Samtemdo8 said:
Ugh Undertale I find that game ridiculously saccharine and overly prententious.
And before anyway bashes me I watched the Noah Antwiler's aka The Spoony One's Stream of the game and its just meh.
And I bothered to watch the bad ending and it was increadibly corny and breaking of the 4th wall because its hip.
You beat me to the punch, I share the same opinion. I watched playthroughs, looked at art and listened to the OST in my spare time and there's just something about it that I can't seem to like. I think it's the character designs or maybe I just feel like OFF did everything better; they're almost the same game when you get down to the bare bones. Good OST, quirky, lovable cast, fourth wall jokes, 8-bit graphics and an underlying unease throughout the game that maybe not everything is as it seems.
OFF is free though and IMO the much more entertaining game and Undertale just seems like OFF with some extra stuff that somehow makes it worth ten bucks.
OT: ....Just occurred to me that I haven't played ANY of the games on that list because I don't have a next-gen console and while I own Undertale, I haven't played it for reasons stated above. So, uhm, er... Uh GOTY goes to, er... Taaaaales from the Borderlands! Yeah, that's it! And, uh.... Iinnnnnsssert some other game that came out this year that I played as a runner up! OH King's Quest 2015!
Yeah? Yeah? ...No? Well.... not all of us can afford next gen shit so.