The Revenant - DiCaprio Endures Torture for 2.5 Hours


Elite Member
Oct 27, 2009
The Revenant - DiCaprio Endures Torture for 2.5 Hours

The Revenant is likely to go down as one of the toughest and most grueling filmmaking experiences in history. Was it all worth it?

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Kenbo Slice

Deep In The Willow
Jun 7, 2010
It never felt like it dragged on for me. It was great all the way through.

Thomas Barnsley

New member
Mar 8, 2012
Kenbo Slice said:
It never felt like it dragged on for me. It was great all the way through.
I agree, it's difficult for me to imagine how one can get bored.

I would've made the one or two irritating plot inconsistencies my prime grievance:
How the native americans are searching so hard for that girl, but never realise she was with the French even though they seemed to trade with them a lot. Small problem which I found easy to ignore.

Sigmund Av Volsung

Hella noided
Dec 11, 2009
Another Inarritu movie where the technical details and the creation are more interesting than the movie itself?

Colour me surprised.

I will give props to Leo, which is almost obligatory now given how fantastic his track record is, but I don't think this will be the movie to net him an Oscar. Maybe next year, since this is far too Oscar unfriendly.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Saw this two days ago. I will say that the film does drag on at times, and its slow pace definately won't be for everyone. But I loved it - it looks beautiful, the storytelling and cinematography is excellent (e.g. uses a lot of long cuts for certain scenes, and there's many cases where dialogue is minimal), and the themes compliment the plot - the idea that savagery is the true nature of the world, and that we (humans, animals, everyone), is caught up in a cycle of violence that can never be escaped from.

Least that was my interpretation. But like I said, good film to watch. Wouldn't be surprised if it ends up in my top 10 this year.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
I am most likely go see this especially when I'm pissed that my local cinema ain't showing The Hateful Eight

Level 7 Dragon

Typo Kign
Mar 29, 2011
Imagine a live broadcast of the academy awards.

Warm lights, flowing though the red cloth. In the distance we hear the clicking of photographers and see the flashes of the camera.

The front row is silent.

Nominees for best actors are chatting and paying attention to the stage. Tom Hardy, John Boyema dressed in fancy tuxedos, next to them - DeCaprio. His face is smeared in dirt and he is wearing nothing but bear hide and uprooted grass. His eyes blank - staring in to void. The void, though, refuses to stare back.

The annoucer walks in to the stagelights with an envelope. The public holds their breath.

-And the best actor award goes to....

-Tom Hardy, for his role in the Reverant!

The audience erupts in to cheers and clapping. Leo, his face cold and distand, stands up. Each foot sinking in to the carpet. The actor loses balance and his body, like an oak struck by lightning, hits the floor. He cannot hear neither the laughs of the judges, nor the sounds of the ambulance in the distance. He closes his eyes. And lets the darkness consume him.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
Honestly I thought it was disappointing.
I know jack shit about the source material it?s just that what happens in the movie never lets me suspend my disbelief.

He gets mauled by the grizzly pretty early on. When they try to carry him up to hill and decide to that he stays with his son and two guys the captain argues that he is the reason they made it this far. Well what did he do? He boarded the ship with them and told them to go by land. That's it.
Pretty low standard to become sort of hero?
Also the bear got him pretty good. So good that it would be a miracle if someone would survive that with professional care in a hospital today. When he craws along the ground at the camp you can clearly see that his right foot has to be broken, such a wound should takes up at least 6 weeks to heal! No chance in hell you can put any pressure on it whatsoever.
Yet he is able to limb out of the water after floating away from the natives. BIG FUCKING CHANCE!
Then he rest near the water and wolves rip a buffalo basically 50 meters away from and he sees no reason to ever change his location? Brave... and mostly stupid.
The native who drives off the wolves didn't notice his fire near the river?
Later the French hang his native helper while he rest in that make shift hut. He is hung what seems like 200 meters and a shallow slope away from the hut. The French never bothered to search the hut or never ever went to the edge of the slope for lookout to even notice it as it seen clear as day while camping not far away? ? You got to be kidding me!
When the natives hunt him down the cliff they miss him with their arrow not to mention he survives the fall of roughly 60 meters with no broken bones. That dude is winning the lottery over and over at this point!
Then they got to know that this dude killed the boy and tried to kill him and how many do they send to hunt him down after learning that he stole the money of the entire camp? The captain and himself... yea right. I get not sending everyone but two? Get the fuck out of here.
And what the hell is up with the natives at the end? - That dude didn't kidnap the women, they shouldn't even know who he is yet the fish him out to scalp him anyway?

Sorry that movie did nothing for me.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
Marter said:
The Revenant is likely to go down as one of the toughest and most grueling filmmaking experiences in history. Was it all worth it?
Think I spotted a typo in your Bottom Line:

Bottom Line: An impressive technically technical accomplishment but not the most engaging story, The Revenant is a film to admire, but not necessarily one to love.
I'm guessing that's what you were going for. :p

OT: I can't place my finger on it, but there's just something about Leo that I really can't stand. Add to it the fact that this movie might as well come with "Oscar Bait" written beneath The Revenant on the poster and you've got a movie that I really have no desire to see whatsoever.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
RJ 17 said:
OT: I can't place my finger on it, but there's just something about Leo that I really can't stand.
Really? He's one of my favorite actors. I don't follow films much, though, didn't even know of the existence of this one until just now.

As with most movies, I'll probably end up catching it after it has a home release. I don't really have anyone to go to the theater with anymore anyway.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
shrekfan246 said:
RJ 17 said:
OT: I can't place my finger on it, but there's just something about Leo that I really can't stand.
Really? He's one of my favorite actors. I don't follow films much, though, didn't even know of the existence of this one until just now.
Yep. Like I said, I really can't put my finger on it. I fully acknowledge that he is, indeed, a good actor...but for whatever reason I don't like him or the movies he's been in. :p


New member
Feb 24, 2011
Ishigami said:
Honestly I thought it was disappointing.
I know jack shit about the source material it?s just that what happens in the movie never lets me suspend my disbelief.

He gets mauled by the grizzly pretty early on. When they try to carry him up to hill and decide to that he stays with his son and two guys the captain argues that he is the reason they made it this far. Well what did he do? He boarded the ship with them and told them to go by land. That's it.
Pretty low standard to become sort of hero?
Also the bear got him pretty good. So good that it would be a miracle if someone would survive that with professional care in a hospital today. When he craws along the ground at the camp you can clearly see that his right foot has to be broken, such a wound should takes up at least 6 weeks to heal! No chance in hell you can put any pressure on it whatsoever.
Yet he is able to limb out of the water after floating away from the natives. BIG FUCKING CHANCE!
Then he rest near the water and wolves rip a buffalo basically 50 meters away from and he sees no reason to ever change his location? Brave... and mostly stupid.
The native who drives off the wolves didn't notice his fire near the river?
Later the French hang his native helper while he rest in that make shift hut. He is hung what seems like 200 meters and a shallow slope away from the hut. The French never bothered to search the hut or never ever went to the edge of the slope for lookout to even notice it as it seen clear as day while camping not far away? ? You got to be kidding me!
When the natives hunt him down the cliff they miss him with their arrow not to mention he survives the fall of roughly 60 meters with no broken bones. That dude is winning the lottery over and over at this point!
Then they got to know that this dude killed the boy and tried to kill him and how many do they send to hunt him down after learning that he stole the money of the entire camp? The captain and himself... yea right. I get not sending everyone but two? Get the fuck out of here.
And what the hell is up with the natives at the end? - That dude didn't kidnap the women, they shouldn't even know who he is yet the fish him out to scalp him anyway?

Sorry that movie did nothing for me.
Your qualms prove you didn't pay attention, that's on you not the movie.

I could rebut them all but the easiest one is the natives at the end. The girl he freed from the French was the one that war band was looking for. He looked over but we don't see what Glass sees. He says the line about revenge and lets the natives have him. Then, as they ride past, you see that the girl is with them. Obviously they saw at least a little of the fight and they did that as a sign of thanks for saving her, also why they let him live.

Overall a really good movie but it is long and it doesn't pull any punches, I'd say see it if you think you can deal with how intense it is.


New member
Oct 12, 2011
In case anyone cares, there's a movie out of the 70s called Man in the Wilderness based on this same story. It's decent, you can check it out.

Fat Hippo

Prepare to be Gnomed
May 29, 2009
I wouldn't exactly say that I was impatient for it to end, but more that I found the experience as a whole exhausting. I kept thinking Leo's suffering would end at some point, and the film would kind of switch gears. But it just kept going on and on, and then getting worse when you don't expect it. And since it all looks so real (helped by the fact that in many regards, it was) and you can really see the pain in Leo's face, that just made it even harder to watch. I don't regret watching it, especially in the cinema for the visual spectacle of the landscape, but it wasn't easy for me.

Also, that was an actual horse's carcass!? Fuckin' hell, that's pretty hardcore, even for this movie.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
Sarge034 said:
Your qualms prove you didn't pay attention, that's on you not the movie.

Sarge034 said:
I could rebut them all but
you wont... and can't.

the easiest one is the natives at the end. The girl he freed from the French was the one that war band was looking for. He looked over but we don't see what Glass sees. He says the line about revenge and lets the natives have him. Then, as they ride past, you see that the girl is with them. Obviously they saw at least a little of the fight and they did that as a sign of thanks for saving her, also why they let him live.

I know who the woman was and I know why they let him live. That wasn't the complaint.
Issue is the natives do not know who the other guy was and Caprios character didn't have any reason whatsoever to give him to the natives as he (the guy who gets scalped) never did anything to the natives. The qualm was between white man.
Let the natives courtesy kill him? Sure why not... still makes little sense, he could have killed him himself anyway.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
Level 7 Dragon said:
I like to think, in the scene where he's reaching for his dead wife, that Leo thought he was reaching out for an Oscar that was just a few feet beyond his grasp. Then it turned into a rock or something. The man ate a raw liver, what on earth does the academy want from him? Maybe this all some elaborate experiment to see what they can get Leo to do. Like when you dare a friend to eat a bug in grade school.

OT: This was phenomenal, especially with the actors. Tom Hardy in particular. It was slow, but I was always interested in what was happening on screen. The cinematography was excellent as well. My only complaint is that the plotline with the native americans was a little all over the place, and should have been either cut, or developed more.