278: Doing the CrowdWave

Robert Janelle

New member
Aug 4, 2008
Doing the CrowdWave

Kinect, Move, and the Wii may be impressive on a small scale, but CrowdWave turns an entire stadium full of sports fans into a motion controller.

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Kid makes a post...
Jun 1, 2009
This is the sort of thing that would get me into sport.

Wait, no. I hate 99% of sport. Bleh.

Still a nifty idea.


New member
Feb 8, 2010
Oh my goodness. This sounds amazing! I'm from Philly, and I was raised as a rabid sports fan. I'm also a huge fan of video games, so this sounds like the best of both worlds! I wonder if it only works in enclosed venues, like basketball and hockey stadiums, or if open-air stadiums would work, too. I can see football (American or international) really getting into this! Crowd sections tend to bond, and having them work together would cement that. I see CrowdWave being the future of halftime and between-period entertainment, instead of watching someone try to shoot a basket from farther and farther away or suchlike.


New member
Sep 17, 2008
This sounds similar to something I saw/used back in 2008 when I visited Epcot centre in Walt Disney World Florida. It was part of the ride queue for "Soarin'", basically the people in the que were devided into 2 sections, the left and right in front of 2 huge screens, and a few different games were played, some which just seemed random, like having everyone on screen try to pop as many "bubbles" as they could, hopefully more than the other team, to more synced games, where each group of people were given "control" over a giant bird, and with synced movements I.E the whole crowd leaning left/right/up/down guided the bird through a series of obsticles to reach the end before the other teams, it was crazy fun but only if the other people you were queue-ing with were willing to play along.

I dont think it was nearly as sophisticated as this though, at least from what they say, and this does sound really cool its just a shame I'll probably never get a chance to use it, being in england I dont see this being implimented at wimbledon some how, cant see the queen in her royal box getting up and dancing with the rest of (what was once) Henman Hill XP


Constructive Critic
Mar 11, 2010
This sounds awesome. A whole arena of sports fans tricked into willingly playing a video game. The industry is looking bright.

Although, how exactly does this fit in with "The Industry's Seedy Underbelly?"


New member
Oct 10, 2010
ClanCrusher said:
This sounds awesome. A whole arena of sports fans tricked into willingly playing a video game. The industry is looking bright.

Although, how exactly does this fit in with "The Industry's Seedy Underbelly?"
Good question. dont know either

I really like the idea unnernda pointed out on the transition from crowds passively watching some half-time show to actively participating in a game. Fun times. Can't wait to see what ideas emerge for applying the CrowdWave tech as more and more venues try it out.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2009
Dragon-Byte said:
I'm so happy! A local story!
I loved having a story about my hometown!
My thoughts EXACTLY!

OT: THAT'S some seriously cool tech right there!

Isaac The Grape

New member
Apr 27, 2010
This reminds me of the SIARPC event at the Sidney Top Gear Live show that I went to.