Fire Up Your Light Cycles: Tron 3 Begins Filming This Year


New member
Feb 17, 2011
Fire Up Your Light Cycles: Tron 3 Begins Filming This Year

The third Tron film has been greenlit by Disney and starts filming this October, with Garrett "Sam Flynn" Hedlund confirmed to return.

Fans <a href=>have been talking about Tron 3 pretty much since <a href=>Tron: Legacy hit theaters, but considering that thirty year gap after the first movie? It wouldn't be surprising if we had to wait just as long for more. Now it seems like the wait is being cut short - according to sources talking to Vancity Buzz, Disney has greenlit a third Tron movie and will start filming on Oct. 5, 2015.

Tron - and its sequel Tron: Legacy - are about software programmers who found a way to insert physical people into the digital world of "The Grid". Here, computer programs are self-aware and have their own personalities, cultures, and power structures while living in a landscape reminiscent of 1980s video games. The original Tron was a cult hit, while its 2010 sequel reintroduced its world through the eyes of Sam Flynn (Garrett Hedlund), the son of original protagonist Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges).

If Disney really has greenlit Tron 3, it's not clear what direction it will take. Legacy laid quite a bit of groundwork for a larger universe that may have been scrapped over the past half-decade, but we don't know for certain. After all, the only cast member expected to return is Hedlund, while Legacy's AI Quorra - played by Olivia Wilde - hasn't been confirmed to make a comeback.

Regardless, I suspect most fans won't say no to more Tron, although it won't be without competition - Star Trek 3 also begins filming in June of this year.

Source: First Showing



New member
Sep 27, 2014
My first thought after reading this was 'cooooooool...'

My second was 'Man, has it really been FIVE years?!'

I really hope that they continue on with Legacy's story, otherwise that whole movie could end up being a waste of time. Which would REALLY suck.

Then again, having each movie be a different 'episode' in an overarching series could be interesting, too.


New member
Nov 8, 2014
Does this mean I can get a second season of TRON: Uprising?

Because if not then I'm not sure I really care all that much.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
All I can say is why? Legacy wasn't that good?

Also for direction for the film to take, how about exploring the INTERNET??? Seriously that all I ever wanted to see in a Tron film, the internet in a 3D phyiscal plane!!!


New member
Jun 12, 2010
Hopefully it'll have better character development and Sam will actually do some competent fighting (his performance in every fight was cringe-inducing). Ah, who am I kidding, Tron's strengths are in the visuals and themes, not the characters, fights, or even storyline.

Still, super excited.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Scarim Coral said:
All I can say is why? Legacy wasn't that good?

Also for direction for the film to take, how about exploring the INTERNET??? Seriously that all I ever wanted to see in a Tron film, the internet in a 3D phyiscal plane!!!
So you basically want a 2 hour version of that Futurama episode?

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
shintakie10 said:
Scarim Coral said:
All I can say is why? Legacy wasn't that good?

Also for direction for the film to take, how about exploring the INTERNET??? Seriously that all I ever wanted to see in a Tron film, the internet in a 3D phyiscal plane!!!
So you basically want a 2 hour version of that Futurama episode?
Eyup pretty much. Seriously they can explored so much in a Internet like enviroment and yes I mean both good and bad aspect of the Internet!

Random Argument Man

New member
May 21, 2008
Well if they fix the pacing issues and manage to make the lead fun?why not?

Can we get another soundtrack by Daft Punk ?!??! That's what I would really be looking for.


New member
Feb 2, 2011
I want to see a movie version of the PC game Tron: Legacy

that game got Tron so right it was beautiful...


New member
Nov 21, 2007
I love the hell out of Tron: Legacy. The visuals, set designs, action sequences, world building, and soundtrack were incredible.

That said, I'll be the first to tell you how abysmal the writing and most of the dialog were. Joseph Kosinski and Daft Punk knocked their respective bits of the film out of the park; notably Kosinski's designs. The real failure was with Edward Kitsis' and Adam Horowitz's script. They spent most of their time geeking out over having their chance to write a script for Jeff Bridges, and it shows in the final story.

Now, I would have been excited at the news of Tron 3, even in light of the abysmal script for Legacy, if only for another go around with another Daft Punk score and another look at Kosinski's amazing world designs. However, the thing that really has me excited was Kosinski's comments a few years ago. To paraphrase: "I would love to do another Tron film, but I won't do it until we get the script right." This shows me, at least I'd like to hope, that he understands and appreciates the failings of Legacy and wants to make up for them with the sequel.

Could be wrong. Who knows? Maybe it'll turn out worse than Legacy. Maybe even worse than the original. Maybe it'll be the best film of the year. I can't say. All I can say is that having the chance to once again see those visuals accompanied by a Daft Punk soundtrack is enough for me.

an annoyed writer

Exalted Lady of The Meep :3
Jun 21, 2012


Been waiting for this for a looong time. Always loved the art style of that universe, and if they bring on more daft punk and Olivia Wilde I'm sold :3


New member
Feb 21, 2011
Oh, I hope this ends up being good, or at least decent.

If I'm not mistaken, Cillian Murphy's character has already been hinted at being a new bad guy, with a new MCP.

Hairless Mammoth

New member
Jan 23, 2013

Oh, yes!!!! It is also not too soon and not too late. Perfect sequel time. This might even by the first movie I see in theaters in 5-6 years (by the time Tron 3 is out).

Since the end of the second film should have some major effect on how the computer and real worlds interact, I hope they expand on that, too. Also, I'd like to have another Dank Punk soundtrack and more Bruce Boxleitner and Cillian Murphy. In fact, in would be pretty interesting if the were multiple jumps into and out of the Grid during the film, possibly with more than just a Flynn doing it.
Vigormortis said:
[snipped for length].
I gotta agree with you on Legacy's script. It was decent, but it really felt like it was a partial remake of the first (a concept I usually hate). They just seem a little too similar when you analyze them closely. The writer's plot really was perfect to shove both old and "de-aged by Crayola" Jeff Bridges into the mix, and minor rewrites could have made the story still work if he couldn't show up for more than a cameo.

To summarize both scripts: A guy named Flynn, with personal reasons to be in a lab with a magic laser, is tricked, by a sentient program, into standing in front of said magic laser and is sent inside a computer world. There he meets other programs fighting against the evil programs, helps save the real world, and finds a way out of the computer world.


I have no idea how I got here.
Aug 14, 2014
I know design aesthetics and all, but can't they update the digital world? We're in 2015, but the digital world still look like the 80's. I mean, the ReBoot cartoon series as cheezy as it is reflects the age it was made.


New member
Apr 7, 2013
WarpedMind said:
Does this mean I can get a second season of TRON: Uprising?

Because if not then I'm not sure I really care all that much.
I agree, TRON: Uprising another unfinished cartoon. I would even be happy if I could get the story canon in comic book form.


New member
Jun 12, 2008
If this leads to the very much need second season of Tron: Uprising, I'm all for it. That series was better at exploring the concept of this digital world than both movies combined. Awesome visuals, great voice acting, and scripts that didn't pull punches. Seriously, at least one program got derezzed per episode, sometimes many more, and sometimes even well developed characters. If it wasn't all cubes flying around, some of them would be really gory. For a "kids" show, it handed out the equivalent of death quite readily.

The Bucket

Senior Member
May 4, 2010
WarpedMind said:
Does this mean I can get a second season of TRON: Uprising?

Because if not then I'm not sure I really care all that much.
Agreed. I enjoyed the movie well enough for the visuals and dem Daft Punk tunes, but Uprising is my favorite entry of the franchise by far


Migratory coconut
Oct 7, 2010
As long as Bruce Boxleitner is in the movie I dont care if its 2 hours of an ingame pizza franchise, i'll watch it! :)


New member
Sep 4, 2009
webkilla said:
I want to see a movie version of the PC game Tron: Legacy

that game got Tron so right it was beautiful...
Was the tron legacy game good?

I loved Tron 2.0 and thought both the writing and the environment were a great continuation of the original Tron theme. I was very disappointed that Legacy threw out 2.0 and came up with their own bizarro world.

Tell me this environment doesnt look totally badass!