Indiana Jones 5 Will be Penned by Crystal Skull Writer

Steven Bogos

The Taco Man
Jan 17, 2013
Indiana Jones 5 Will be Penned by Crystal Skull Writer

Aliens. Why'd it have to be aliens?

In some news that may be concerning to die-hard Indy fans who were already having reservations about The Hollywood Reporter [] has confirmed that David Koepp, co-writer for Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of The Crystal Skull has been signed on to pen the new movie.

Yes. We all know that Crystal Skull sucked, and didn't make a lot of sense, but to Koepp's credit, he also wrote the script for a lot of great movies, like Jurassic Park, Mission: Impossible, and the very first Tobey Maguire Spider-Man movie.

Actual plot details are very scarce at this stage - we don't know if this movie will take off where Crystal Skull left off, or, considering Harrison Ford's advanced age, will be a flashback set in a classic Jones time period, bookended by ford as "old Jones".

In some good news, it looks like Indiana Jones co-creator George Lucas, who wrote treatments for Crystal Skull, will be very hands-off for Indy Jones 5.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter []



New member
Aug 18, 2009
I have a bad feeling about this. Still, maybe Crystal Skull sucking was only Lucas' fault.
Nov 28, 2007
To be fair about Crystal Skull, the writing wasn't really the issue with it (at least, not any more than the others). The main problem, IMO, was the over-reliance on not-too-good CGI. Well, that and Shia LaBeouf doing his thing in a movie where his thing didn't fit. That came out wrong.


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
On the one hand, Crystal Skull.
On the other hand, Jurassic Park is one of my all time favorite movies, the first Spider Man movie is my favorite, and Mission: Impossible was good.

Still, my cynacism starts to kick in and make me ask two questions:
1) Why? Is a new Indy movie needed? What can they do with it?
2) How do we know this guy isn't out of juice? It happens to other artists all the time. This writer may just be out of good ideas.

Fingers crossed, I guess.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
I have no problem with the aliens at all. Just give them more of a purpose next time and have the ending explained in some way.

And of course, don't rely on CGI for every single aspect. Don't fuck up the tone trying to cater to all different audiences. Don't do call backs to the past movies. Don't reveal all the enemy's and threats straight away (build up to them for fuck sake), and finally, stop using the exact God damn humour that's in every other action and kids movies these days. If anything, use the more subtlish humour they had in the classic indie films, or just aim for subtle.


New member
Feb 21, 2011
I thought Crystal Skull was fine, frankly. Only the second "worst" in the franchise. So I'm fine with having the writer for it on board. Lucas on the other hand... Well, I wouldn't mind seeing what he would come up with, but I don't exactly miss him either.


New member
Nov 18, 2011
I'm really tired of the jabs at Lucas. Sure he has made some mistakes and has a weird idea of perfection and a need to change things. But he was and still is "THE MAN" When it comes to independent movies. If you went to him with a decent script/idea he would and still does give money to independents.

Also the Prequels weren't that bad.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
I'm wary of commenting on Crystal Skull (haven't seen it), but I can't help but smirk at the assertion that "we all know Crystal Skull sucked," and then have a number of posts claiming differently almost immediately or at least, stating that it's not as bad as the assertion makes it out to be. That's not even going into actual metrics such as Rotten Tomatoes.

Anyway, carry on. :)

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Steven Bogos said:
Yes. We all know that Crystal Skull sucked, and didn't make a lot of sense, but to Koepp's credit, he also wrote the script for a lot of great movies, like Jurassic Park, Mission: Impossible, and the very first Tobey Maguire Spider-Man movie.
Jurassic Park wasn't exactly stellar writing though, since a lot of really dumb things are said in that movie.

David Koepp seems to work best in collaboration with a second writer. Get someone else to write the plot and characters and have Koepp punch up the dialoge.


New member
Aug 4, 2012
Ehhh writing wasn't the problem with Crystal Skull, the god-awful CGI, lack of practical effects and stiff acting from some of the leads is what ruined that movie...although the writing wasn't exactly oscar-worthy...oh well, I'll see what happens


Reprogrammed Spambot
Nov 24, 2012
The ants OMG THE ANTS! If you're going to rely that heavily on CGI, don't use whatever swarm AI was used in the latest SyFy classic. Better yet, don't do it at all. Fake water is still fake water, and fake ants only multiplies the fact that THEY'RE FAKE. Practical effects should be the order of the day when making an Indy movie, not tons and tons of greenscreen.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Steven Bogos said:
In some good news, it looks like Indiana Jones co-creator George Lucas, who wrote treatments for Crystal Skull, will be very hands-off for Indy Jones 5.
...I'm kind of hoping that reads as "Representatives from Disney will be standing at the perimeter of the set with tasers, should Lucas attempt to put in an appearance."

The worst problems of Crystal Skull weren't really the writer's fault, with the possible exception of the stupid "go get help" gag. (Which ranks alongside "I know this ship like the back of my hand" joke from Star Trek V in the halls of "you got your stupid throwaway joke in my plot, you ass@$%#" infamy.)

Hopefully the real problems weren't with the scriptwriter.

Laughing Man

New member
Oct 10, 2008
Aliens. Why'd it have to be aliens?
Not Aliens, inter-dimensional beings, the movie even told you that. Like many said the writing was not really the issue with 4 it was a number of other things such as the piss poor CGI (someone mentioned the Ants I would prefer to go with the Monkeys swinging through the trees) and Shia LB. Good thing though at least he won;t be in this new one and given that the new Star Wars opted for pratical effects over CGI (much to it's success) hopefully the guys behind Indi 5 will try the same, then again Harrison Ford isn't a young guy any more so we may have to just put up with some CGI action.


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
Could be worse, could be the bad Indy movie; Temple of Doom.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Casual Shinji said:
Jurassic Park wasn't exactly stellar writing though, since a lot of really dumb things are said in that movie.
I wouldn't call the writing in any of those movies good, anyway. Jurassic Park and Spider-Man still have a place in my heart, but not because of quality writing.

Or even competent writing.

Then again, the same's true of Star Wars and Indiana Jones. They're corny, too.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Something Amyss said:
Casual Shinji said:
Jurassic Park wasn't exactly stellar writing though, since a lot of really dumb things are said in that movie.
I wouldn't call the writing in any of those movies good, anyway. Jurassic Park and Spider-Man still have a place in my heart, but not because of quality writing.

Or even competent writing.

Then again, the same's true of Star Wars and Indiana Jones. They're corny, too.
Yeah, but Jurassic Park pretended to have something intelligent to say. And then you have Alan Grant say lines like 'The T-Rex doesn't want to be fed, he wants to hunt'. This before even seeing the damn thing. And obviously Ian Malcom, but then his dialoge in the book was questionable, too. At least in the movie he was likeable, I guess.
Mar 26, 2008
Well, there goes any remaining interest I had in this film out the window. Then again if it was Lucas who was behind those horrible scenes with the monkeys and ants, this could be a real blessing.

And have a f***ing bad guy this time. What Crystal Skull was missing was a Mola Ram or Beloq. Cate Blanchett's character was too ambivalent.


New member
Mar 19, 2016
Casual Shinji said:
David Koepp seems to work best in collaboration with a second writer. Get someone else to write the plot and characters and have Koepp punch up the dialoge.
Yes, Koepp's involvement opens up all sorts of questions re. quality. Let us not forget he's the screenwriter of The Lost World: Jurassic Park, the first movie that ever actually made my head hurt as I was watching.