Tim Schafer Wants More Brütal Legend DLC

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Tim Schafer Wants More Brütal Legend DLC

Tim Schafer says he "definitely" wants to do more DLC and tuning patches for Brütal Legend [http://www.brutallegend.com/], including new single-player content, that he's happy with how the game has performed and that he thinks modern metal sucks.

It's been a couple months since Brütal Legend hit the shelves and while sales appear to be a bit on the soft side, Schafer expressed satisfaction with the game's reception in a recent interview with GamePro [http://www.gamepro.com/article/features/213145/after-the-credits-tim-schafer-talks-brutal-legend/], saying he was "for the most part very happy" with the response to the game based on feedback he's been given while playing. "We're online with our headsets battling, and they're telling me exactly what they think about the game and it's a whole new experience for me," he said. "It's really fun to be playing on a team with other players swapping strategies and going head-to-head with people who are better than me at my own game."

As far as actual sales go, however, he admitted that he hasn't looked at the numbers yet. "I don't look at those things for awhile; I like to give it time, you know? I think many people look too soon but a lot of games I've worked on have succeeded based on word of mouth," he continued. "With Brütal Legend's multiplayer, people need to play it and talk about it, so I usually don't look at the sales number for a month or so. Definitely not 'til after Christmas."

He also implied that while the game hasn't been a runaway hit, more is on the way. "We definitely want to do more DLC for both single-player and multiplayer, as well as some tuning patches," he said.

And in case you're wondering why Brütal Legend didn't feature more modern metal, Schafer has a ready answer. "You mean besides it sucking? Mostly it's because I wanted to get all my favorite songs in there, which were all from my formative years of my metal experience, about 1982 to 1985," he said. But he also pointed out that some newer metal did make the cut. "We also had some of the newer Motorhead tracks. We didn't just use 'Ace of Spades.' We also had bands like Three Inches of Blood and other new bands, but it's mostly just the music I was most familiar with. Plus, there was just a lot more great old stuff to choose from. The older stuff had the feel I was going for -- it fit Eddie's character as a man out of place in his own time."



New member
May 17, 2009
If only he did the same thing for Psychonauts. IF ONLY.

Screw Brutal Legend. If it was a random hack + slash with heavy metal themes (like the demo convinced everyone it was) then I would be overjoyed at this news. However due to the gameplay of the game being shite, who cares?

Unless the DLC removes the crappy RTS crap for a full fledged hack and slash system there is no need for it.


New member
Oct 15, 2009
Jelekk said:
Please, no more multiplayer dlc. We need some more single player dlc badly.
I agree *spoiler alert*!!! at the end it left with a big FOR NOW which i am not satisfied with


New member
May 27, 2008
well, I don't mind the RTS stuff, but I DO wish there was less of it and more hack and slash stuff. What I was expecting was to be able to jump into a pseudo-realtime empire management thing, kinda like x-com where you control eddie on the ground, and occasionally flip up to a world view of some kind.

Gildan Bladeborn

New member
Aug 11, 2009
I would probably be excited about this, but Schafer hasn't seen fit to release this game on the PC, ergo I couldn't play the DLC anyhow.

And his crack about modern metal sucking is both quite accurate and completely off-base, depending on what you are actually discussing by the term 'modern metal'. If he meant the crap that passes itself off as metal in the States these days, then I wholeheartedly agree. Otherwise Schafer is full of it.

Optimus Hagrid

New member
Feb 14, 2009
oranger said:
well, I don't mind the RTS stuff, but I DO wish there was less of it and more hack and slash stuff. What I was expecting was to be able to jump into a pseudo-realtime empire management thing, kinda like x-com where you control eddie on the ground, and occasionally flip up to a world view of some kind.
I agree, I lost interest in the game when it started going into the RTS bull. More hack 'n' slash, I say. I like seeing the blood up close. lololol


New member
Apr 23, 2008
The RTS elements were pretty good. I would like to see more Hack N Slash. But I would like to see more single player elements than multiplayer. I have not finished the game yet but it is awesome so far. I got me some new strings. FAAAAAAAAAAAACEMELLLLLLLLTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRR!


New member
Apr 18, 2009
Well, he's free to score the game as he likes, but saying that new music sucks is a mentality that just shows that he is getting old, like grandpa-old. As for the DLC, good for him, but I don't find the news all that interesting since I finished the game itself in one afternoon, so I seriously doubt he'll release any DLC worth its money.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Andy Chalk said:
Tim Schafer Wants More Brütal Legend DLC

And in case you're wondering why Brütal Legend didn't feature more modern metal, Schafer has a ready answer. "You mean besides it sucking? Mostly it's because I wanted to get all my favorite songs in there, which were all from my formative years of my metal experience, about 1982 to 1985," he said. But he also pointed out that some newer metal did make the cut. "We also had some of the newer Motorhead tracks. We didn't just use 'Ace of Spades.' We also had bands like Three Inches of Blood and other new bands, but it's mostly just the music I was most familiar with. Plus, there was just a lot more great old stuff to choose from. The older stuff had the feel I was going for -- it fit Eddie's character as a man out of place in his own time."

Does not explain why it's lacking in Iron Maiden songs. They made 3 albums in that period and not one song gets into the game. And I don't think naming the prot. after Maiden things is good enough

300lb. Samoan

New member
Mar 25, 2009
Andy Chalk said:
new single-player content
[small]Dear Tim Schafer:[/small]
specifically, MORE IRON MAIDEN!!!
also, how about new/custom skins for the Deuce, the Axe, and Clementine?

Death to the haters! METAL FOREVER


New member
Sep 15, 2009
The game had Dragonforce music. Definitely some respect for some of the good modern metal.

Next DLC definitely needs to be single player stuff. I haven't even touched the multiplayer. I don't mind the RTS battles in game, but it isn't my thing for multiplayer.

300lb. Samoan

New member
Mar 25, 2009
Gildan Bladeborn said:
depending on what you are actually discussing by the term 'modern metal'. If he meant the crap that passes itself off as metal in the States these days, then I wholeheartedly agree.
I'm positive that's what he's talking about. It's not like there weren't recent acts on the BL soundtrack, he's just picky about using tracks that represent the heritage of heavy metal.

Gildan Bladeborn

New member
Aug 11, 2009
Jonci said:
The game had Dragonforce music. Definitely some respect for some of the good modern metal.
I like Dragonforce well enough (owning as I do their Inhuman Rampage album), but they are seriously outclassed by a very lengthy list consisting of most other European power metal bands. Too much wankery (songs that are almost exclusively one big guitar solo) and not enough variety (all the lyrics sound like they're from the same song after a while). Still, they're so much better than 'nu metal' that it's not even funny.

300lb. Samoan said:
Gildan Bladeborn said:
depending on what you are actually discussing by the term 'modern metal'. If he meant the crap that passes itself off as metal in the States these days, then I wholeheartedly agree.
I'm positive that's what he's talking about. It's not like there weren't recent acts on the BL soundtrack, he's just picky about using tracks that represent the heritage of heavy metal.
Fair enough - I made the distinction because I can count on one hand how many American metal acts I deem worth listening to, while I'd run out of fingers and toes and have to start collecting other people's severed appendages to do that with European/South American/Not-American bands. Mainstream metal in America is bloody awful right now, thank goodness the rest of the world is picking up the slack.


New member
Dec 5, 2009
- Metallica.
- More sidemissions.
- More main story missions.
- More motorforge upgrades,
would be nice.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
batti said:
Andy Chalk said:
Tim Schafer Wants More Brütal Legend DLC

And in case you're wondering why Brütal Legend didn't feature more modern metal, Schafer has a ready answer. "You mean besides it sucking? Mostly it's because I wanted to get all my favorite songs in there, which were all from my formative years of my metal experience, about 1982 to 1985," he said. But he also pointed out that some newer metal did make the cut. "We also had some of the newer Motorhead tracks. We didn't just use 'Ace of Spades.' We also had bands like Three Inches of Blood and other new bands, but it's mostly just the music I was most familiar with. Plus, there was just a lot more great old stuff to choose from. The older stuff had the feel I was going for -- it fit Eddie's character as a man out of place in his own time."

Does not explain why it's lacking in Iron Maiden songs. They made 3 albums in that period and not one song gets into the game. And I don't think naming the prot. after Maiden things is good enough
i agree with Tim on that about metal, the American stuff for the most part sucks now, Three Inches of Blood is Canadian. so i can really see why he didn't include the more recent stuff, that and they make a dig at it during the opening sequence of the game.

as for them not including Maiden, i think it could have been a licensing issue or something like that or they had just too much metal on there. tho i have no idea why they included KMFDM, since they aren't even a metal band and the guitars they have on their album are either synths doing the job or samples


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
Why not redo the damn singleplayer, make it an actual RTS with divided campaign strategy, and allow us to fucking play as the other two groups outside of motherfucking multiplayer?


New member
Dec 29, 2008
Jonci said:
The game had Dragonforce music. Definitely some respect for some of the good modern metal.
pssh, you can drive one end of the map to the other and the stupid intro wouldn't have even finished :p

but what that game needs? a collectible map that shows WHERE the crap I already found is, I hate having 9 serpents or 3 solos left to find and the damn map never shows me where the hell the stuff I found is