Just Make A Game That Pisses People Off

Aaron Williams

New member
Mar 22, 2011
Just Make A Game That Pisses People Off

Want to get donations for your game? Just make a game that pisses people off.

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Oct 28, 2013
That's not terribly evil for Greenlight. In fact, I think people might pat you on the back in a bar for that.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Or, make a comic that's 90% words, 10% B^U. Just because an idea is fun doesn't mean it's funny. You have to make it funny.


New member
Oct 5, 2014
Eh, I think you might be missing the mark a bit here, by jumping into conclusions about the people who end up supporting those games. That is, if you define their "awfulness" as supporting the supposed values exhibited by the games, which I take to be what you are implying. Though of course I may be mistaken in that interpretation.

See, what I'm seeing is people practically bemoaning feeling duty bound to defend even obvious exploitation trash because they feel the culture is beset to a threatening degree by pathologically intolerant "offendatrons", and that making a stand against the perceived "suppression" of any "content" whatsoever is necessary to keep from slipping down a slope into acceptance of de facto censorship. Surely a principled stance that doesn't merit as curt a dismissal as essential "awfulness" on their part. Of course, the drawback of refusing to make any value judgments as to whether there is a good faith attempt to produce anything of merit behind such creations leaves these people wide open to the manipulations of trolls and baiters of various hues.

Really what we are seeing with this phenomenon is the unfortunate fallout of a "culture war" climate, in which certain parties are seen to be attempting to assert control of what is "acceptable" in "gaming culture" on authority that is widely perceived as sorely lacking legitimacy. A backlash to an overreach, in simple terms, and not a symptom of widespread "awfulness".

Oh, and exposing People of Ginger to skin cancer sounds plenty evil to me.


New member
Nov 2, 2007
Vegans don't want to eat honey? I never knew. I mean, it's basically nectar with bee spit on it, right? You don't even need to imprison any animals as you would for milk, just provide an accessible shelter for the bees, flowers and blooming trees in the nearby area and sugar water to replace the honey you take and stuff. Or is it the principle of benefiting from the bees' work in itself that would be appalling to a vegan? How about wine, are vegans opposed to wine, because it abuses the yeast?


New member
Aug 5, 2009
Choosing the Dark Side is not like picking between Coke or Pepsi.

The Dark Side has cookies.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
Very true, but not just for green light. Just look at Sarkeesian and her videos. In fact, all you really need is a patreon and twitter account, The more people you can get to 'harass' you the more money you make.


Hat Man
Jul 8, 2011
San Diego, CA
Skeleon said:
How about wine, are vegans opposed to wine, because it abuses the yeast?
Yeast are fungi, so not really an issue. Don't let them know about skin mites, though, they might stop showering.


New member
Nov 2, 2007
Pyrian said:
Yeast are fungi, so not really an issue.
So they are kingdomists, is that it? All the rights to the animals, no matter how lacking in sentience they may be, but none to the other kingdoms.

I get animal welfare, I really do - or at least I think I do - and I'm very concerned about it myself, especially when it comes to animals we use for food; but my concerns are usually reserved for creatures that I view as actually capable of suffering in a meaningful way. Not to mention that I disagree with the notion that the bees in honey production are abused. After all, the beekeepers want their colonies to thrive and therefore usually only take a part of the honey they produced, while replacing it with other consumables for the bees to use instead. One could argue that this is a symbiotic setup, with humans providing shelter, plenty of flowers nearby, protecting from frost, storms, forest fires etc.; of course, one could also make that argument with regards to other animals we use for food (how much success would a milk cow have in the wild, really), although I'd argue that those situations involve beings way more capable of suffering under the provided conditions.
Mar 30, 2010
Skeleon said:
How about wine, are vegans opposed to wine, because it abuses the yeast?
Actually the reason most vegans are opposed to wine is that most wines use animal products in the filtering process. Isinglass (swim bladders) and chitosan (crustacean shells) are commonly used for this purpose. This is the true reason why most wines make excellent accompaniments to fish dishes.


New member
Apr 4, 2010
Skeleon said:
Pyrian said:
Yeast are fungi, so not really an issue.
So they are kingdomists, is that it? All the rights to the animals, no matter how lacking in sentience they may be, but none to the other kingdoms.

I get animal welfare, I really do - or at least I think I do - and I'm very concerned about it myself, especially when it comes to animals we use for food; but my concerns are usually reserved for creatures that I view as actually capable of suffering in a meaningful way. Not to mention that I disagree with the notion that the bees in honey production are abused. After all, the beekeepers want their colonies to thrive and therefore usually only take a part of the honey they produced, while replacing it with other consumables for the bees to use instead. One could argue that this is a symbiotic setup, with humans providing shelter, plenty of flowers nearby, protecting from frost, storms, forest fires etc.; of course, one could also make that argument with regards to other animals we use for food (how much success would a milk cow have in the wild, really), although I'd argue that those situations involve beings way more capable of suffering under the provided conditions.
I think I can shed some background on this. Arguments against eating honey I've read/heard include things like...
- many beekeepers actually kill off large numbers to "cull the herd" in order to reduce honey consumption by the hive that produced it. Sometimes torching hives is involved after honey is taken.
- rip the wings off the queen to ensure she doesn't fly off with the hive
- beekeepers can take too much of the food supply which feeds the larvae
- or just how honey is bee vomit and they don't want anything that comes out of a living sentient being because of the prospect of exploitation

So things like that are what influence some people.

I'll admit I started following a vegan diet about two years ago and am happy with it so far. I'll bring it up in conversation but don't care to preach, understand that societal norms are what they are, and think PETA's rabidness is usually a turn off. The market is likely a ton better than whatever vegetarians et al had a decade plus ago, so that's been nice.

Honey overall is a gray area to me and I'd likely get honey from a friend of mine whose starting amateur beekeeping since i know he's not going to go borderline genocidal on them. Like any subculture, opinions on the details are going to vary.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
No matter how offensive a game is, there is always someone in the Internet who'll support it (even if they won't even play it). I really wouldn't lose any sleep if those people get ripped off by the games they defend. On the other side, this could be a good opportunity to fund a better version of Corruption of Champions...

PS: Forgot the obligatory "too many words" complain.


New member
Nov 7, 2006
008Zulu said:
Or, you could just hire Peter Molyneux.
After his last 2 failures (one that actually failed, one that failed to deliver), why would anyone throw 2cents his way?


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
albino boo said:
For some unknown reason this jolly number sprang into my head
I prefer the modern version (it reminds me how there is always people who go "you don't get it. This is satire!").