More Details About Epic Mickey in November Issue of Game Informer

Tom Goldman

Crying on the inside.
Aug 17, 2009
More Details About Epic Mickey in November Issue of Game Informer

Warren Spector's mysterious Disney-themed videogame will finally come to light next within the next couple of weeks.

Game Informer's Andy McNamara has made it known that Disney Epic Mickey (the title he gives the videogame on his blog) will be featured in the magazine's November issue. Before you get pains from having to wait a month, take a second and remember that magazines tend to hit stands a month earlier than they are actually labeled, meaning we should see this issue very soon. Up until now, all we've heard on Epic Mickey are concept art shots [].

As rumored, painting is definitely involved in Epic Mickey as we can see what looks like a paint-covered Mickey Mouse holding a paintbrush on the already revealed cover of the issue. He's going up against an unfamiliar enemy, though my instinct tells me it could be a version of the Phantom Blot [], a longtime Mickey Mouse foe. The cover also shows three areas that Mickey will have to no doubt tackle and save. To me, these look like the "It's a Small World" attraction, a dark version of the iconic Cinderella's castle, and the Haunted Mansion.

After seeing this concept art and now the GI cover, Epic Mickey looks like an absolute dream. Based on how the game combines a hint of Fantasia and a dash of Steampunk to Warren Spector's proven track record (it's being developed by Warren's Junction Point Studios), I can't wait to see what this game has in store. According to Game Informer's Epic Mickey landing page [], where new details will be released throughout October, the title is confirmed for the Nintendo Wii, will be single-player only, and is slated for Fall 2010.

Source: Game Informer Online []



New member
Mar 10, 2009
This game looks really interesting. I can't wait to see what its actually about.

Good thing I subscribe to Game Informer. :]

Jon Etheridge

Appsro Animation
Apr 28, 2009
Well the concept art on this has so far been nothing but amazing. I'll reserve judgment of the game until I see it in action though.


Premium Gasoline
Jun 23, 2009
Why do those images give me an "American McGee" feeling?



Special Zero Unit
Apr 22, 2009
The cover paged is disturbing(for a disney ralated game) and awesome at the same time.

A Weary Exile

New member
Aug 24, 2009
This game comes way out from left field, this is the last thing I expected from the Game industry (To suprise me this much) I MUST know more about this game!


New member
Aug 2, 2008
That does look a little dark for a Disney game.

Then again, Kingdom Hearts featured a character who constantly cuts down very humanoid creatures while saying, "YOU DON'T HAVE A HEART SO THIS IS OKAY." Maybe I just don't know Disney anymore.


New member
Sep 19, 2009
Looks fabulous and might actually force me to play my Wii, rather than using it as a paperweight to hold down my assignments while I play my DS... :D
(I jest. But I actually don't play my Wii.)


New member
Oct 4, 2009
It looks like Disney learned something from their involvement with KH: throw out a product that's conceptually sounds off the wall and people will notice. And noticed it I have.

The concept art is gorgeous and it sounds like the type of game that can finally get me to return to my Wii. I can't wait to hear more about it.


New member
Feb 28, 2008
Flos said:
That does look a little dark for a Disney game.

Then again, Kingdom Hearts featured a character who constantly cuts down very humanoid creatures while saying, "YOU DON'T HAVE A HEART SO THIS IS OKAY." Maybe I just don't know Disney anymore.
To be honest, I think this is the best fate we could hope for our beloved mouse to receive. Disney for children has been swallowed whole by the bad acting and child sitcoms, and the task of creating inspiring animated films has fallen to the trustworthy hands of Pixar.

If Mickey can only live on with dignity in video games, why not let him do so? And doesn't digital reality becoming the new home of an American staple give credit to the genre?