Tigerlily Warrior said:
This is so AWESOME. I went from "WTF?" to "Holy Sh*t, is this really happening? How many of these gamers out there? How many worlds is this bleeding over to? And what does the doctor have to do with it?" So many questions...... I'm pumped!!
Thank youuuu! We're officially two (or max three if I can't fit all that I want to into the next one) from a big set of answers about the nature of this very universe... So I hope they'll be interesting, and stuff.
Caramel Frappe said:
I pretty much laughed at how accurate the Sims ordeal was. Impress a date with the most ridiculous interactions possible. Nice comic, and still interesting as always.
Thank you, Caramel Frappe! As always.
snekadid said:
And this is why you harvest those little shits when ever possible.
Well, I haven't before, but after putting out the last two episodes, I just might on my next BioShock play.
And Man said:
A Rick Astley song into jazz hands is the surefire way to seal the deal.
FPLOON said:
Damn... No one can withstand the "Juggling Rick Ashley's Jazz Hands" routine... It's too hypnotic...
That's what they taught us at the School of SEXY.
Redlin5 said:
Little Sisters! Little Sisters everywhere! D:
Also there's a usergroup about this comic now right here [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/groups/view/Game-On-Hardcore] as indicated by [user]koobismo[/user] up at the top of the page. Join if you want to get notifications about new comics so you don't miss a single page!
This man knows what's up. This man is your friend!
Skatologist said:
Huh, well this comic is taking some interesting turns apparently. Shame it's only updated once a week considering I'd think it might work much better as wholly completed work one day.
Probably, yeah. But do check it out each week, or I'll get my ass cancelled.
Skatologist said:
There are so many questions I can ask right now, but I think I'll just go with A)how the hell do you become professional in that line of work? and B) how do you fail miserably at it?
The answer to both questions is "mesmerizingly!"
koobismo said:
Oh, so not only do you have a usergroup devoted to your work on this site, you're a member and you're promoting it through your OP on a strip? Maybe you'll get an entire month dedicated to one of your characters one day too.
I'll join your little group, but I swear if it becomes bigger or more active than mine for Grey and Cory's work I won't be beyond petty squabbling with Redlin5 over which group is better.
That's some collusive shit going on there, isn't it! I doubt I'll ever get to lick Grey and Cory's shoe soles, but, I mean, be aware, I might not have become a professional lobster trainer, but I am most definitely a professional squabbler.
Guffe said:
That was one of the most random things I've read in a while... in a good way.
I wonder what the code sais under the black and white town picture with blood running down. Anyone?
I have made a pledge to not post the codes myself, I'm afraid.
Also, glad it's in a good way. One of my initial assumptions was to make it different, weird, trippy, and I'm sometimes wondering whether I'm overdoing that a bit.