"The figure of 150 people has become known as 'Dunbar's Number.' The Number is a conjecture so far, supported only by statistical and anecdotal evidence. Dunbar, now at the University of Liverpool School of Biological Sciences, is conducting a 10-year study that may offer firm proof in 2008. ? On the web, humorist David Wong used the Number to launch a funny (but not-safe-for-work) screed about the 'monkeysphere' - 'the group of people who each of us, using our monkeyish brain, is able to conceptualize as people. ... n our monkey brains the old woman next door is a human being, while the cable company is a big, cold, faceless machine. That the company is, in reality, nothing but a group of people every bit as human as the old lady, or that some kind old ladies actually work there and would lose their jobs if enough cable were stolen, rarely occurs to us.'
"Today, Dunbar's Number has gained currency among sociologists, anthropologists, managers and - increasingly - online game designers."