It's really not easy the first time you play it. I think you need to throw those goggles back on, because I put all my friends through it, and if it wasn't for some guides they would have fucked themselves and might've not bothered finishing it. In fact, a lot of people who start it have difficulty noticing any clues and adapting to the bosses.
I literally face palmed reading this article. No one is going to find these short cuts easy or even adapt properly when they first play. There are no arrows to point it out to you, and most people don't think like that. Also, the whole reason you can actually find a way to pass certain obstacles is for replay-ablilty. At the end it counts the time you took to beat it, so it encourages you to find different paths (and that is a challenge). And even then, none of my friends could effectively deviate from the original path, especially not dying while trying.
Super Metroid does have all the challenge of exploring, experiencing, discovering, and remembering *smack*. The remembering part would have been harder in the previous Metroids, so I'd give you that, but it's a "whoopti doo" from me. I could imagine many people would get absolutely sick of it if they couldn't find where they were in it's big ass map. Actually, that's the reason some people I knew couldn't be stuffed with the original Metroid, including the rewards weren't worth it.
Also, I agree with the Mother Brain (I think most do), but this has been said a thousand times before, especially from me on this very site. It's not the worst thing though. It was still fascinating the first time you see it, and it has the excellent execution of feeling big each time, but I would've preferred a proper challenge all the same.
Your simple points are a load of fluff though. I bet you didn't do so well the first time. I'd put all my money on it.