The real stink of all this is that a Content ID claim automatically and instantly re-routes the money. If the ad revenue sat in a holding account for 30 days or until the claim was resolved (whichever came first) then went to the winning party there would be no problem.
But that's not how it works, you make a claim, you get the money, end of. Youtube are effectively facilitating a scam because it only costs the end user money, they get their cut of the ad revenue regardless. Sooner or later someone's going to take them to court over that.
RaikuFA said:
2. Sue one of these false claim makers to set a precident. Though I believe IHE is currently in the works to take Merlin to court.
Content ID claims can be anonymous to everyone but Youtube. To successfully take one of these scammers to court, first you would have to sue Youtube/Google to force them into the revealing their identity. Some (like Nintendo) at least have the grace to name themselves, most don't.
A full Copyright Strike tells you who made it and contains more information, a content ID claim could be anybody, they just need a user account.