8 Supporting Characters that Deserve Their Own Game


I am a meat popsicle
Oct 24, 2013
8 Supporting Characters that Deserve Their Own Game

These eight supporting characters stole the show in their respective games, so why not let them have a game of their own?

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Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
No Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite? A time-traveling magical girl with a grudge against her dad?! Seriously?!

Garrus is kinda a one-shot Turian. He'd be good for an HBO miniseries that ends the day of his recruitment mission in ME2. Basically his time on Omega, with no inclination to what gender Shepard was. That'd be fun. In limited quantity.

The others I can't really speak to. I know them, but they don't leave much of an impression. Kane always seemed more silly than anything, like a Caesar Romero type villain in Command and Conquer. Alyx was always boring, and I never really got into the Metal Gear series. You'd be better off taking Mission or Bastilla from KOTOR.

Also would GLaDOS count? She does pimp around with you for a bit, and technically she helps you escape.


New member
Nov 21, 2012
I seem to recall Zelda's already had her own game [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHPJ_yGxg0I], and it was considered even jankier than the other jank of that particular era...


New member
Nov 11, 2009
Well I don't know if I'd actually want to play an entire game as any of these characters, couldn't really tell you why though, maybe just one... Meatbags


New member
Jul 24, 2011

I'd throw money at my screen so hard it'd give developers concussions if we could get a
game. I'd definitely settle for a Harley Quinn centric game, though. Batgirl would be good, too. Or a Catwoman game that makes use of her catburglary.

Garrus would be pretty awesome if they could pull it off.

Zelda? I wouldn't argue at all. Something traditional, and all her own. Hyrule warriors is a blast, and damnit all, I love Koei, but traditional, it ain't. If it was out on the 3ds at the least, I'd be thrilled!

I still want the woman from this mission in a R* game.
Her design, and personality stood out a lot to me, and I don't even know her name. :/ She kinda embodies the mysterious stranger character I'd like to play as. Anyone else hankering for something based off "The Quick, and the Dead?"


New member
Jul 24, 2009
Garrus? There could be a "Citadel Noire" game (like LA Noire) in which you solve crimes for C-Sec.


New member
Feb 23, 2014
Hm, the only one I could get behind here would be Ocelot. Harley may have potential as her dynamic with Joker could be put to good use, plus it's nice to play as a villain.

I like the idea of a Citadel Noire though, put some good voice acting in that and I would give that a go. That would be a good spinoff from ME.

Hairless Mammoth

New member
Jan 23, 2013
What about Auron, the badass incarnate from Final Fantasy X His character motivation was well used as the lynchpin of the plot, but, compared to the other generally lackluster characters and the absurd plot of the game, it still felt like he should have been in something better. Too bad the ending makes it hard (but not impossible) to bring him out of retirement. It would be neat if Square brought him back for more than Kingdom Hearts cameos and fighting games.
Kinitawowi said:
I seem to recall Zelda's already had her own game [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHPJ_yGxg0I], and it was considered even jankier than the other jank of that particular era...
Not just one. Two of the three CD-i games were basically hers. The Wand of Gamelon's [sarcasm]brilliant writing[/sarcasm] makes Link a complete afterthought within seconds. He appears in the opening cutscene and all of five seconds in the final scene. (Not that it's a bad thing, mah boi.)

Slighty more OT: Though, I would like Zelda to have her own canonical title. Not counting Skyward Sword's incarnation, she has been moving away from the helpless damsel in distress to the princess that will try to gain whatever advantage is possible in combat.

One way to make Zelda do the heavy lifting is Link could fall to Ganon's corruption or a mind control spell before he can gain the Triforce of Courage, and Zelda must fight the evil plot both are perpetuating and somehow save Link. It would be a nice twist for the player to complete the first one to three dungeon(s) as Link, only for Ganondorf to come out of nowhere and sucker punch him (or offer him a lifetime supply of pots to break if Link follows Ganon).

Or, the excuse for Zelda being the hero is the Link in her timeline is much older and got the Triforce of Wisdom while she is young and received Courage. As an experienced warrior and/or adventurer, he could mentor her Obi-wan style throughout the game. Either way sounds like a good idea for breaking the status quo.


I am a meat popsicle
Oct 24, 2013
rofltehcat said:
Garrus? There could be a "Citadel Noire" game (like LA Noire) in which you solve crimes for C-Sec.
I never even thought of this, but it's awesome and I am fully in favor of it. Especially if I get to slap the Ambassadors around from time to time.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Silentpony said:
No Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite? A time-traveling magical girl with a grudge against her dad?! Seriously?!
Some would argue that Bioshock Infinite was Elizabeth's game, and that the guy you play (who's name escapes me), is just the person by which you see it. If you mean "I get to control her directly" then yeah sure, but if you mean "the story is centered around this character" then BI was very much an Elizabeth game in my opinion.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
To show some Black Isle love, I'd also nominate Morte from "Planescape: Torment", and Minsc from the "Baldur's Gate" games (with Boo, the miniature giant space hamster, of course).


New member
Jul 13, 2010
Happyninja42 said:
Silentpony said:
No Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite? A time-traveling magical girl with a grudge against her dad?! Seriously?!
Some would argue that Bioshock Infinite was Elizabeth's game, and that the guy you play (who's name escapes me), is just the person by which you see it. If you mean "I get to control her directly" then yeah sure, but if you mean "the story is centered around this character" then BI was very much an Elizabeth game in my opinion.
In the Bioshock Infinite DLC, Burial At Sea - Episode Two, you do play as Elizabeth. It's probably not what you're expecting, but the story becomes shocking to say the least.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Happyninja42 said:
Silentpony said:
Some would argue that Bioshock Infinite was Elizabeth's game, and that the guy you play (who's name escapes me), is just the person by which you see it. If you mean "I get to control her directly" then yeah sure, but if you mean "the story is centered around this character" then BI was very much an Elizabeth game in my opinion.
I guess. Don't get me wrong, I agree. She was the star. Hands down, no contest. Booker was the vessel through which we watched her. But I'd love a full game with her. Delve deep into her mental state, because lets face it, that girl is crazier than a bag of cats.

TheMann said:
In the Bioshock Infinite DLC, Burial At Sea - Episode Two, you do play as Elizabeth. It's probably not what you're expecting, but the story becomes shocking to say the least.
Agreed. It was a fantastic, if shocking, little piece of DLC. Burial at Sea ep1-2 are probably my favorite DLCs ever. Having said that, the gameplay of Ep2 was very hit/miss, trial/error that could have used a little tightening. And I'd just love a full length game with her. Like what was that terrible Noir game that was really just a spunkgargglewee in a trench coat? LA Noir? I think that's right. Take the premise of that game, make Elizabeth the lead, and have her solve interdimential crimes with the Luteces. Maybe throw in a cocky detective for the romantic interest, and have her secretly be hunting down another Comstock. That would be great!


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
TheMann said:
Happyninja42 said:
Silentpony said:
In the Bioshock Infinite DLC, Burial At Sea - Episode Two, you do play as Elizabeth. It's probably not what you're expecting, but the story becomes shocking to say the least.
Ah, didn't know that, never played the DLC as I didn't like Infinite very much. xD

Silentpony said:
Happyninja42 said:
Silentpony said:
I guess. Don't get me wrong, I agree. She was the star. Hands down, no contest. Booker was the vessel through which we watched her. But I'd love a full game with her. Delve deep into her mental state, because lets face it, that girl is crazier than a bag of cats.
Yeah I get that, and it would make a good story probably. Not sure how they would handle her powers though in a way that wasn't game breaking. I mean, when you can open portals to alternate dimensions with tornados taking place to rid yourself of your enemies, there's not a lot of room for power progression in a video game. xD She's already basically playing in God Mode.


New member
Mar 8, 2012
Aren't the C&C games of the tiberium continuity already about Kane? He is the one constant character, the one moving the plot forward and the one who ultimately "wins" at the end.


New member
Nov 2, 2011
I don't really agree at all with this list..

I would try to think up some of my own opinions but it's way too late here, gimmie some slack. :p

Edit: Just thought of some after all, the Piltover enforcers from League of Legends (Vi and Caitlyn).

I enjoy League for the characters, but I enjoy Dota2 for the mechanics, so no flame war, nyaah!

Dr. Thrax

New member
Dec 5, 2011
GabeZhul said:
Aren't the C&C games of the tiberium continuity already about Kane? He is the one constant character, the one moving the plot forward and the one who ultimately "wins" at the end.
Eeeehhh, yes and no?
You never truly confront Kane himself, everyone you face is some nameless commander loyal to him.
He is the main antagonist of the series (Although this does get weird during the CABAL incident and the Scrin Invasion), but it's just his hordes of followers we face.
However, he's still the largest unknown variable throughout the series.
Who exactly is he?
What is he?
How do the Scrin know of him?
How does he know the Scrin?
How does he have such comprehensive knowledge of Tiberium?
What exactly are his motives?
Throughout the series we hear him speak of "ascension", and it's not really known where they've gone.
Kane has "ascended" through the completed Threshold, but I thought that it was already known that it would lead straight to the Scrin Ichor Hub, where all collected Tiberium is sent. This would mean that he's now on Scrin territory, hostile territory.
Also not to mention that since the Scrin have been absent despite a (Supposedly) incoming invasion fleet, what the fuck happened to them?