Hell, I didn't know anyone who actually played the game entirely by the book. If anything, it was like the card game in FF8, where somebody would pick up a regional rule in one state, travel across the country and spread it from there. Some people liked using a spell point system, others liked a nicer parry system, got rid of material components and the whole 'lose a point of CON when you are raised'. Myself, I was playing cleric like a third edition sorcerer years before third edition was even released. I also allowed for first edition content to be used in second edition games. Alot of the games I have done have come down to powergaming with uber characters doing heroic things. I've allowed for quite a bit of min-maxing in my day, and sometimes the campeign can get a bit monty-haul. All that really matters is that everyone has fun, and somebody chooses a cleric to play.