InsanityRequiem said:
In regards to Starcraft, I expect mostly something along the lines of ?We have ideas and things planned, but are not really able to discuss them at this moment? for it.
Though I do expect a Starcraft 3 in about 5 to 10 years. Depends on how Legacy of the Void ends, but I doubt it?ll be the end of the Xel?Naga issues brought up during Wings of Liberty and Heart of the Swarm. So either Starcraft 3 will be another RTS broken into three parts or and that?s a big or? the next Starcraft will be a new MMO.
It's been confirmed that SC2 wraps up the overall storyline that began in the first game, and that a "StarCraft III" would focus on new characters if it was ever developed. Coupled with the confirmation that the game ends with a trio of epilogue missions, I think it's safe to say tha the xel'naga/hybrid issues will be wrapped up.
And World of StarCraft...nup. People point to Titan as proof that Blizzard won't do another MMO other than WoW, but that's also forgetting that there's been 1-2 canceled Diablo MMOs (the originaly D3 concept, and the separate Diablo MMO Blizzard once considered), and arguably Nomad, which was also canceled as WoW's predecessor.
So no, I doubt we'd ever get a StarCraft MMO. I think you could do a great singleplayer experience in the setting, but an MMO presents the issue of how you'd balance terrans and protoss (since protoss are that much more powerful individually - think a Jedi versus a Stormtrooper), that the zerg by their nature are ill suited for individual play/level progression, and that the setting is a rather barren one when you get down to it (more Alien, less Star Wars for instance). At the least, I think the WoW template would be ill suited for StarCraft, and that EVE or STO would make a better comparison.