Mario Honored by Spanish Plumbers Union

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Mario Honored by Spanish Plumbers Union

Spain's largest professional association of plumbers has made Mario an honorary member for his role in improving the image of the guild and of plumbers worldwide.

Jose Maira de la Fuente, president of ASEFOSAM [], announced that Mario had been made a member of the organization yesterday, conferring upon him a silver badge which "distinguishes association members who have contributed to improving the image of the guild." Despite his membership in the Italian plumbing union, Mario's international fame and nearly 30-year career are expected to exempt him from standard regulations regarding conflict of interest. ASEFOSAM, which was formed in the eighteenth century, currently represents over 20,000 workers across more than 2400 businesses.

Mario will be recognized for his perseverance in "dealing with all kinds of tests, overcoming various obstacles and adapting to the passage of time" - just like real plumbers - in a ceremony being held on November 14 in Madrid. It is presumed that the decision to name Mario to its ranks and honor him with the special award was made prior to his recent vicious assault [] on a New York City taxi driver.

Source: GoNintendo []


Captain Kail

New member
Sep 24, 2009
"I been a referee! I been a doctor! You ever seen a plunger in THESE HANDS?!"

I wonder if Spanish plumbers use pirahna plants on those pipes instead of roto-rooter.


New member
Jun 5, 2009
Well,plumbers are actually a big people in modern society. Water supply and functioning sewers are crucial for keeping cities up and running. And when they break down,who ya gonna call? The Pluumbeeers!

Same goes for videogames. How many times,exactly,Mario have foiled the plans of Bowser and even some tougher guys? Or take the Plumber of Ratchet & Clank series - without crucial bits of help he dispenses,the titular duo wouldn't probably even finish their first adventure in one piece.

[HEADING=3]All hail the mighty plumbers! Salute![/HEADING]


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
lol, awsome


New member
May 22, 2009
Now there's something you don't see everyday.

Now what would've been funnier is if the Italian Plumbers Union did this.

Is there even an Italian Plumbers Union?

Anyway, most of my friends who play Mario games don't even know he's supposed to be a plumber, I backside them up the head for this of course but still....