insanelich said:
The writer clearly doesn't understand autism very well.
This is probably why the article feels like it's meandering and lacking a real point it's progressing toward. It's very likely why she mixes up contexts for managing the disease in extremely inappropriate and offensive ways. (Such as that comment about writing down what they thought was happening, which feels like an updated version of jokes about picking cotton.)
You, however, seem to neither understand autism nor the article very well.
First, confusing it with a disease pretty much does give it away ...
Anyways, Liana's just reporting several different things she experienced can help for different people. She basically describes the problem, but is open about that she does not know a solution. And she definitely says she does not know enough about autism ... in contrast to you, who pretty much imply you do ... and then "disease", really.
Still, I second that focusing on autism only was probably a bad judgment call. There can be several other circumstances leading to similar problems.
Also, online call-outs are absolute bullshit.