Saint's Row and Red Faction Could Hit Facebook

Tom Goldman

Crying on the inside.
Aug 17, 2009
Saint's Row and Red Faction Could Hit Facebook

THQ's newly revealed plans to extend its brands to the digital realm will include social networking sites such as Facebook.

In more recent THQ news, CEO Brian Farrell has detailed the company's digital gaming strategy. Multiple existing THQ franchises will receive games released on digital platforms, including Facebook. THQ is not necessarily developing these experiences as a form of profit, but as brand extensions to keep gamers interested and thinking about its titles.

The platforms THQ is aiming at are social networking sites, the PlayStation Network, Xbox Live Arcade, iPhone, and iPad. According to Farrell: "It's a great way to keep consumer engagement with our core properties in between these launches every two or three years. So we look at those markets as both revenue and profit drivers, but more importantly, they are great brand extensions for our key brands." Facebook games are definitely in the pipeline, as Farrell reveals: "We plan to launch our first digital core games this fiscal year including Facebook games based on three of our major brands and four games in development at our THQ Digital Studios."

As covered yesterday [], THQ's current key franchises include Red Faction, Saint's Row, Darksiders, UFC, WWE, de Blob, Drawn to Life, and MX vs ATV. A few of the names are this list are more likely candidates in my mind, with the wider appeal of Drawn to Life or de Blob, but it also could lead to some interesting surprises. Saint's Row could easily be turned into a Mafia Wars-style game (theorizes fellow Escapist writer Logan Westbrook), while Darksiders and Red Faction would be interesting properties to see turned into simpler forms of play.

Extending videogame franchises into the digital realm, and especially the social networking realm, could either lead to a piece of garbage app that nobody cares about, or a creative extension to a brand that could raise its status in the eyes of the public. Facebook is also visited by millions upon millions of people, so it could be a good advertising opportunity too. If THQ is successful, who knows, maybe Super Mario Bros. or Grand Theft Auto could make Facebook appearances as well.

Source: []



Perfect Strangers
Jun 23, 2009
Random Bobcat said:
"Facebook is a social utility that connects you with the people around you."

I find that incredibly comical, like referencing a cereal box opening machine opening your cereal, because we've outgrown the ability to interact in an actual social environment/open a box of cereal.

Yes, I'm sure I'll be under assault from the thousands of people that see Facebook as the New New Testament now; but if I want to talk to my friends I will.

If I want to pretend to have friends I'll go to an AA meeting.
Time for an assault on your AA comment, not so much on your facebook sucks comment, thats true.

AA is not for making friends and for many people they just go and sit without talking to anyone. Some peope make friends there, but why would it be pretending. A friend is a friend no matter how you met. AA is not great, but for reason other than going there to make pretend friends.

OT: I think that spraying feces from a sanitation truck with my facebook "friends" would be pretty neat.


New member
May 21, 2008
Bungie ( the developer behind the Halo series) Already uses face book to promote certain events. As a way of marketing, its fantastic, as people can see almost everything you do. If you like a certain game, or comment about it, everyone in your friends list gets to know about it... whether they like it or not.


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
buy teh haloz said:
Would be nice if Facebook's apps didn't suck so much balls.
That would be nice...but, unfortunatly... /sigh

Why does it need to be there anyway?


New member
Mar 4, 2009
gee too bad i won't have time for facebook , too busy playing and facebook doesn't work that well on ps3 and 360


Avatar of The Laughing God
Jul 8, 2009
Tom Goldman said:
A few of the names are this list are more likely candidates in my mind, with the wider appeal of Drawn to Life or de Blob, but it also could lead to some interesting surprises. Saint's Row could easily be turned into a Mafia Wars-style game (theorizes fellow Escapist writer Logan Westbrook), while Darksiders and Red Faction would be interesting properties to see turned into simpler forms of play.
Dear god no. For the love of all that is good and holy to whatever deity you prefer (I prefer Cthulhu), DO NOT let this happen. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go practice destroying things with nothing but the force of my will...

khaimera said:
OT: I think that spraying feces from a sanitation truck with my facebook "friends" would be pretty neat.
...oh, damn you. You made that inevitably crappy facebook game sound semi-decent. Now I must try to destroy you with my mind too...