Nintendo Launching New Mobile Push, Working on Next Console


Geekdad News Writer
Jan 5, 2013
Nintendo Launching New Mobile Push, Working on Next Console

Nintendo has announced a partnership with the publisher DeNA to bring its catalog of gaming IPs to mobile platforms.

Ever since the mobile market became a thing, pretty much every game maker and its proverbial uncle has bent over backwards trying to find some way to capitalize on its wide reaching and highly profitable audience. One of the most notable holdouts, of course, has been <a href=>Nintendo. Up <a href=>until last year, the famed game company had seemed fairly content to ignore that <a href=>the market existed. It's <a href=>now been confirmed however, that Nintendo not only has plans for new mobile releases but is already putting them in motion.

Working with the Japanese mobile publisher DeNA, Nintendo intends to begin creating and publishing new games based in its beloved franchises for smart phones and mobile devices. The new games will developed "jointly" by the two companies to help leverage their individual strengths which Nintendo's Satoru Iwata described as its IP catalog and DeNA's extensive knowledge of the mobile market. He would go on to say that while "any Nintendo IP could be used" in the new partnership, the company doesn't intend to cheat its customers with a series of poorly adapted ports.

"There are significant differences in the controls, strengths and weaknesses between the controllers for dedicated game systems and the touchscreens of smart devices," said Iwata. "We have no intention at all to port existing game titles for dedicated game platforms to smart devices because if we cannot provide our consumers with the best possible play experiences, it would just ruin the value of Nintendo's IP." Nintendo and DeNA will also be working together to craft a new membership service replacing the <a href=>now defunct Club Nintendo. The new service will "include multiple devices."

Topping off all of this news, Iwata also confirmed that the company is in the process of developing a new "dedicated game platform" that it has code-named "NX." While he wasn't able to share anything else about the new machine, he hoped that its existence will reassure fans that Nintendo's foray into the mobile market isn't a move away from its traditional game business. Its new pursuit of mobile, he said, is just common sense. "Now that smart devices have grown to become the window for so many people to personally connect with society, it would be a waste not to use these devices."

Source: <a href=>Nintendo



and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat šŸ
Mar 31, 2010
RIP Nintendo.

Nah, I'm cautiously optimistic, I hope Nintendo are sensible enough to take this carefully and not release shovelware with their name attached... hopefully, fingers-crossed. Don't screw this up guys.


That Voice in Your Head
Sep 4, 2010
JoJo said:
RIP Nintendo.

Nah, I'm cautiously optimistic, I hope Nintendo are sensible enough to take this carefully and not release shovelware with their name attached... hopefully, fingers-crossed. Don't screw this up guys.
Fortunately, Iwata seems to be on the ball for this, spending a significant portion of the conference talking about the pitfalls of smartphone gaming development and recognizing that it isn't easy money. They seem determined to take this seriously which is good to hear.

Iwata said:
On the other hand, I really had to thoroughly consider how we would be able to grow the business by maintaining and nurturing the value of Nintendo IP and what conditions would make that happen, because the value of content can easily be deflated in the digital world and, especially on smart devices, it is not easy to maintain content value since the lifespan tends to be very short as much content is released and then replaced so quickly. We are making these announcements today because we now have Nintendo?s answer to these questions.

Just looking at the fact that several applications that earn great profits are highly visible in the smart device game business, people in general appear to see it as an easy money market. The fact is, however, it is a highly competitive market and only a handful of content providers have been able to show enduring results. If Nintendo cannot make it to that handful of winners, it does not make sense for us to be engaged in the software business on smart devices.

Accordingly, we had been thinking that if we ever decided to do it, we would have to put ourselves in the best position to prosper.
For many years, Nintendo has shown results as a company which produces products that satisfy consumers with their high quality at the time of the purchase. For the content on smart devices, on the other hand, to be appreciated by consumers, they must provide ever-evolving services in addition to being high-quality products.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
After Pokemon Shuffle, I'm a bit worried but overall I'm ready to wait and see when it comes to Nintendo mobile apps. As for the new console, I can't say I'm surprised to see this. It puts them in track to release a new console around 2018 or so...we'll probably get an announcement in 2016 or so. Hopefully Nintendo's next home console will do better than the Wii U has been doing sales-wise. I still have my fingers crossed for a third console that is basically just a neo-geo X style, dedicated Virtual Console.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
Man, that is too bad. I guess we can kiss goodbye the idea that Nintendo is only interested in putting out quality software. I kind of hope it fails so maybe they return to what I as a game really like. That is, mobile games are trash and I have never played any that I have found as remotely enjoyable as any console or PC Game.

Companies need to learn that mass producing shit software doesn't do anything positive for a companies image. And nothing makes a game less fun than using touch screen controls. They are either super simple or they don't work, in my experience.


That Voice in Your Head
Sep 4, 2010
Baresark said:
Man, that is too bad. I guess we can kiss goodbye the idea that Nintendo is only interested in putting out quality software. I kind of hope it fails so maybe they return to what I as a game really like. That is, mobile games are trash and I have never played any that I have found as remotely enjoyable as any console or PC Game.

Companies need to learn that mass producing shit software doesn't do anything positive for a companies image. And nothing makes a game less fun than using touch screen controls. They are either super simple or they don't work, in my experience.
Uh...good thing then that Iwata seems to recognize and specifically address this detail. Like, I'm cautious about this as well, but I will recognize that Iwata does seem to be smarter about this than most other companies.

Iwata said:
On the other hand, I really had to thoroughly consider how we would be able to grow the business by maintaining and nurturing the value of Nintendo IP and what conditions would make that happen, because the value of content can easily be deflated in the digital world and, especially on smart devices, it is not easy to maintain content value since the lifespan tends to be very short as much content is released and then replaced so quickly. We are making these announcements today because we now have Nintendo?s answer to these questions.

Just looking at the fact that several applications that earn great profits are highly visible in the smart device game business, people in general appear to see it as an easy money market. The fact is, however, it is a highly competitive market and only a handful of content providers have been able to show enduring results. If Nintendo cannot make it to that handful of winners, it does not make sense for us to be engaged in the software business on smart devices.


New member
Aug 17, 2008
Even at its worst, they'll just have another company putting out shit on mobile that I'll ignore that will farm them money in Japan that they can put into development of their stuff I do want on their handhelds and future console. Sounds to me the NX will come around the end of 2017, maybe 2018. Works for me.

And membership service that includes PC? Look at me all intrigued.


New member
Nov 28, 2009
I was worried when I first heard this news, because I thought it meant that Nintendo sold it soul to the F2P freemium app market, but now it seems like this other company is making the games, and Nintendo is just letting them use their IP.

It's possible that the NX could be a smartphone that is dedicated to games, which I would admittedly be interested in.


New member
Jun 1, 2011
If this means I can buy Super Mario Galaxy on Steam etc... I'll die happy.

Nowhere Man

New member
Mar 10, 2013
xaszatm said:
Baresark said:
Man, that is too bad. I guess we can kiss goodbye the idea that Nintendo is only interested in putting out quality software. I kind of hope it fails so maybe they return to what I as a game really like. That is, mobile games are trash and I have never played any that I have found as remotely enjoyable as any console or PC Game.

Companies need to learn that mass producing shit software doesn't do anything positive for a companies image. And nothing makes a game less fun than using touch screen controls. They are either super simple or they don't work, in my experience.
Uh...good thing then that Iwata seems to recognize and specifically address this detail. Like, I'm cautious about this as well, but I will recognize that Iwata does seem to be smarter about this than most other companies.

Iwata said:
On the other hand, I really had to thoroughly consider how we would be able to grow the business by maintaining and nurturing the value of Nintendo IP and what conditions would make that happen, because the value of content can easily be deflated in the digital world and, especially on smart devices, it is not easy to maintain content value since the lifespan tends to be very short as much content is released and then replaced so quickly. We are making these announcements today because we now have Nintendo?s answer to these questions.

Just looking at the fact that several applications that earn great profits are highly visible in the smart device game business, people in general appear to see it as an easy money market. The fact is, however, it is a highly competitive market and only a handful of content providers have been able to show enduring results. If Nintendo cannot make it to that handful of winners, it does not make sense for us to be engaged in the software business on smart devices.
I was going to chime in with my own feelings on this but both your conversations basically sum up my fears and trust in this working.

I just really hope they don't fall into trap of micro-transactions. I would think they'd know better.


New member
Jun 18, 2012
Nowhere Man said:
I was going to chime in with my own feelings on this but both your conversations basically sum up my fears and trust in this working.

I just really hope they don't fall into trap of micro-transactions. I would think they'd know better.
see the thing is if you look at how micro-transactions can be good: selling skins, extraneous characters then fine those are great uses of them, but once they get into selling power (especially in a social style game), or putting in pay walls those are where micro-transactions fail, and just makes the entire company despised by their player base, and onlookers alike

I am optimistic for this even if they include microtransactions for like $.99 for a ten pack of 1-up mushrooms, $1.99 for Luigi skin, or even 4.99 for the great diety mask for link (even if it just makes him look like great diety Link, but even if they just do similar to what they are currently doing for Hyrule Warriors that would be even more awesome.


New member
Nov 22, 2014
I will continue to ignore mobile games, just not worthwhile of my time.
But I guess somepeople(including N investors) got their wish.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
Well, I can hear the Nintendo fans now:

Not too worried, they don't seem the type to put out fee-to-play model games.


New member
Feb 24, 2011
I'm more interested in the news Nintendo is developing a new console. I know everyone is already on that dev cycle again, but still. Of all the tings they could be hemorrhaging money on right now I don't thing a new console needs to be one of them... :/


New member
Jul 28, 2008
Nintendo always starts work on their next console right after the launch of their latest one. The WiiU was in development for longer than many believe.

As for the mobile thing we will have to see, right now it's just a graph and ideas. It may just fold like the vitality meter or that sleep watching device supposedly in the works.


New member
Jul 12, 2009
I play nothing on my phone, and even if I enjoy my Nintendo stuff, I doubt they'll change that... unless they throw the Pokemon games into phonemode, that might be a gamechanger (I know there are these emulators and roms and whatnots).

As for a new console, the WiiUs been out for about 2.5 years, so maybe they'll release it on 5 years time? Console do tend to have a long time being in the making. Taking the good from older consoles, seeing what needs to change, new quirks, what parts to use, looking into the future what parts there will be available when they finally start trying to puzzle on together, getting partners from companies that have good tech etc. So yeah, not surprised about the fact that there is a console in the making, that doesn't mean it's even close from the startingplatform yet.


don't upset the insane catgirl
Apr 11, 2009
Well, I'm slightly optimistic in that they recognise you can't just port console games to a tablet, because that would be a disaster.

I've seen enough console style games on tablets to know just how badly it tends to work.

Still, all I can say is we'll have to wait and see what results from it.


New member
Aug 9, 2012
NX, eh? Nintendo phone? A phone that focuses on gaming as a priority instead of a feature? Sign my ass up!


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
If Nintendo is going to let this mobile company use their IP's then I just really really HOPE that they keep a very watchful eye on how they do things.

As much as Zelda CDi is a timeless classic of third party garbage that has spawned many a Youtube Poop it did hurt their reputation. ( I mean just look at Sonic Boom.)

On the other hand Iwata making that statement ensures that if these Nintendo approved spinoffs are bad, they won't be taking a heavy beating anytime soon and can simply cut it off and forget about it.

Also Nintendo developing a new console now isn't new. We established that that was the norm for any company like the last few months ago. Might as well make an article saying Sony and Microsoft are developing new consoles to cover all bases.