ZombiU Port Confirmed for PC, PS4, and Xbox One

Conrad Zimmerman

New member
Dec 24, 2013
ZombiU Port Confirmed for PC, PS4, and Xbox One

Shambling to new platforms next month.

Ubisoft has confirmed that their survival horror title, ZombiU, will be releasing on new platforms next month. First released as a launch exclusive for the Wii U, the game will see new (un)life as a digital-only title on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One as Zombi. A trailer announcing the upcoming ports has been released.

Rumors surrounding the existence of Zombi circulated in late June, when the Australian Classification Board published a rating for the title [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/141288-ZombiU-Xbox-One-Edition-Spotted] on Xbox One.

The new versions have been enhanced with improved graphics, taking advantage of the greater processing capability of the platforms it's now bound for. Absent from the ports is the original game's local multiplayer modes, which made integral use of the Wii U Gamepad.


Zombi will be released on August 18, available digitally from uPlay, PlayStation Store, and the Xbox Marketplace.



New member
May 14, 2012
Finally, it's playable decently.

And I distinctly remember how the developers claimed that the game wouldn't be possible on any other system due the way things like searching in containers ect works (basically all the stuff that required the WiiU Controller). Guess it wasn't as impossible as they claimed - they probably remembered that transparent UI exists.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2008
Yes! Finally! I remember trying to play the original game for the brief period that my brother had a WiiU and the most prominent thought that kept running through my mind was "This game is cool and everything, but holy hell do I wish I could be playing with a controller that wasn't made by ogres, for orgres.

Seriously, that bulky piece of shit that is the WiiU tablet controller curtailed my enjoyment of the game considerably, being able to enjoy it with a controller meant for human hands ought to be a treat.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
I have been wanting this, it matters not if Ubisoft are only doing this for their nefarious needs...it is a necessary evil and an evil I am totes totally going to to embrace. With my wallet. And time. Maybe tongue too.
That music track shall be sought and added to the playlist of creepy nursery rhyme covers.

Blazing Hero

New member
Feb 20, 2015
Digital only? BOOOooooo!

C'mon am I gonna have to import a disk from asia like I had to do with Resident Evil HD... =(


Romanorum Imperator
Jun 20, 2009
Abandon ship!

The third party "exclusives" are escaping the sinking SS Nintendo fast.

I might pick this up, it did look interesting.


Noble and oppressed Kekistani
Nov 8, 2010
Well, now we're back down to the WiiU having exactly one game that's actually worth a damn (that being Bayonetta 2) with a second possibly being Devil's Third...though that's about 50/50 on whether or not it'll actually be good.


Your sinner, in secret
Jun 24, 2013
Shame about the local multiplayer, it's quite a bit of fun from what little I've played of it.

But HELL YES. I can't wait, I hope it sells enough to warrant them making a sequel for it, we can't let this gem die unpolished.

Post Tenebrae Morte

New member
Jun 6, 2011
Great game, glad to see that others will get to experience it. Remember, one bite and your dead, so proceed with caution.
I have the game on my wii u and it was a wonderful experience, I felt the tablet Integration helped to immerse the players within the game. Not to mention, the constant map was helpful and sorting the inventory on the tablet while the game continued added urgency, though I feel the port may be hindered by that since it'll likely take up the entire screen and not let people see possible threats.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
Good. I got a WiiU and wanted to play this game, but the second I saw how the controls worked with the WiiU controller, I was like, "no way". But now I'll play it on the PC.

The trailer though... I love how it found the handful of good reviews and ignored the large number of bad reviews. A bit misleading, but what can you expect from Ubishit.


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
Nice my PS4 has a new game heading to it 😊
Any word on weather the Vita can be used like the Wii U gamepad?


New member
Sep 6, 2009
Blazing Hero said:
Digital only? BOOOooooo!

C'mon am I gonna have to import a disk from asia like I had to do with Resident Evil HD... =(
And install uPlay. My excitement got the better of me for this release.


The shadow remains cast!
Apr 27, 2011
I see they conveniently avoid showing how they get around the inventory management.

Frankly, this looks like a cynical cash grab to me. And I highly doubt it will be a big seller. But we shall see.


New member
Jun 2, 2011
Of course, it won't sell well, being a port of a game most people lost interest in ages ago, but it certainly was a great gem on the WiiU. The atmosphere is pretty damn great, and it's ideas weren't terrible. The FOV was sickening to me, and the controls did feel a bit too stiff and unresponsive, but hopefully some of those issues will be fixed with the port.

Best part, this also smells of sequel. Unfortunately, this is Ubisoft, so the smell is slowly starting to have a hint of shit in it.

A bit of a shame about the multiplayer though. I remember having quite a few hours of fun tormenting my friends by sending hordes of zombies after them as I watched them on the TV.


Elder Dragon
Jan 6, 2013
Such a horribly underrated game. Glad to see more people will have the chance to play a survival horror game that is ACTUAL survival horror.


New member
Jul 12, 2009
RicoADF said:
Nice my PS4 has a new game heading to it 😊
Any word on weather the Vita can be used like the Wii U gamepad?
Oooh, that would be smart!

On topic:
For all PC/PS4/Xbox1 players out there, you have a great horror-survival-title coming your way.
And this is from someone who hates horrorgames. Loved it on my WiiU and hoping it will finally be a success!


New member
Jul 12, 2009
Baresark said:
Good. I got a WiiU and wanted to play this game, but the second I saw how the controls worked with the WiiU controller, I was like, "no way".
What was wrong with the controllers?

If you think there were motioncontrolls in this game you're, mostly, wrong. The only times when you "motioned" the gamepad in anyway was with turrets, sniping and when opening locks to watch the surroundings, and that was rare. The main thing the gamepads screen was used for was to quickly change inventory and as a minimap.

Or was it the lack of motions that put you of? THAT would be even more rare xD


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2010
Guffe said:
Baresark said:
Good. I got a WiiU and wanted to play this game, but the second I saw how the controls worked with the WiiU controller, I was like, "no way".
What was wrong with the controllers?

If you think there were motioncontrolls in this game you're, mostly, wrong. The only times when you "motioned" the gamepad in anyway was with turrets, sniping and when opening locks to watch the surroundings, and that was rare. The main thing the gamepads screen was used for was to quickly change inventory and as a minimap.

Or was it the lack of motions that put you of? THAT would be even more rare xD
All of that, or maybe he finds the tablet controller to be an ergonomic nightmare to hold and play games with, which, incidentally, is my opinion of the thing.

As for this game, yay zombie's, whoohoo... I feel this would have made a bigger impact a few years ago, what with all the zombie-fatigue going around lately.


New member
Jul 12, 2009
bluegate said:
Guffe said:
Baresark said:
Good. I got a WiiU and wanted to play this game, but the second I saw how the controls worked with the WiiU controller, I was like, "no way".
What was wrong with the controllers?

If you think there were motioncontrolls in this game you're, mostly, wrong. The only times when you "motioned" the gamepad in anyway was with turrets, sniping and when opening locks to watch the surroundings, and that was rare. The main thing the gamepads screen was used for was to quickly change inventory and as a minimap.

Or was it the lack of motions that put you of? THAT would be even more rare xD
All of that, or he finds the tablet controller to be an ergonomic nightmare to hold and play games with, which would be my opinion of the thing.
I must have weird hands then, because I actually find it sort of... good in my hands... which really isn't the most common opinion around, I know.