8 Cards To Always Pick In Hearthstone Arena


Tank Ninja
Feb 19, 2006
8 Cards To Always Pick In Hearthstone Arena

Cards you should almost never pass up for your Hearthstone Arena deck.

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Senior Member
Dec 2, 2009
I would have tried to include Shattered Sun Cleric in there somewhere, maybe instead of Hungry Dragon, but otherwise it's a solid list.


New member
Apr 13, 2010
Hmm, surprised hungry dragon was in the list. Haven't seen it as a very good card. Though I guess it is listed as "Above Average" by heartharena.

Personally, I'd have gone for boulderfist ogre. That thing's a champ.
Sep 14, 2009
Xeorm said:
Hmm, surprised hungry dragon was in the list. Haven't seen it as a very good card. Though I guess it is listed as "Above Average" by heartharena.

Personally, I'd have gone for boulderfist ogre. That thing's a champ.
yeah..if you make it to later in the game okay, this card is a juggernaut, had an opponent have *3* of these fuckers in his hand, I killed two out of the three but that was after they did a combined 12 damage and the third one finished me off on turn 10 for 18 damage, had no chance.

I'm assuming we are mostly taking about common/rare cards here, and it's a common card but I feel like faerie dragon is always a solid choice, can't be touched by mage early game (one plague of making an arena deck, always have to consider mages hero power/frostbolt) and it'll do 3 damage to any weapon wielding class that gets rid of it in the first turn.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
very "clever" use of huge pictures so the article requires 8 refreshes to get through

article should really be titled "cards to autopick if offered in the first 10" otherwise you could be crushing your curve trying to maximize value, and post gvg curve is more important

1. yeti

Is good but isn't autopick like it used to be, moved far down the list due to the usually superior mech yeti and godly piloted shredder

2. dwarf

Also very good but loses value if you don't have a strong early game to support it, but generally is an autopick

3. shredder

Yeah this one is an autopick, never bad can't have too many, expensive to get rid of

4. zombie chow

Chow is spectacular on turn 1, meh in the midgame, and gamelosingly bad in the lategame/topdeck wars. I wouldn't pick more than 1 unless I was a priest and wouldn't even pick 1 in hunter unless the other options were poo

5. spellbreaker

Silence only goes up in value with each expansion and Spellbreaker is really good but not an autopick. A 4/3 isn't an un-curve play and is like any reactive card that relies on your opponent to make it useful. If your opponent just plays on-curve vanilla minions and removal/weapons spellbreaker sits sadly in your hand until you use it as a crappy trade. But that said spellbreaker is effectively removal for a LOT of problem cards (demolisher, micro machine, ghouls, frothing, etc) that you will rarely regret getting it

6. acidic ooze

Good but far from autopick if you consider that more than half of the time it will be a vanilla 3/2. And a lot of time you are pulling half of charge off of a weapon that already did its job.

7. spectral knight

post gvg spectral knight lost a LOT of value with the introduction of bomb lobber and flamecannon, you can't expect it to stick nearly as well as it did the naxx era. It is still a good card but not autopick by any means, I would rate stranglethorn tiger and even frostwolf warlord higher in the common 5 drop category.

8. hungry dragon

this one doesn't belong on the list, its way too swingy - like so many other cards its really good if you own the board but pretty bad if you don't, the only classes I would give it a high priority is rogue where you can finish the battlecry with a dagger from last turn, hunter where the battlecry is a liability against unleash, or priest where the big body works well to get value out of your hero power


New member
Jan 28, 2012
Why would you go for the spellbreaker over the ironbeak owl?
Is spending less mana on shitty stats and a cheaper silence you can play earlier not better?

(whitty name here)

New member
Apr 20, 2009
loa said:
Why would you go for the spellbreaker over the ironbeak owl?
Is spending less mana on shitty stats and a cheaper silence you can play earlier not better?
It can be, but you also have to take the mana curve into consideration. Let's look at shredder since it will be a card you're almost guaranteed to come across. They play it on 4, and then you get to take your 4. You can spellbreaker and efficiently use all your mana, or use owl and possibly have to hero ability just so you don't "waste" your extra 2. You would also need to consider that on turn 5, the shredder can still kill your owl and survive, or quite possibly just kill it with hero power since it really isn't that difficult to do 1 damage.

Now the owl can also be better in certain situations too. Since it's only 2 mana, on turn 10 you might be able to do a little more work while taking out some annoying minion on the board, whereas it's more difficult to do so because you spent 4 on spellbreaker.

It's all situational really, for the most part, you'll never really have to choose between them in a pick, and when either one pops up, your draft decision will probably be based off of whether or not you already have a silence.


New member
Jan 28, 2012
(whitty name here) said:
loa said:
Why would you go for the spellbreaker over the ironbeak owl?
Is spending less mana on shitty stats and a cheaper silence you can play earlier not better?
It can be, but you also have to take the mana curve into consideration. Let's look at shredder since it will be a card you're almost guaranteed to come across. They play it on 4, and then you get to take your 4. You can spellbreaker and efficiently use all your mana, or use owl and possibly have to hero ability just so you don't "waste" your extra 2. You would also need to consider that on turn 5, the shredder can still kill your owl and survive, or quite possibly just kill it with hero power since it really isn't that difficult to do 1 damage.

Now the owl can also be better in certain situations too. Since it's only 2 mana, on turn 10 you might be able to do a little more work while taking out some annoying minion on the board, whereas it's more difficult to do so because you spent 4 on spellbreaker.

It's all situational really, for the most part, you'll never really have to choose between them in a pick, and when either one pops up, your draft decision will probably be based off of whether or not you already have a silence.
When I was little I was molested by a turn 3 10/10 priest healing chalice so I may be biased towards removal with the lowers possible cost.

Also using the hero power if you can get away with using it instead of playing a card is a good thing.
You don't really want to play every card you can play and throw your entire hand into the face of the enemy, that's what mr flamestrike once taught me.