Fierce Diety is basically just the "cheater's mask". congratulations, you can't defeat a boss without a massive handicap, wow you really suck at this game! Yeah, the Biggoron's sword is considerably better then Master Sword/Shield, but you sacrifice blocking, you semi-frequently need to switch for puzzles/bosses, it's not ideal in every scenario, and it isn't just a "Mask of press B 10 or so times to save Termina."
A MUCH better designed (and more accessible) mask is the Zora mask, which turned 3D zelda underwater segments from "ugh press start down down right iron boots equip start" into "IM A FISSSSSSSH, IM A FISSSSSSSH, SHIELD OF MAGICCCCCC, I'M A FISSSSSSSSSSSSH!"
And you commented that the Hero's Bow was underwhelming by itself... WHAT? In LTTP it's a goddamn powerhouse, allowing you to hit monsters (especially bosses) quickly and accurately without needing to trudge up to melee range. You also failed to mention that it's essentially an item archetype, as the Seed Shooter from the GBC games fills in the role seamlessly.
Actually, I'd like to see a return of the Seed Shooter, or at least it's bouncing capabilities that allow you to win a battle to the death by playing virtual billiards. Damn that Shooter was awesome. BETTER then the bow, in terms of how fun it is to use.
The Water Bombs were really just gimmicks, would've been much better if the bomb shop just upgraded your bombs to work underwater.
Din's fire... clunky. Radius hard to determine, usage so infrequent you'd never keep it on a C button, just pull it out for a situation then switch back to Deku Nuts or Sticks or anything, really, so you don't drain your precious magic meter by mistake. The Deku Nuts/Sticks were powerful but limited (ie: VS a dinos/stalfos, after their attack, throw a nut, take out a stick, then jump attack-4x damage as simply stabbing them) Din's Fire is really only useful for attacking with fire.
Oh yeah, did I mention you can kill Gohma (first OOT boss) by knocking her down from the ceiling only once? you need like 3-4 deku sticks, and after stunning her, >equip stick>jump attack>repeat.
The skull hammer is awesome, yes. But the Ball&Chain is bigger&better, and is realistically usable in combat against most enemies, since the slow speed is compensated with the reach and the beautiful pull-back, allowing you to effectively 1-shot redeads with it.
also, Boomerang>Switchook(from the Oracle games, if the object is movable, the user and target switch locations.)>hookshot. Okay, the Hookshot is still really damn cool, especially moving around with the double-hookshots in the Sky City.
Still. in conclusion, your taste is objectively bad, your opinions are wrong and mine are right. The domino effect of my superior tastes has knocked down your house of cards into a long, long chute back to square one. Checkmate.
Din-Damnit I spent like 30 minutes writing all this. maybe 45. I need help. wires with electricity straight to the brain please, bzzzzzzzzzzzz