depicting the unavoidable Dog Revolution is an hungarian one. Color me utterly unsurprised.


Dice Tart
Oct 22, 2009
Didn't like the start but omfg the feels and goosebumps at the end there!


New member
Aug 12, 2008
I'm from Hungary and I was happy to see Bob write an article about the movie :) I wanted to mention, the dogs in the movie are all real, they used more than 200 dogs, 150 of them were from shelters who have been very well trained and were given up for adoption after the movie was completed. Most of them have already been adopted, and are now in good care and have a loving family ^^

You can check out the dogs by name, at this link, just click on the menupoint "Kutyák" (meaning dogs) :