"You know who Brownbag Johnson is. That's his wailing guitar in 'Cheat on the Church', the Graveyard BBQ song that won the first 'Be A Guitar Hero' contest. You know because you rocked it out: You shouted the words to its shrill opening sermon; you head-banged your way through the whining glory notes; you felt your fingers cramp and burn on those never-ending, face-melting riffs. Admit it: You played the shit out of that song. And every time you did, you felt like you were 18 feet tall with cajones the size of cantaloupes and throngs of adoring fans prostrating themselves at your bedroom slippers. Basically, you felt like you were Brownbag Johnson.
But when Brownbag Johnson played his own song, he felt more like you. 'Let's put it this way: Our bass player's little brother - who's only 8 years old - can kick my ass at it,' he laughs. "Even though I wrote the song, I'm not totally kicking ass at the game.'"
Lara Crigger discovers how guitar heroes become Guitar Heroes.