Spoiler Alert!


New member
Jan 7, 2010
I feel the same way about videogames, or at least those that make the story an important part of the game experience. (I'm not sure a shmup is spoiled if you tell someone that the third boss is a giant squid that shoots acid instead of ink.)
... except for Cho Aniki. Please don't spoil anything about that game.
I like seeing people's first Cho face.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
i have managed to avoid informing myself about ME2, i hope i will be able to keep this up until i can buy the game


New member
Dec 10, 2009
brodie21 said:
i have managed to avoid informing myself about ME2, i hope i will be able to keep this up until i can buy the game
Well, the biggest bit in the game is when you get attacked by a giant squid.

Make sure no one tells you about that.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
factualsquirrel said:
brodie21 said:
i have managed to avoid informing myself about ME2, i hope i will be able to keep this up until i can buy the game
Well, the biggest bit in the game is when you get attacked by a giant squid.

Make sure no one tells you about that.
thanks, asshole...

JK ;)


New member
Dec 10, 2009
brodie21 said:
factualsquirrel said:
brodie21 said:
i have managed to avoid informing myself about ME2, i hope i will be able to keep this up until i can buy the game
Well, the biggest bit in the game is when you get attacked by a giant squid.

Make sure no one tells you about that.
thanks, asshole...

JK ;)
You're welcome.

[sub]It would be so fucking awesome if that actually happened in it[/sub]

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
factualsquirrel said:
brodie21 said:
i have managed to avoid informing myself about ME2, i hope i will be able to keep this up until i can buy the game
Well, the biggest bit in the game is when you get attacked by a giant squid.

Make sure no one tells you about that.
A) That made me snicker.

B) Your user name also made me snicker.



New member
Dec 10, 2009
Susan Arendt said:
factualsquirrel said:
brodie21 said:
i have managed to avoid informing myself about ME2, i hope i will be able to keep this up until i can buy the game
Well, the biggest bit in the game is when you get attacked by a giant squid.

Make sure no one tells you about that.
A) That made me snicker.

B) Your user name also made me snicker.

A) I do what I can

B) the microsoft random name generator comes up with a lot of random things

Prophetic Heresy

New member
Dec 26, 2009
factualsquirrel said:
brodie21 said:
factualsquirrel said:
brodie21 said:
i have managed to avoid informing myself about ME2, i hope i will be able to keep this up until i can buy the game
Well, the biggest bit in the game is when you get attacked by a giant squid.

Make sure no one tells you about that.
thanks, asshole...

JK ;)
You're welcome.

[sub]It would be so fucking awesome if that actually happened in it[/sub]
I'm certain they're saving that for the third game, in which everything but the core gameplay will be changed. They're being very tight-lipped as far as details go, but imagine something similar to Pikmin.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
Prophetic Heresy said:
factualsquirrel said:
brodie21 said:
factualsquirrel said:
brodie21 said:
i have managed to avoid informing myself about ME2, i hope i will be able to keep this up until i can buy the game
Well, the biggest bit in the game is when you get attacked by a giant squid.

Make sure no one tells you about that.
thanks, asshole...

JK ;)
You're welcome.

[sub]It would be so fucking awesome if that actually happened in it[/sub]
I'm certain they're saving that for the third game, in which everything but the core gameplay will be changed. They're being very tight-lipped as far as details go, but imagine something similar to Pikmin.

With guns...

Hells yeah.

Earthbound Engineer

New member
Jun 9, 2008
Susan Arendt said:
If you don't watch your mouth I'll break your knees, too.
[sub]Two links and a sentence? If you weren't part of the Escapist Committee, you'd be probated for low-content posting. [/sub]

Anyway, that article was not at all what I expected it to be. The title was very misleading.


New member
Oct 31, 2007
Demented Teddy said:
factualsquirrel said:
brodie21 said:
i have managed to avoid informing myself about ME2, i hope i will be able to keep this up until i can buy the game
Well, the biggest bit in the game is when you get attacked by a giant squid.

Make sure no one tells you about that.
I tried to look away before I realized you were joking.
Nice one.
haha, me too, I was like:" what's he saying; Well, the biggest bit in the game is - OH NO! *dives to the floor*"


Not quite Cthulhu
May 25, 2009
I couldn't agree more. And its been a real pain in the arse trying to avoid Mass Effect 2 spoilers. Especially considering the yanks have had for three days now ¬¬


New member
Nov 9, 2009
My mom watches figure skating. Bores the crap out me. She used to kick me off the TV for it and I was unpleased to say the least. Being a kid though, no say in the matter.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
TheNamlessGuy said:
We're certainly popular today, aren't we?
Yes, we are.

What's the matter, jealous?

[sub]the bit above is not to be taken sriously, the bit below is.[/sub]

Oh, and I never actually said anything about the article:

Awesome read, I was never really into these before, but I might give them more of a try now.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
brodie21 said:
i have managed to avoid informing myself about ME2, i hope i will be able to keep this up until i can buy the game
Me too, but as I'm not likely to even touch it until it hits the $20 mark, I'm gonna have to be skipping spoiler tags and virtually "covering my ears" for a long, long while.


Divine Ronin
Jan 20, 2009
TheNamlessGuy said:
OT: Good read, first article I've read in ages.
Have to say, the only time I've been pissed about something like that is when some jerk spoiled the ACII ending for me.

Then I decided "the games already ruined, so what the hell".
Then I went and read every detail I could find
I do feel really sorry for you. AC2 really catched me off-guard with it's ending and it's one of the things everybody should only recommend without telling too much.
Same principle as with movies for me. If you haven't seen "The Game" with Micheal Douglas yet and somebody tells you how it ends, there is almost no point watching it anymore.

Everytime I see someone spoiling an experience without proper announcement, I always come to think that they were just too lazy to describe the event in terms that wouldn't give away the surprise.

Twists are something I hugely appreciate in every kind of media with a story and as a good one can almost save a mediocre title, a spoilered one is typicall dead on arrival.


New member
Nov 4, 2009
I found the story in the article..entralling. In fact, I was subconsciously hoping you wouldn't be spoiled :( It may be all chemistry but so is every feeling..

So did you tell that woman anything or just glared in her general direction? o.0

Chances are I won't be able to play either of the Mass effects anytime soon with my lousy pc but I've still avoided the ME2 spoilers..