Watch the Trailer for the Fourth, and Final, Season of Star Wars: Rebels

Lizzy Finnegan

New member
Mar 11, 2015
Watch the Trailer for the Fourth, and Final, Season of Star Wars: Rebels

Every story has an end.

During Star Wars Celebration in Orlando, the trailer for the upcoming fourth season of Star Wars Rebels was unveiled, along with a different kind of announcement - this season will the the show's final one.

"I really appreciate that love from you guys. I think I can make this story as meaningful as can be," said co-creator and executive producer Dave Filoni (via IGN []), adding that Season 4 "is unlike anything else we've ever done. It's different. A little dark, a little fun..."

Star Wars Rebels' fourth season will include 15 episodes and will kick off this fall on Disney XD.


Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
People. Better. Die.

Disney, I don't know what your problem is, but as much as I love Rebels, the season 3 finale was kind of a letdown. Finally, I thought, we're getting ground combat with expendable Rebels soldiers. We're going to see blaster fights that the good guys lose as their base is slowly overrun.
But no. In fact, I don't think we even see a Stormtrooper get shot.

I know this show focuses on a smaller group of characters, and therefore we can't exactly be killing the off, but for crying out loud, show the Rebels losing some real fights. We've seen space battles a few times where the A-Wing pilots get scrapped, but that often goes in the opposite direction in that the A-Wings can't seem to shoot down any TIEs. I want to see combat that feels like two trained sides fighting each other, not one side constantly losing or winning because the script demands it.

Please, as the final season, show us the sacrifices these Rebels have to make. Show us something like the battle of Umbara from The Clone Wars.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Really thought Hera or Rex would die.

Oh well, good that it's ending now. As much as I liked it, I want to see them try their hands on traditional animation.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Tanis said:
I wonder who will die.

Maybe an Animorphs moment?
Is that a reference to Rachel, or the very end of the series (I'm afraid I stopped reading the books before either happened)?


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
Hawki said:
Tanis said:
I wonder who will die.
Maybe an Animorphs moment?
Is that a reference to Rachel, or the very end of the series (I'm afraid I stopped reading the books before either happened)?
The series end.

I think it's a great way for them to go.

Though I think, for the survivors, it would have to be something AFTER ROTJ.

Like, they go out as unsung heroes in a fall strike against a massive fleet of The Empire.

Hell, let them go out '300' style.
Apr 17, 2009
Bob_McMillan said:
Really thought Hera or Rex would die.

Oh well, good that it's ending now. As much as I liked it, I want to see them try their hands on traditional animation.
Hera gets a shout out in Rogue One, so she's probably going to live. If this is the final series I'd say bets were off for everyone else though. My money's on Kallus biting it, would be a fitting end for the arc he's gone on