8 Games that Got Terrible PC Ports


I am a meat popsicle
Oct 24, 2013
8 Games that Got Terrible PC Ports

It's always good to get more games on the PC, but when the ports are done as poorly as these eight, we might be better off passing.

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Albino Boo

New member
Jun 14, 2010
I was alright with Borderlands. To me the UI was nostalgic for days before mouse support became the norm on games.


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
Is it too late to include the PC version of Toukiden: Kiwari?

The game speed is tied to frame rate, and playing on a G-sync monitor causes the game to ignore the 30FPS cap, thus causing the game to run up to 4x faster. And hub areas run at a lower framerate.

And its a port of the PSV version, meaning the texture quality is awful.

And theres apparently a myriad of actions that cause the game to crash.

...to say nothing about it being a Monster Hunter for casuals.


New member
Dec 5, 2008

Beautiful game; painfully awful menu system if you're using a mouse on unmodded menus.


Why does this place still exist
Aug 1, 2010
gigastar said:
Is it too late to include the PC version of Toukiden: Kiwari?

The game speed is tied to frame rate, and playing on a G-sync monitor causes the game to ignore the 30FPS cap, thus causing the game to run up to 4x faster. And hub areas run at a lower framerate.

And its a port of the PSV version, meaning the texture quality is awful.

And theres apparently a myriad of actions that cause the game to crash.

...to say nothing about it being a Monster Hunter for casuals.
I'm glad TotalBiscuit called out Koei's bullshit ports, it was a long time coming.

OT: PC Gaming Wiki is a great resource for checking things like this, I try and check it before I buy a game, particulary AAA one's.

Steve the Pocket

New member
Mar 30, 2009
I like how the article ends with "Tell us about it in the comments!" when Gallery of the Day has no link to the forum thread, and to my knowledge never has. Seriously, for what was once one of the most competently-designed and coded gaming sites out there, things have gotten pretty sad.

The worst port in history has to be Prototype. If you have a CPU with hyperthreading - so, literally any Core i3 or i7, and probably quite a few AMD chips - you cannot launch the game. Period. You have to actually go into the BIOS and disable hyperthreading entirely, which basically turns your CPU into a Core 2 Duo or an i5, respectively. And this isn't something you can toggle on and off at will; you have to cold reboot your system to access this setting.

Other candidates if the list were longer:

BioShock 2, which used 100% of the CPU every second it was running, suffered from texture pop-in on lower-end GPUs, had unreliable peer-to-peer multiplayer that dropped everyone if anyone's connection blipped for even a nanosecond, shoved multiplayer into a separate executable despite not being shipped separately, had no gamepad support, had no equivalent to the console version's radial menus (at least the original had that ugly full-screen weapons-and-plasmids menu), and trying to rebind any keys used in the hacking minigame would make hacking not work. Other than adding gamepad support and fixing the key bindings, none of the above issues were ever fixed, and in fact some patches introduced even more issues like Litte Sisters who didn't talk anymore. What's really damning is that the game ran on the exact same engine as the first game, which had literally none of these issues.

Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing, which is a racing game with no gamepad support whatsoever. I can't even. Other Sega games eventually patched in support for the 360 pad, but this one never did.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
What?! How dare anyone suggest that anything regarding the glorious race is anything less than glorious. PCs are super expensive, therefore they're great!
Every PC port is better than EVERY SINGLE CONSOLE GAME. Ever ever.
Otherwise we'd look really stupid buying a $2000 rig to play games only to learn that the games themselves dictate graphics, not the rig and we could have just gotten a console for cheaper and run the games equally good because the graphics are locked.


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
I love how most of these include "the controls for mouse and keyboard were awful." As a console peasant, I take what I can get...by the by, how is the PC Master Race enjoying Arkham Knight?

*runs out of the room dodging a thrown GPU*


New member
Feb 11, 2010
Callate said:

Beautiful game; painfully awful menu system if you're using a mouse on unmodded menus.
Skyrim doesn't belong because it wasn't even ported to console well.

Silentpony said:
Also I spent like 700 bucks on my rig and run everything fine. Why you gotta be so salty?


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
You forgot that borderlands also had connection issues with the multi when it launched on the pc, it would be a few months before they managed to get that patched and make it actually easy to play online.


New member
Dec 13, 2013
Callate said:

Beautiful game; painfully awful menu system if you're using a mouse on unmodded menus.
Skyrim was a PC game ported to consoles. Bethesda knows their largest market for moddable open world games is PC, not console.


New member
Jan 20, 2010
Nergui said:
Callate said:

Beautiful game; painfully awful menu system if you're using a mouse on unmodded menus.
Skyrim was a PC game ported to consoles. Bethesda knows their largest market for moddable open world games is PC, not console.
Have to disagree. Firstly, Skyrim and every console release back to Oblivion sold most on the Xbox 360. Mods or not.

Secondly, Bethesda has favoured consoles since Oblivion. The UI in Vanilla Skyrim is probably its worst feature. Skyrim is also one of the most simplified Western RPGs ever made. From the combat to the way classes handled The Elder Scrolls series has gone the way of Mass Effect and removed its more standard RPG elements more and more with each franchise iteration to translate the games into a good console experience.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
The Saints Row 2 port was back during the days of IDE hard drives, the game required a Sata2 connection to solve the framerate issue. However solving the framerate issue, for me at least, the game made me nauseous.


New member
Feb 28, 2014
You really should have replaced one of the more functional ones here with mother of all bad ports - Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition. I mean...
No graphics options what-so-ever
Poor as hell controls
Graphics worsened compared to PS2
And it doesn't even have a "Quit" button in the menu! It actively EXPECTS you to push Alt+F4 to quit the game!


New member
Aug 23, 2010
I have to say I never really had any issues with Bully or Saints Row 2.

RealRT said:
You really should have replaced one of the more functional ones here with mother of all bad ports - Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition. I mean...
No graphics options what-so-ever
Poor as hell controls
Graphics worsened compared to PS2
And it doesn't even have a "Quit" button in the menu! It actively EXPECTS you to push Alt+F4 to quit the game!
I have that one too... took me forever to find a button that quits the game... thought it turned out to be F10 or F12 or something.
That game is pretty much unplayable without a gamepad and even with one it's hard.


Romanorum Imperator
Jun 20, 2009
The Amazing Spider-Man is another horrible port. When it runs it runs well... but it crashes at least every half hour.


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
erbkaiser said:
The Amazing Spider-Man is another horrible port. When it runs it runs well... but it crashes at least every half hour.
Wait, people actually bought The Amazing Spider-Man?


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Nergui said:
Callate said:

Beautiful game; painfully awful menu system if you're using a mouse on unmodded menus.
Skyrim was a PC game ported to consoles. Bethesda knows their largest market for moddable open world games is PC, not console.
I disagree. Yes, their support for mods is commendable, but the menus clearly fumble with mouse selection, and the proportioning of places like the Mages' Guild and outlying areas was clearly done with the memory limits of consoles of the day in mind.


Romanorum Imperator
Jun 20, 2009
Zontar said:
erbkaiser said:
The Amazing Spider-Man is another horrible port. When it runs it runs well... but it crashes at least every half hour.
Wait, people actually bought The Amazing Spider-Man?
Steam Sale, picked it up along with its sequel. For what it's worth I like the game... except for how horrible it runs. I'm told the sequel (which I also have now) is better, I'll be starting that one once I 100% ASM1. Just got 100 comic pages left to pick up...


New member
Nov 11, 2009
I have never understood people's problems with Dark Souls PC, I've played through the whole game 4 times and never had any issues.
Same with GTA IV, played through it 2 times and no issues.
In both cases GFWL was annoying but bearable, and Dark Souls kicked that in the end.

Can someone explain to me why I constantly see people claiming that Dark Souls is unplayable without DSFix?