Justice League: Throne of Atlantis - New 52 Did It Better


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Feb 17, 2011
Justice League: Throne of Atlantis - New 52 Did It Better

Justice League: Throne of Atlantis is an entertaining spectacle, but Aquaman's origin story fails to satisfy.

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Professional Procrastinator
Nov 13, 2009
Meh. I don't like the direction they've taken with their animated films, simply basing them off of the New 52 universe. I preferred their films based off of different Elseworlds tales and assorted storylines like New Frontier and Under the Red Hood. Not to mention their recent animation work (both film and television) just seems a lot poorer than the old Diniverse (especially compared to Batman Beyond and Justice League Unlimited). Assault on Arkham was quite entertaining, but it's probably the recent film I've enjoyed as much a the older ones - it was also cool that they brought back Amanda Waller's VA from JLU.

Honestly, WB needs to up their game with their DC works. While their live action series are quite good, their films and animation seem to be struggling.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Despite its flaws (Ocean Master was just Loki with shorter hair, JLA meeting up with Arthur and Meera was odd due to lack of proper introdution and telling each other of the situation, the soldiers show up RIGHT AFTER a possible tsuami and did it really took them that long for Arthur to realise he is an Atlantian?) it's still an enjoyable film and I still prefered it to JL: War any day since that film was just a sloppy Avengers wannabe film!

Also Arthur saying "outrageous" was just pure fan service for me (I don't know if he ever says that in the old comicbooks but I do love the Brave and the bold Aquaman)!!


Biologist Supreme
Jul 29, 2009
Haven't seen the movie yet, but Mera being violent seems in line with her comic book persona. This is a woman who once wielded the Red Lantern ring of rage, after all.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
I found it entertaining, but my biggest issue with the film is technical. The fights were a little hard to swallow. For instance: Superman attacks Orm he gets deflected and hurt by the magic Trident, which is fine, but then when Arthur attacks he is magically not deflected or able to dodge the attack. Also, when the guys at the beginning were beating on Arthur, he clearly felt those hits and wasn't just standing there taking it, but then he is strong enough to fight off someone who essentially threw Superman to the side.

To me this always feels lazy because they didn't put in the time to orchestrate the fights in a believable way.


New member
Nov 7, 2006
I like how they "upped" on the violence and language. These heroes come from salty backgrounds and violence is their way of life (especially Batman!). We -adults- grew up with these guys and gals to still appreciate them to this day. Adulting them up is far better than childing them down. Do you remember Teen Titan? Now look at Teen Titan Go. See what happened?

Basement Cat

Keeping the Peace is Relaxing
Jul 26, 2012
Curiously, I just watched this last night.

I enjoyed it, probably more than I would have if I were learned in DC mythology (I'm a Marvel guy--or used to be years ago).

The one thing that really bugged me was Arthur being a full on martially trained fighter. The movie introduces him as being a brawler who doesn't understand why he's so strong and tough--and that's good because it helps with character introduction--but by the end of the movie he's wielding weapons and fighting like he'd spent his whole life in training as a warrior.

Still, it was an enjoyable romp. I especially loved the friction between Batman and Green Lantern: I'm not a Batman fanboy but I loved his professional attitude grating on GL's nerves when he matter of factly spelled out to GL how GL had screwed up Batman's investigation.

Green Lantern: "I really hate that guy."


Insert funny title here
Oct 19, 2010
I liked it but I do have a problem with it. It is small and I doubt there is an answer for it but here it is. Why the hell can Superman and Wonder Woman both breath and talk underwater? And while I'm at it why was Batman able to survive the deep pressures involved with being that deep under the sea.


New member
Feb 17, 2011
Baresark said:
I found it entertaining, but my biggest issue with the film is technical. The fights were a little hard to swallow. For instance: Superman attacks Orm he gets deflected and hurt by the magic Trident, which is fine, but then when Arthur attacks he is magically not deflected or able to dodge the attack. Also, when the guys at the beginning were beating on Arthur, he clearly felt those hits and wasn't just standing there taking it, but then he is strong enough to fight off someone who essentially threw Superman to the side.

To me this always feels lazy because they didn't put in the time to orchestrate the fights in a believable way.
See, I'd assumed that was because Arthur's royal blood bypassed the effect. Perhaps the same reason why Wonder Woman was able to hold out against it for as long as she did.

On the other hand, it's more likely they just thought knocking Superman aside would look cool. :D


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
I feel like Under the Red Hood and even Young Justice were waaayyyy more mature than Throne of Atlantis, even though they never showed all the gory parts in Under the Red Hood and Young Justice. I kind of just rolled my eyes when anyone was killed in ridiculous ways by Mera. She literally slaughtered DOZENS of her innocent countrymen just so the film could say "Hey, hey, wait up! We're totes edgy and dark guys! You like that shit right? RIGHT?!". One good thing for me about the film is that it made me despise Cyborg a little less. I still believe that he's in the Justice League pretty much only for "diversity". Of all the Teen Titans, Cyborg was the only one who actually stuck around a bit for each incarnation. Removing that from him (and erasing the old Teen Titans for a lot less interesting version) made him so much less interesting. But he had a better "performance" than any of the characters there in my opinion.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
Fanghawk said:
Baresark said:
I found it entertaining, but my biggest issue with the film is technical. The fights were a little hard to swallow. For instance: Superman attacks Orm he gets deflected and hurt by the magic Trident, which is fine, but then when Arthur attacks he is magically not deflected or able to dodge the attack. Also, when the guys at the beginning were beating on Arthur, he clearly felt those hits and wasn't just standing there taking it, but then he is strong enough to fight off someone who essentially threw Superman to the side.

To me this always feels lazy because they didn't put in the time to orchestrate the fights in a believable way.
See, I'd assumed that was because Arthur's royal blood bypassed the effect. Perhaps the same reason why Wonder Woman was able to hold out against it for as long as she did.

On the other hand, it's more likely they just thought knocking Superman aside would look cool. :D
Haha, this is pretty much my conclusion. I feel like they were trying to bolster his "coolfactor" because in general, Aquaman is kind of a joke for a lot of people. He is a good character but a lot of people don't know about him besides he "talks to fish".


New member
Feb 12, 2014
ShakerSilver said:
Meh. I don't like the direction they've taken with their animated films,
Neither do I, it's generic and likes the polish or story telling skill that Bruce Timm and co built up for years.

Bob_McMillan said:
I feel like Under the Red Hood and even Young Justice were waaayyyy more mature than Throne of Atlantis
that's because they are :p

even though they never showed all the gory parts in Under the Red Hood and Young Justice. I kind of just rolled my eyes when anyone was killed in ridiculous ways by Mera. She literally slaughtered DOZENS of her innocent countrymen just so the film could say "Hey, hey, wait up! We're totes edgy and dark guys! You like that shit right? RIGHT?!".
I think they've been trying too hard or better yet thy emulated the Nu52 not choosing the wrong tone and not adequately pulling it off. Timm McDuffie and all them nu what they wanted from the ground up and kept things consistent.

One good thing for me about the film is that it made me despise Cyborg a little less. I still believe that he's in the Justice League pretty much only for "diversity". Of all the Teen Titans, Cyborg was the only one who actually stuck around a bit for each incarnation. Removing that from him (and erasing the old Teen Titans for a lot less interesting version) made him so much less interesting. But he had a better "performance" than any of the characters there in my opinion.
My problem is Cyborg was more than a Titan in his original run (even in the same space of time as the Nu52) but in JL that's all he is, a JL member.

Johns keeps pushing him and giving him all this stuff to do and though there good ideas they all come off as unnatural. I think making him look more machine was a huge mistake.

P-89 Scorpion

New member
Sep 25, 2014
Gizmo1990 said:
I liked it but I do have a problem with it. It is small and I doubt there is an answer for it but here it is. Why the hell can Superman and Wonder Woman both breath and talk underwater? And while I'm at it why was Batman able to survive the deep pressures involved with being that deep under the sea.

Well Superman in the comics doesn't need to breath, eat, drink or sleep he does so, so that he can pass as human all he needs is sunlight.

Wonder Women in the new 52 is the daughter of Zeus so she's basically Hercules with superhuman Amazonian blood as well as a gods. She is both ageless and has a healing factor making her immune to natural death with no convenient weaknesses according to Batman unlike Superman with Kryptonite.


Clerical Error
Mar 29, 2009
I enjoyed the show. It did seem very sloppy at times. I had the same problems with power scale and the fight scenes. I was bit surprised to see both Atlantian soldier and those Murk Dweller fodder all getting cut in half by Mera. That violence level seemed elevated. I didn't mind it. I just imagined mothers and fathers everywhere go "up in arms" over what WB is showing their children these days. It was war. People get killed in wars.

It wasn't great, but it was good. It beat the hell out of the Aquaman live action pilot that the CW tried in 2006 with the dude who used to play Green Arrow on the old Smallville series. Look that one up and you'll appreciate this one a bit more.