So this was a thing that happened.
The story goes a Youtuber by the name of SupMatto [] was reporting on some Borderlands 3 leaks. Now i don't know the Youtuber at all, but a brief glance at their page shows they're hardcore in Borderlands, and have been for years. Lore videos, tips and tricks, easter eggs, builds and live streams. Just they're to Borderlands what VaatVidya is to Souls games.
Now SupMatto has been reporting on leaked BL3 information. Note he was not the one leaking information, like he got a behind the scenes look and reported on it, nor was he leaking on someone else's behalf like he has an insider. No he was just doing breakdown videos of leaks other people had already posted.
This was a big no-no for 2k Games who sent two private investigators from their private security firm(aside: Game devs have private security?!) to this guy's house, allegedly as part of a 10 month long investigation, but from the outside it just looks like a threatening shakedown. 2K has defended this action claiming he has done way more than just post videos on leaks, though did not go into specifics as to what else those were. Worth noting a Rep from 2K claims reporting on leaked content is in fact illegal. Its not so long as you're not the leaker.
Following this 2K issused 63 content strikes against his channel, ranging from the leaked videos to just general BL2 videos. I think I read that 5 of them have since been dropped, but I can't find a source for that.
This whole thing smells...fishy. Like maybe its staged? All press is good press? Or maybe SupMatto was like a contracted employee with them? Like remember when PewDiePie was payed to play Mordor? Maybe something like that and SupMatto just broke the rules? One thing the 2K rep said that jumped out at me was that SupMatto "Repeatedly broke their policies" and unless he's an employee I don't know how they have any jurisdiction over him. Like what policies can a company just apply to a individual dude?
The story goes a Youtuber by the name of SupMatto [] was reporting on some Borderlands 3 leaks. Now i don't know the Youtuber at all, but a brief glance at their page shows they're hardcore in Borderlands, and have been for years. Lore videos, tips and tricks, easter eggs, builds and live streams. Just they're to Borderlands what VaatVidya is to Souls games.
Now SupMatto has been reporting on leaked BL3 information. Note he was not the one leaking information, like he got a behind the scenes look and reported on it, nor was he leaking on someone else's behalf like he has an insider. No he was just doing breakdown videos of leaks other people had already posted.
This was a big no-no for 2k Games who sent two private investigators from their private security firm(aside: Game devs have private security?!) to this guy's house, allegedly as part of a 10 month long investigation, but from the outside it just looks like a threatening shakedown. 2K has defended this action claiming he has done way more than just post videos on leaks, though did not go into specifics as to what else those were. Worth noting a Rep from 2K claims reporting on leaked content is in fact illegal. Its not so long as you're not the leaker.
Following this 2K issused 63 content strikes against his channel, ranging from the leaked videos to just general BL2 videos. I think I read that 5 of them have since been dropped, but I can't find a source for that.
This whole thing smells...fishy. Like maybe its staged? All press is good press? Or maybe SupMatto was like a contracted employee with them? Like remember when PewDiePie was payed to play Mordor? Maybe something like that and SupMatto just broke the rules? One thing the 2K rep said that jumped out at me was that SupMatto "Repeatedly broke their policies" and unless he's an employee I don't know how they have any jurisdiction over him. Like what policies can a company just apply to a individual dude?