"nfs" was never really popular as it was slower to navigate a system than using the command prompt that was still very much used to run anything back then.
Like the command prompt
isn't still the faster and simpler way of doing most things in administration these days?
One crap temp job I had once was an administrative one, which involved updating software (mostly OS) for managed customer servers (amongst other things). I could patch ALL the Unix-based systems at once (a mix of RH and Debian derivatives), but only six Windows-based systems at once. My crappy potato-class cube-farm super-deluxe morons-in-IT-provisioned desktop would crawl to a snail's pace if I opened more than 6 RDP sessions at once.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade --yes
Ignoring how slow and broken windows update is, those commands are fire and forget
and take about ten percent of the time to set up vs. starting Windows Update (which isn't always in the same place. Genius!). Plus you can crontab the downloading portions for off-hours (for example, my service provider has unlimited free bandwidth for all users between 2am and 8am, so I set up downloads for that timeframe).
Want to find files that have been updated in the last five minutes in an installation?
(there's ports of find for Windows CMD too, although I'd advise renaming it something like 'wfind' as Windows already has a 'find' which is more like grep)
Have some free time and want to fix some of the smugly rude hacks you put in your last large project, which were helpfully labelled with "XXX: ..." comments? Well, here's a list of said comments, with filenames:
grep XXX `find . -name \*.c`
Sure, there are things that are easier to do with a GUI...but for each of those, there's something that's easier to do on a command line. And remote desktop will never be as lightweight as a remote command line..ever. The early command lines were designed for use with terminals running at 50bps..that helps a lot when some douche from the networking department provisions the entire cubefarm LAN on a single 10Mbps port and then provides to distribute connectivity to it with
passive hubs. I kid you not -- the non-switching variety of ethernet hubs. That was at that same place I mentioned before, and it was in 2015.
(there a Microsoft-authored Windows port of bash too, although installing it is a bit involved)