Clouds of Sils Maria - Mellow, Smart and Compelling


Elite Member
Oct 27, 2009
Clouds of Sils Maria - Mellow, Smart and Compelling

Clouds of Sils Maria sees Juliette Binoche and Kristen Stewart go up into the mountains to rehearse a play. And it's fascinating.

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Sigmund Av Volsung

Hella noided
Dec 11, 2009
Birdman but better and Kristen Stewart can act?

What is this black magic?

I must see it immediately!

OP: Good review, though I get the feeling that you were restraining yourself a little bit. This seems like one of those movies that you really want to dive into during the after-cinema glow that you get.

That was Cloud Atlas for me. If this hits that same sort of feeling(though obviously not on the same scale), I can see myself thoroughly enjoying this.


Leaf on the wind
Feb 20, 2011
I do hope that, over the course of her career, Stewart gets to be remembered for something on the same scale of exposure as Twilight, only, y'know, good. Yes, she sucked in it, but even the best actors or actresses are going to suck when they have to work with a shitty screenplay, adapted from shitty source material, and with shitty direction. As someone who's passionate about performance myself, I can hardly blame her (along with the rest of the cast) for completely phoning it in and looking like they'd rather be in anything else than those movies, but for many of them it was their big break, and nobody, no matter how talented, can afford to turn down the first opportunity like that you get, or you're never going to get a second one.

Shame the same cannot be said for Robert Pattinson. He sucks in otherwise good movies as well.


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
Is one of Stewart's great performances also include her role in Catch That Kid?

Other than that, I can't wait to see this movie in the future... Probably double-feature it with Birdman while I'm at it...

Alpha Maeko

Uh oh, better get Maeko!
Apr 14, 2010
Need to win an award for being pretentious, mysterious, sophisticated and deeeeeeeeep? Come right on down to!

We've got all the goodies that'll make people twitch with confusion after trying to understand what the hell your movie is!

Here's two randomly generated names just for kicks, on the house: Precipitation of Vundalgren, Cadence before Paltry.

Expect many more, once you've subscribed!


Also, Kristen Stewart outside of Twilight? This could be interesting. But I probably won't be seeing it as I avoid 'award winning festival-bate drama' at all costs.


Neloth's got swag.
Aug 22, 2011
Alpha Maeko said:
Need to win an award for being pretentious, mysterious, sophisticated and deeeeeeeeep? Come right on down to!

We've got all the goodies that'll make people twitch with confusion after trying to understand what the hell your movie is!

Here's two randomly generated names just for kicks, on the house: Precipitation of Vundalgren, Cadence before Paltry.

Expect many more, once you've subscribed!


Also, Kristen Stewart outside of Twilight? This could be interesting. But I probably won't be seeing it as I avoid 'award winning festival-bate drama' at all costs.
Fair enough, but I'd mention that the movie's title is actually relevant. I understand that this is the kind of cinema that won't please everyone, but if it stands as a decent vector for Stewart's actual talent when freed from crappy directors and horrible screenplays, then I'm all for it.

A lot of moviegoers like to assume that *everything* in Twilight sucked. Actually, the actors were exactly on-point fairly often; it's just that the characters they played had no redeeming value whatsoever. If anything, the recent spate of adapted Young Adult weepies or Hollywood PG Softcore Quasi-Erotica stands as a clear example of great talent being stuck with piss-poor direction and scriptwriting.

Not that there's any way to salvage anything Stephanie Meyer or E.L. James would ever write, though. Their works are irredeemable.

As far as Sils Maria goes, though? Great actors, great script, on-point directorial skills - it just won't be your cup of tea if you're more into flicks where you can turn your brain off and have a blast for two hours.