Red Ring of Death

Russ Pitts

The Boss of You
May 1, 2006
Red Ring of Death

Still, in spite of some claims of a 30-50 percent failure rate (Microsoft had previously insisted it hovered around 3 percent), for some people, the Xbox 360 has become indispensable. "We watch all our DVDs on the 360," says Stephen Failey, "and we are regular users of the Video Marketplace and have watched, just a rough estimate, more than four seasons of television on the 360 through the various downloadable shows. My wife also listens to her MP3s through the TV when she's baking."

If you do get stuck with a potentially dead Xbox 360, your first step should be to call your retailer. If your machine is still under warranty, they're your best bet for getting a replacement fast. If you're out of luck there, the latest class action lawsuit [].

As for the Zombox? "We still have him," says Failey, "but aren't going to be using him anymore."

Russ Pitts is an Associate Editor for The Escapist. His currently unnamed, yet critically unrecognized column appears every Monday at The Escapist Daily. He also blogs at [].
