"The Most Interesting Man In the World" Gets One Way Ticket To Mars

John Keefer

Devilish Rogue
Aug 12, 2013
"The Most Interesting Man In the World" Gets One Way Ticket To Mars

The Most Interesting Man in the World is heading into space, Dos Equis' equivalent of riding him into the sunset. But don't dismay, the brewer plans to bring in a younger successor.

Cuba imports cigars from him. Mosquitos refuse to bite him purely out of respect. In museums, he is allowed to touch the art. He lives vicariously through himself. He once had an awkward moment, just to see how it feels. When it is raining, it is because he is thinking of something sad. His business card simply says "I'll call you." And he has won the lifetime achievement award ... twice.

He is the Most Interesting Man in the World, and he is beginning a new journey that will eventually see the character retired, at least this incarnation of him anyway.

A new series of commercials from brewer Dos Equis has actor Jonathan Goldsmith heading on a one-way trip to Mars. The commercials, to be released over the next few months will end the 77-year-old Goldsmith's run as the beer's enviable mascot. But Dos Equis is planning to bring in someone younger to take on the role. But who replaces the Most Interesting Man in the World?

"Culture has changed very dramatically" since the commercials debuted, Andrew Katz, VP of marketing for Dos Equis, told USA Today [http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2016/03/09/dos-equis-most-interesting-man-in-the-world-retiring/81432356/]. "Our Millennial drinker has changed quite dramatically, and the competition has only exploded with the advent of craft (beer). We just want to make sure that the (Most Interesting Man) story evolves."

Indeed, the almost nine-year run of the commercials has done wonders for the bottom line of the company, launching it from a relatively unknown Mexican beer to huge popularity synonymous with one of TV's best catch phrases. The actor and the "I don't always drink beer, but when I do, I prefer Dos Equis" line has spawned thousands on memes, and each new commercial always seems to have something interesting to say about the man, the myth, the legend.

Goldsmith said that he believes the character has succeeded because it "made millions of people smile over these many years. There is a real connection with the fun and authenticity of the character, which I portray with the same joy and passion that is part of my own life."

Dos Equis isn't saying much about the future of the ads, or who will replace Goldsmith, but it is likely the campaign could conclude around Cinco de Mayo, when the company plans to start sending out cardboard cutouts of Goldsmith to retailers, allowing fans photos ops with the character.

But, the new campaign has been in the works for some time, with the ad agency Havas already spending more than a year and a half planning what to do next with the signature character. Jim Hord, Havas' executive creative director, said the transition could be difficult.

"I think people see the character and Jonathan as the same person," he said. "Hopefully as we evolve the campaign, they'll get over that."

Source: USA Today [http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2016/03/09/dos-equis-most-interesting-man-in-the-world-retiring/81432356/]



New member
Sep 15, 2010
So John, was there NO real news in the world to post about (gaming or other wise), or were you just too lazy? Or was it the cheque was too tempting?

Tortilla the Hun

Decidedly on the Fence
May 7, 2011
Athol said:
So John, was there NO real news in the world to post about (gaming or other wise), or were you just too lazy? Or was it the cheque was too tempting?

I was really hoping it was a joke title and the actor who played the man was actually, at the very least petitioning to go to Mars but I couldn't have been more disappointed in this article.

I mean I enjoy a funny commercial as much as the next guy, but never so much as to be invested in any degree in any commercial character. And for a commercial character's development to be considered 'newsworthy'? Never thought I'd see the day.

John Keefer

Devilish Rogue
Aug 12, 2013
Athol said:
So John, was there NO real news in the world to post about (gaming or other wise), or were you just too lazy? Or was it the cheque was too tempting?
That's a bit harsh ;)

The whole idea is this is a character that has spawned countless memes that gamers and a lot of tech folks have used. He is a recognizable character and part of TV (and been so for nine years), and we DO have a movie and TV channel. So there was a reason for posting this. You may not agree with it, and that's fine, but there it is. I guess I should have included a gallery of some of the funniest memes. Oh well.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
My favorite one is "He can speak French...in Russian."

But yeah...this is right along with that article about the booze commercial that won't be aired for 100 years.


Elite Member
Escapist +
May 29, 2014
Here I was expecting something about the actor agreeing to man a mission to Mars(dunno what being a mascot pays; maybe he had some ownership in the company) but this is an article about an advertisement? I thought the Escapist had higher standards.


New member
Feb 21, 2011
Pretty funny ad. He's a fun character, but I guess they can't use him forever. Might as well retire him in style.

And seriously, who actually thought anyone was going to Mars? The fact that people can find reason to be upset over this article baffles me. (Well, not really, this being the internet and all.)


New member
Sep 30, 2010
I mean, it's pretty damn obvious where there going with this. If the most interesting man in the world is no longer ON this world, then the title MUST default to the next most interesting man in the world. Personally, I hope it's Bruce Campbell, he had the best Old Spice commercials.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Mahorfeus said:
Pretty funny ad. He's a fun character, but I guess they can't use him forever. Might as well retire him in style.

And seriously, who actually thought anyone was going to Mars? The fact that people can find reason to be upset over this article baffles me. (Well, not really, this being the internet and all.)
Considering there are dozens of people who have signed up for the first human mars mission, it wouldn't surprise me at all to hear that the actor decided to join that theoretical crew, because hey, why not. Decades ago, people bought plane tickets for the moon, assuming eventually it would happen.

OT: I'm kind of sad to see him end his tenure as the character. I enjoyed the commercials. Hopefully they will keep the over the top humor as tongue and cheek as the original. I can actually see how they might do the transition.

Narrator: "Now that there is a void in the world, the cosmic forces of the universe combined again, as they did at the dawn of time, to bestow upon a new champion, the mantle of "The Most Interesting Person In The World!"

Show someone backlit, while dramatic trumpet music plays or something, and then reveal the new person as if it was 2001, sun breaking over the obelisk or something. xD


Nunc est Durandum
Aug 19, 2014
I don't always read articles referring to things I have no awareness of save confusing memes, but when I do I read The Escapist.

Just joshing John.

Truth told, It makes me kinda wish the campaign reached the UK in some way.
I guess there's always youtube if I'm desperate to see them.

As daft as it is to enjoy a series of advertisements, I remember the old guinness adverts with Rutger Hauer and the ones with Wenanty Nosul quite fondly.
I suppose if people come away from your advert having enjoyed it you're doing something right.


New member
May 3, 2014
My favorite was, "His mother has a tattoo that reads 'Son'." Incidentally, he says, "I prefer Dos Equis".


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
They should do a commercial where they don't suggest alchohol will make your life better. Would certainly be an original idea.


Don't mind me, I'm just a NPC
Aug 23, 2010
Th only reason I know of these commercials if because Atlus parodied them for a 3D Dot Game Heroes ad/trailer [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXmPOIW4TV8]. Is that bad?