Strategy in Miniature: The Game Play of Relic Knights


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May 28, 2014
Strategy in Miniature: The Game Play of Relic Knights

After an incredibly successful Kickstarter campaign, we sit down with the tabletop miniatures strategy game Relic Knights to check out the anime action.

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Jan 12, 2012
Interesting read. I'm not in the market for another miniatures game, especially one where there is yet more collecting and painting, but the premise seems interesting enough that I might ask my FLGS if there's a game night.

The article might need another pass from an editor, though, as some of the grammar seems stilted. For example,
Players take on the role of a skirmish force in what could easily be an episode of your favorite anime. Battle takes place in a universe that is slowly being eaten alive by what is known as the Darkspace Calamity. Destroying entire systems and snuffing out all life within them.
This could be, "Players take on the role of a skirmish force in what could easily be an episode of your favorite anime. The battle takes place in a universe that is slowly being eaten alive by what is known as the Darkspace Calamity, which is destroying entire systems and snuffing out all life within them." All the information is there, it's just rougher around the edges than I usually expect from the Escapist.


Biologist Supreme
Jul 29, 2009
I picked up quite a lot from this while it was on Kickstarter and I'm sad to say I haven't actually played a game. I got all the models put together and then a GW store opened up right near me and I fell back into Warhammer hard. One of these days...

I will add one thing here: the models are made out of a softer resin, rather than GW's normal hard plastic, and can be an absolute ***** to glue together. I had to combine two different glues (super glue and a thick plastic glue) to get most parts to stick together.