Florida Judge OKs Bully Release

Adam LaMosca

New member
Aug 7, 2006
Florida Judge OKs Bully Release

After a closed-door preview of Rockstar's Bully, a Florida judge states that the game is not a "public nuisance" and declines to prevent its release.

In a brief court appearance last Friday, Judge Ronald Friedman of the Miami-Dade County Circuit Court declined to restrict sales of Bully, which is due to hit store shelves this Tuesday. The restrictions were sought by Florida attorney and games regulation activist Jack Thompson, who had filed a lawsuit alleging that the game violated state "public nuisance" statutes and would provoke youth violence.

Judge Friedman's decision was made after spending about two hours examining Bully with a Rockstar representative in an unprecedented preview [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/newsroom/view/65447] he ordered last week. The judge did not issue a formal ruling on the allegations of Thompson's lawsuit, but said he would consider the matter in a later hearing if Thompson wished. Thompson has since indicated that he will not revisit the issue.

Regarding the details of the game's content, the judge said, "I?m not going to let the cat out of the bag" but commented, "There?s a lot of violence. A whole lot. Less than we see on television every night. Does that mean I would want my children to view it? No. But does it rise to a point that it's a nuisance? The answer is no from what I saw."

Immediately following the decision, Thompson asked Florida's Third District to compel production of Bully and grant him a "real hearing" on the matter. His petition was denied. Thompson also asked Judge Friedman to compel Rockstar to provide him a copy of the game. The Judge granted the request, but specified that Thompson wouldn't get the game until after its retail release. Finally, Thompson issued an angry public letter denouncing the Judge and his decisions. GamePolitics has the letter [http://www.gamepolitics.com/images/legal/FL-letter-to-judge.doc] in its entirety.

Sources: Miami Herald [http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/business/technology/15756118.htm], GamePolitics [http://gamepolitics.com/2006/10/13/bully-case-document-dump/]



New member
Sep 5, 2006
Why can't a guy as driven as Thompson spend his energy on actually fighting violence where it really matters? How about establishing a gun safety action group or support intervention services in schools that actually stop real bullying. He certainly seems motivated and passionate enough to affect change. It is to bad all the effort he puts in to banning videogames, succesful or not, will do nothing to protect kids from violence.

I suppose championing real world solutions that actually work do not bring someone as much press. Videogames are the new boogeyman apparently. When I was a kid it was Heavy Metal.


New member
Jul 13, 2006
I found a grammatical error in Jack's letter...

"You broke every promise made me."

Jack got good grammar! Jack smash videogames! Rrrrraaaawwwwrrrr! ;-)


New member
Jul 14, 2006
Anyone else get the feeling that there is someone else behind Jack Thompson funding him to be such a tool? The things he does are just so blatently stupid that I can't help but think he's nothing but a paid puppet.

edit - I don't mean to be a conspiracy theorist here, but this sort of thing happens ALL THE TIME. Especially in politics.