So, i'm in the minority then when i say: Not impressed with anything.
Jeah, Fallout 4 is nice but outside of that? Mainly it's the old "let's milk our franchises until they're dead and a little bit beyond that"-Shtick.
EA announcments: I'd like to see how Mirrors Edge turns out, the last one was intriguing but EA turning an interessting game into a franchise usually spells disaster.
Can't be bothered with ME4, that's not EA's fault though rather than myself + the internet. The huge shitstorm about ME3 started before i even could pick up the game. I had a lot of stuff spoiled for me and due to the "bad ending" drama my motivation to play it reached 0. Which is sad because ME1+2 were my most beloved franchise in a long time. I played through both of these about 6-8 times and to this day i didn't even buy ME3.
And i want to see SW:Battlefornt once it hits the shelves. Trailers are make-believe.
Ubisoft: Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six and AC #90812361. Just, ugh. But yay for South Park. Stick of Truth was great and i love me some SP. I just know already that we'll get these SP-RPG's every year now, if this one is succsesful too.
Microsoft: Only console stuff. I'm not their target audience.
Sony: They made so many horrible FF's in the past that they have to re-hash their best one. Desperation, great. Alot of franchise-milking goin' on here too but at least Horizon/Last Guardian can be something.
And then as mentioned: Fallout 4 and Dishonored 2, which i admit i'm thrilled to see how they pan out, but i just can't get the enthusiams for the E3 many other people apparently have.
Maybe i've been burnt to often by the false promises of these events and by the AAA-industry in general. I mean, Watchdogs looked really nice too until i bought it...
I've a strange feeling about Dishonored + Mirrors Edge for example. I liked both games but now that they're turned into sequels i can already picture them being a horrible mess trying to appeal to the usual "common denominator" and "a wider audience". Urgh.