Cheeze_Pavilion - I would think your example, while valid, is more related to political correctness gone mad than our sensitivity to violence. But sure, they don't make cartoons like Tom and Jerry anymore, do they? On the other hand, prime time TV, for example, is far more violent than I ever remember it being. Is this another example of our generation not really knowing what it stands for, like I mentioned?
Mortal Kombat - for button mashers. You're not a button masher now, are you?
Don Camus - thanks. Widespread acceptance might be taking it a bit far, true, but you don't see many people decrying it as the downfall of civilization anymore. Indeed, I've seen serious articles about the business of internet porn in places like Business Week and the NYT recently. I read somewhere that the LA Times' excellent profile of the guy behind 'Girls Gone Wild' was their most-read online article ever. I think it's pretty accepted in that sense - or certainly, more than it used to be.