New DOOM Videos Show Off Guns and Gameplay


I am a meat popsicle
Oct 24, 2013
New DOOM Videos Show Off Guns and Gameplay

Two new DOOM videos give a closer look at the weaponry and gameplay of the upcoming id Software shooter.

There are a couple of new DOOM videos making the rounds that show off a little more info on what we can expect when the game launches tomorrow.

First up, there the appropriately titled "Guns, Demons, Speed" trailer that features developer commentary on the weaponry, enemies, and customization options that DOOM will include.

Next up is a look at what DOOM will look like running on the GTX Titan X, (apparently id Software left their [].

DOOM launches at 12:01 AM tomorrow on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.



The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Oh thank Christ it's almost out.

Now I won't have to see any more of its promotional shit everywhere.

They managed to make me bored of their game before it even released.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Anyone else think this looks utterly generic? Like just all the Ghoul levels from Fallout 4.

Also, weapon upgrades and modifications. Why do I smell micro-transactions?!

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Considering Id Software isn't putting out review copies for this game for the reason of "no multiplayer servers will be available before then" (Which is something many companies have done before), I'm not super confident. The game didn't seem all that great for me to begin with, and with a few choice folk acting like this game is the second freakin' coming, I'm not holding my breath. But no review copies going out always screams sketchy to me


New member
Jan 15, 2009
so far the user reviews on steam are "very positive". so maybe its not all lost as the crappy beta. but im still not a 100% convinced.

Poetic Nova

Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus
Jan 24, 2012
I'll pass on Doom. Atleast for now, they are shoving the promotional media so far down my throat that quite frankly it's working against it.

And those stupid "glory" kills aren't helping either. At this point I think The New Order did it better when it came to bringing back an odler IP to a new generation.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
You know...I think I'll eschew this forum's current attitude of petty cynicism and griping, and just say this:

I think this looks neat. I hope the game is fun. I suppose I'll find out tomorrow.

Smilomaniac said:
Multiplayer seems gimmicky
The beta was a vertical slice that featured only 2 modes and 2 maps. That will feel 'gimmicky' no matter what the context or content is.

and the style is too vibrant for my taste.
Compared to what? Out of the entire series only Doom 3 featured a dour and dull color palette.

If it turns out to be mediocre, it'll be a damn shame.
Yes, it will be a shame.

Metalrocks said:
so far the user reviews on steam are "very positive". so maybe its not all lost as the crappy beta. but im still not a 100% convinced.
Did you read the negative reviews on the beta?

I did. Not all of them, of course, but quite a few, and I can tell you that a LOT of them were outright fabrications. They talked of and criticized things that weren't even in the game. And a large number of them had only a few minutes logged, if any.

This is not to say that the beta was flawless, or even good, but a lot of the negative reviews were utter bullshit. Petty people reacting negatively to something old being brought back 'different'.


New member
Oct 12, 2013
I'm watching TB playing it on Twitch and he seems to be in love with it so far so leaning on buying this game


New member
Jan 15, 2009
Vigormortis said:
Metalrocks said:
so far the user reviews on steam are "very positive". so maybe its not all lost as the crappy beta. but im still not a 100% convinced.
Did you read the negative reviews on the beta?

I did. Not all of them, of course, but quite a few, and I can tell you that a LOT of them were outright fabrications. They talked of and criticized things that weren't even in the game. And a large number of them had only a few minutes logged, if any.

This is not to say that the beta was flawless, or even good, but a lot of the negative reviews were utter bullshit. Petty people reacting negatively to something old being brought back 'different'.
not all of them but i did read my fair share. i was one of the negative reviewer as well but i also stated why after playing for nearly 2 hours.
but i agree that a bunch of them did write stuff there that made me scratch my head where they got this from. like it being like COD. with the halo part i could more or less see it since you could only carry 2 weapons.

now these user reviews who post positive about the game have only played few hours. im more curious how long the campaign is. because in australia, the games cost a lot of money. steam still displays USD but the game it self costs 80AUD.
i have googled how much the 60USD are in AUD and its 80AUD.


Ruining videogames
Feb 3, 2011
Yessssss. All preloaded and ready to go. What a cathartic way to shake out the college finals stress.
Silentpony said:
Also, weapon upgrades and modifications. Why do I smell micro-transactions?!
Because gamers love nothing more than making up boogymen to justify rampant unjustifiable cynicism?


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
major_chaos said:
Hi there, name's SilentPony. I take the world as it is, not as I wish it to be. For example, I wish I lived in a world where microtransactions and crafting systems didn't ruin otherwise perfectly fine games. I don't. I played Dead Space 3, Alien Isolation and Fallout 4.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Totalbiscuit did a stream earlier, because of UK release time I guess. In it he said the single-player was amazing.

I "pre-ordered" after that to download it and get the Wolfenstein game too. It looks really good.


New member
Jan 15, 2009
have decided to get the game as well. the negative reviews all point out the MP sucks. many at least were fair and said that the MP is bad but the campaign is awesome. and since i dont care about the MP but i may play it to see what is different, im more than happy with the SP. has been a wile since i have played a solid SP game. and have something over the top gory sounds like a nice switch.


Ruining videogames
Feb 3, 2011
Silentpony said:
I'm not sure what about that statement baffled me the most, the idea that the pointless "so minimal I don't even know how to access them" microtransactions somehow "ruined" DS3 considering that game already doused you in resources at every opportunity, the concept of the crafting system of all things even being in the top five of Isolation's major flaws, or the mostly well executed crafting system somehow being a minus for FO4.
But your personal bugbears aside the original and more important point is: do you have any actual evidence or grounded reason to think DOOM is going to have microtransactions, or are you just tilting at windmills?


I am a meat popsicle
Oct 24, 2013
Smilomaniac said:
No review, no purchase. I would've liked to see The Escapist at least mention this bit, at least as a word of caution against buying anything that developers don't trust to show reviewers beforehand. Also, it's worth mentioning that Bethesda outright deleted the Doom multiplayer pate on steam, along with the large list of negative reviews of it. The deletion itself can be excused, but folks should be aware that many were negative about the beta.

Anyway, I'm not sold on the game so far. Multiplayer seems gimmicky and the style is too vibrant for my taste. It is exclusively the brand/IP that keeps me somewhat interested. If it turns out to be mediocre, it'll be a damn shame.
I played the multiplayer beta, and found it sluggish and disappointing. That said, I've been mildly encouraged by what I have seen of the campaign. We shall see how it turns out.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Smilomaniac said:
These two new modes are obviously supposed to show off the best of multiplayer, considering how close to release the beta was. If so, then it's just a question of whether they have classic modes or not (DM, T-DM, CTF), which is what I'm mostly interested in anyway.
With the SnapMap editor, one can make just about any 'mode' they wish. I've heard someone made a parkour map already.

A bad prior example doesn't excuse a bad future one. Compared to nothing, by the way, so far I'm just not sold on the looks. When/if I play it, I might change my mind, but it's not a selling point to me.
I don't actually think Doom 3 is a 'bad example'. I enjoyed the game, including the aesthetic.[footnote]At least, what I could see of it. <.<[/footnote] Either way, if you weren't making a comparison, that's fine. The way you worded it sounded as though you had, and I've heard no end of people complaining about the new aesthetic by saying, "What's this colorful, cartoony shit? Where's my classic Doom aesthtic?"

It's like they played some alternate universe version of Doom and Doom 2 that I never played.