New Super Venomous Snake Species Obviously Discovered in Australia


New member
Jun 8, 2015
New Super Venomous Snake Species Obviously Discovered in Australia

Researchers in Australia have identified a new species of snake in the Kimberley region. It is extremely venomous, and a member of the death adder family.

Surprising no one, a highly venomous new snake has been found in Australia.

It's called the Kimberley death adder and it can expertly blend into its surroundings. At two feet long and the orange-brown color of the surrounding sand, it waits until a small animal - frogs, lizards, small marsupials, human beings - goes by and then strikes, injecting an extremely toxic chemical into the animal, killing it fairly quickly.

It can be so easy to forget that Australia is so much more than a country strangest [] animals!

Simon Maddock, lead author of the paper describing the snake [], says, "it's not clear how many Kimberley death adders there are in the wild, but they're probably quite rare." So they are very hard to keep track of, but also, don't worry about it!

Adds Maddock: "And given the number of new species found in Kimberley recently - including frogs, lizards and many plants - it's likely to be just one of many currently undescribed snakes in the west of Australia."

That's actually very cool.

Presumably, it is called the "death adder" because when you are in Kimberley, you'll often think to yourself, "this is beautiful, but it's missing something crucial." Well, why not add some death?

Note: yes, I know what an adder actually is. I watched BBC in the 80s!

Source: Sci-News []



Crazy person! Avoid!
Oct 19, 2010
PatrickJS said:
Note: yes, I know what an adder actually is. I watched BBC in the 80s!
No, that's Blackadder.
You would not find a reptilian Rowan Atkinson in the Australian outback.


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
So yet another deadly animal that lives in Australia? ...I'm starting to rethink my plans of going there one day...

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
Damnit, Australia...why you gotta arm your wildlife so much? Another questionable immigration policy, no doubt!


New member
Jan 28, 2013
Slow news day much?

This was first reported like 2 weeks ago lol

Would have been more interesting to link the more recent story of the first vaccinated Tasmanian Devils getting released back into the wild since their population has been decimated by facial tumors.
Mar 26, 2008
CrazyGirl17 said:
So yet another deadly animal that lives in Australia? ...I'm starting to rethink my plans of going there one day...
Don't worry, you'll be quite safe. That said I found a Tiger Snake across the road from my house, but generally they'll leave you alone. I've lived in Australia for 38 years and never been bitten by anything deadly.

Paragon Fury

The Loud Shadow
Jan 23, 2009
Programmed_For_Damage said:
CrazyGirl17 said:
So yet another deadly animal that lives in Australia? ...I'm starting to rethink my plans of going there one day...
Don't worry, you'll be quite safe. That said I found a Tiger Snake across the road from my house, but generally they'll leave you alone. I've lived in Australia for 38 years and never been bitten by anything deadly.
Because you haven't lost any fights yet. But one day you'll lose to something on your daily trip to the mailbox and BAM! thats it.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Because clearly the Taipan and Eastern Brown were getting to big for their boots so someone else had to some out swinging.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
JenSeven said:
You would not find a reptilian Rowan Atkinson in the Australian outback.
Pffft, you say that, but...

it's likely to be just one of many currently undescribed snakes in the west of Australia.
So you can never really be too sure, can you? :p
Mar 26, 2008
Paragon Fury said:
Programmed_For_Damage said:
CrazyGirl17 said:
So yet another deadly animal that lives in Australia? ...I'm starting to rethink my plans of going there one day...
Don't worry, you'll be quite safe. That said I found a Tiger Snake across the road from my house, but generally they'll leave you alone. I've lived in Australia for 38 years and never been bitten by anything deadly.
Because you haven't lost any fights yet. But one day you'll lose to something on your daily trip to the mailbox and BAM! thats it.
Well my letterbox is next to some big trees and you never know what might lurk in them. You'll notice I said I hadn't been bitten by anything "deadly" ;-)


New member
Sep 6, 2009
It's creatures like this is why our government has put so little resources in to military defensive measures along the north end. Most of the deadliest stuff in Australia is found up there. Any army invading from that direction is going to regret it.


New member
Jun 16, 2010
008Zulu said:
It's creatures like this is why our government has put so little resources in to military defensive measures along the north end. Most of the deadliest stuff in Australia is found up there. Any army invading from that direction is going to regret it.
correct me if Im wrong but didn't the Japanese learn that the hard way in WW2?


New member
Jul 2, 2009
Caramel Frappe said:
Reminder: Any animal you see in Australia, assume the following:

  • - It can kick your @**
    - It's very venomous
    - It is venomous and can kick your @**

This is why I will never, ever be caught visiting that place. Never. Even a million dollars would that not convince me.
I don't know, a million dollars could convince me. I would just have to be sure I'd get it in advance and then spend all of it before vacationing in Deathland.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
Silentpony said:
You know I wonder if Space Marines recruit from Australia, seeings how its practically a deathworld.
You know, I think I read a travel catalog about Australia once. It was called Dune.


Nov 9, 2010
Fox12 said:
You know, I think I read a travel catalog about Australia once. It was called Dune.
Shh! Last thing we need is America invading our Spice reserves.

Now if you excuse me, I've gotta get ready to catch the 5 o'clock Sandworm.

OT: Yay, another one to add to the list. Soon we'll be able to make grass skirts out of them. Just y'know. Snakes.

Wiggum Esquilax

New member
Apr 22, 2015
Programmed_For_Damage said:
Paragon Fury said:
Programmed_For_Damage said:
CrazyGirl17 said:
So yet another deadly animal that lives in Australia? ...I'm starting to rethink my plans of going there one day...
Don't worry, you'll be quite safe. That said I found a Tiger Snake across the road from my house, but generally they'll leave you alone. I've lived in Australia for 38 years and never been bitten by anything deadly.
Because you haven't lost any fights yet. But one day you'll lose to something on your daily trip to the mailbox and BAM! thats it.
Well my letterbox is next to some big trees and you never know what might lurk in them. You'll notice I said I hadn't been bitten by anything "deadly" ;-)
With a tree-adjacent mailbox, your daily ritual is to volunteer as dropbear bait.

38 years? I'm surprised you lasted a week!