Star Wars Battlefront Review - I Find Your Lack of Depth Disturbing

Steven Bogos

The Taco Man
Jan 17, 2013
Star Wars Battlefront Review - I Find Your Lack of Depth Disturbing

Star Wars: Battlefront transports you into the world of Star Wars... but you probably won't stay for too long.

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New member
Feb 11, 2010
I'm enjoying it playing alone more than past Battlefield games, if only because its setting isn't bland to the nth bland degree.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Bobba Fett is one of the Imperial heroes? Huh.

The game looks cool but the lack of depth and the stupidly priced DLC...maybe when the game of the year edition comes out. You know. If the servers aren't dead.


New member
Feb 19, 2014
It was a bold move to not include any classes nor deep gunplay in lieu of it. It's sort of like having a sandwich without toppings.. your bread might be goddamn swanky as fuck.. but you're still going to wonder how good it could have been with at least butter and cheese.


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
At 80$ new like hell can I justify that without the DLC included. I could buy The Witcher, Fallout 4 or The Phantom Pain for the same price, I'm not paying that type of money for a fancy looking game that somehow managed to have less content then your average mid-level game despite a triple A budget.


New member
Apr 25, 2009
I always hated the heroes in the old Battlefront games. Turned them off whenever I could. They were ridiculously overpowered and a wierd balance shift. As a regular trooper the only thing you could do is chip away at their HP (while they constantly refill it by slashing through all the dimwit AI's) and pray that they didn't target you. The jedi characters can sprint and be on you 1-shotting you in literally a split second, it was insane. Then if they do get in trouble they can just jump away 50 feet in the air and make it impossible to hit them.

008Zulu said:
Yeah the game has no depth, most multiplayer only games don't. Blame the lack of a single player campaign.
He's talking about how it's mechanically shallow, not having a story mode has nothing to do with that.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
£108 for the "complete" edition on PSN store, bloody hell, that is the priciest item on there! Err, i am not a fool, EA. No nostalgia to milk here. The beta was all that was needed before boredom set in real quick. I do not understand the hype or why anyone would pay full price for this, let alone that stunt. Fans can't be that...fanny, surely? I have never felt fandom, is it like true love?

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
I bought the game on launch. Played all the modes (because I want my trophy!) and I had a blast. At one point, I was able to pilot the AT-AT on Hoth, and it was just like in the movies. I could see the Rebels retreating, running through the trenches, and I just gunned them down. It was great. I was literally cackling with glee. Another time, I got an AT-ST on Endor, and it felt like I was in the movies again. Oh, you guys are hiding in the trees? I'll just blow the trees up! And the trees BLOW UP! It was like how Chewie just destroyed the Stormtroopers once he took over a chicken walker, but it was the other way around. I got first place in terms of points out of all forty players because I was just decimating the Rebels.

But, with all that said, this review is spot on. It does feel like Star Wars. There were great moments for me, being the fan that I am. But I can tell that this is not going to be the constant pick-up-and-play-for-hours game that I, and other people, want. It will be a good time killer, something to get my quick fix of Star Wars, but it is shallow. If anything, playing this game--and the missions especially--it just makes me wonder even more why no one has thought to make a Star Wars Call of Duty style game. I mean, talk about match made in heaven.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Sniper Team 4 said:
-it just makes me wonder even more why no one has thought to make a Star Wars Call of Duty style game. I mean, talk about match made in heaven.
There was a Star Wars mod for Call of Duty 4 on PC. I don't know what happened to it post Disney takeover but it was really good fun.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
Pretty much exactly what I expected.

The game is mighty pretty, and it sounds great, but the game is so simplistic and devoid of any imagination when it comes to the gameplay, that it just end up being a boring experience.

Coming from the beta, I felt like I had played enough of Battlefront to know that I would rather save my money.

Cant see this game going anywhere but down the same road as Titanfall and Evolve. Shame this game is going to be so successful, too, because it just doesn't deserve it.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
So exactly like Battlefront 1 and 2?

I honestly don't know why people regard Battlefront 2 as this legendarily awesome Star Wars FPS.

I own the game on PC and really it is a very very simplistic game regardless. And to the people who were complaining this new Battlefront game is too much like Battlefield 3/4 with a Star Wars skin.

Battlefront 2 is Battlefield 1942 with a Star Wars skin.


I've Been Having These Weird Dreams Lately...
Mar 17, 2012
United States
Wow, it's like EVERY OTHER multi-player only game that retailed for $60

Core gameplay is solid, lack of depth and options hurts it

When will people learn not to do this anymore?


New member
Nov 4, 2014
I hate to say this, but what did you expect? It's an EA game. More to the point, it's a game with the name of an earlier, better game, available exclusively on a platform named after an earlier, better company, developed by a organization using the name of an earlier, better publisher (the company that brought us Alpha Centauri and the company that brought us Spore were not one and the same; Electronic Arts is dead, long live EA). The lead designer may have been Niklas Fegraeus, but the project head was Jame Gumb.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
It only felt like COD or Destiny to me. And after you get used to it's details, it became boring to look at even.


New member
Apr 25, 2009
Samtemdo8 said:
So exactly like Battlefront 1 and 2?

I honestly don't know why people regard Battlefront 2 as this legendarily awesome Star Wars FPS.

I own the game on PC and really it is a very very simplistic game regardless. And to the people who were complaining this new Battlefront game is too much like Battlefield 3/4 with a Star Wars skin.

Battlefront 2 is Battlefield 1942 with a Star Wars skin.
I kind of have to agree. I played hours of Battlefront 1 and 2 back on my original Xbox but they really aren't all that great or complex. Damn fun at the time but shallow and full of awful flaws I can't ignore when I go back to them. I mean, that doesn't excuse this new game for being lacking or shallow but people seem to be viewing old Battlefront as a whole through rose-tinted glasses.

The story mode for Battlefront 2 was pretty sweet though, I have good memories of that. They always had a way to throw you a creative curve ball in terms of enemies, scenarios and objectives while still sticking to the same mechanics.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
A review that mostly compares the game to a game that the developers explicitly has said they are not trying to mimic (even if they also developed it) and contains a host of small inaccuracies about how the game plays (the Ion Torpedo is a great anti-vehicle weapon and the third unlock you get, after about 30 minutes of playing)? Yeah, not really a great review.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Steven Bogos said:
Recommendation: If you're a Star Wars fan you will enjoy it and get your money's worth. For Battlefield fans, this is not the team-based shooter you are looking for. Everyone else should evaluate on a case-by-case basis, but $60 is going to get you more game elsewhere.
Alternatively, for under $10 USD, you can just buy a totally different game, that is both far more complete, varied, and every bit as immersive as the recent reboot:



New member
Jul 26, 2010
Gethsemani said:
A review that mostly compares the game to a game that the developers explicitly has said they are not trying to mimic (even if they also developed it) and contains a host of small inaccuracies about how the game plays (the Ion Torpedo is a great anti-vehicle weapon and the third unlock you get, after about 30 minutes of playing)? Yeah, not really a great review.

The developers can say that Battlefront wasn't intended to just be Battlefield : Star Wars but the proof is in the published pudding.

It's completely valid to compare a multiplayer FPS shooter to its contemporaries and recent releases with similar mechanics, and there is undoubtedly a Battlefield skeleton beneath the Star Wars skin.