Sorry but no, Max payne is a weathered, bittered, cynical, jaded wretch and you picked out a cast of good looking dudes? As a straight guy, David Boreanaz is a hunk, Lee pace looks too clean, David Ramsey isn't grizzly enough (also a black guy playing a white guy? There should be more WAY more black actors and roles for them but I'm not a huge fan of race swapping ... is that latent racism? I dunno. I do know that I think he is PERFECT in Arrow), Colin Hanks looks like too much of a wuss and Zachary Quinto is your best bet but still looks a little too nerdy to be a dead inside cop.
Would I be too on the nose if I said John Mcclain Bruce Willis?
Personally, I would say Gary oldman. He looks like the guy from max payne 3 box art!