Nintendo Built 3D Into the Gamecube

Tom Goldman

Crying on the inside.
Aug 17, 2009
Nintendo Built 3D Into the Gamecube

Sony's big talk about 3D being the future of videogames is so 2001, according to Nintendo.

Sony is a major competitor of Nintendo, so if Sony's strategy is to make 3D gaming big it would only be natural for Nintendo to come out against it no matter what the company's true feelings were. However, Nintendo President and CEO Satoru Iwata's recent comments [] about how unimpressed he is with 3D gaming could be more than just PR spin. It turns out that Nintendo had actually designed the Gamecube, a console released in 2001, with the ability to play 3D games.

The Gamecube was Nintendo's console of the generation previous to the Wii. It didn't quite catch on as well as Nintendo had hoped, selling fewer units than both of its major competitors: the Xbox and the PS2.

But, it apparently had capabilities that went unused. In a third quarter financial results briefing, Satoru Iwata said: "To tell you the truth, GameCube is secretly designed to load graphical circuits which display graphics for right and left eyes respectively, for a future possibility of realizing 3D gaming experience" Nintendo already "had interest in this technology," but decided against the use of it. So, while he's excited about the prospect of 3D movies that would last for two hours, his dislike for lengthier 3D gaming sessions could come from actual testing done with the Gamecube or earlier.

It's come out already that Nintendo may have turned down Project Natal [], Microsoft's next big thing, and now Nintendo seems to have gotten to 3D gaming, Sony's next big thing, first as well. Nintendo was able to reap the rewards by getting a true motion-controlled console out the door before all competitors, and in addition to these stories it paints the company as the best of the big three at looking at ways to innovate within the videogame console space, aside from online gaming. Should we trust Iwata that 3D gaming and Natal will not live up to their hyped potential?

(Via: GoNintendo [])



Elite Member
May 28, 2009
Hmm... didn't know this. Well, 3D's been around for a long ass time so this doesn't really surprise me. Anyone remember the old 3D Dinosaur Adventure computer game from the mid-90's?

I am hoping that this 3D thing is a fad that will pass though. I very much dislike 3D.


The Voice of Treason
Dec 17, 2008
I fucking love the Gamecube. Such an underrated console, with some fantastic games.

Ironically, despite their vast difference in popularity the Wii and Gamecube suffer from the same thing - lack of good third party games. It's just that the Gamecube has none of that motion sensor bollocks and the first party games were better.
Feb 4, 2010
Yeah, that sounds about right. Nothing Sony and Microsoft have talked about doing really excites me. I'd rather not wear dorky glasses when I'm playing my games and this whole "getting up off the couch" thing leaves me scratching my head. I'd rather go for a jog or, you know, punch at the air (because air is a dick) indiscriminately. The Wii is already pushing it but it's close enough to a normal controller that I'm not entirely out of my element when I sit down (emphasis on sit) to play.


New member
Nov 2, 2008
Blah, it's all gimmicky regardless. Can't we just leave the controllers with their fancy colour-coated buttons alone?


New member
Aug 9, 2008
I'd rather they focus on making good games than this gimmicky 3D bullcrap.

Ooh! It looks like it's coming out of the screen a bit! I'm amazed at three dimensions, despite living in 3D my whole life! Imma go move my hand back and forth in front of my face now.


New member
Jan 7, 2010
Sega MasterSystem had 3D games too... the technology isn't the big deal, it's the effort of making it meaningful. Nintendo went *there* with Virtual Boy way before GameCube and slightly less successfully. I think it sounds like they're eating out of a big bag of sour grapes now that someone else is ready to give it a shot.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
the 3d thing is kinda gimmicky, i can see why nintendo decided against it, we will see how natal performs (though im doubtful)
Dec 16, 2009
Until motion sensitive controls are more intuitive and less waiving your arms around like a fool, AND 3D doesn't require glasses; I want no part of either.


New member
Jan 25, 2009
headshotcatcher said:
Now imagine, motion control, 3d vision AND natal capabilities bonded together..

Lovely, no?
I'd be an abomination. Sony isn't that far off though I mean: Eye toy+ wand+ 3D seems to be on the horizon for them and I couldn't care less. I'll try to rent myself a wand and see if it works better than the Wii but my hopes aren't very high.

300lb. Samoan

New member
Mar 25, 2009
NamesAreHardToPick said:
Sega MasterSystem had 3D games too... the technology isn't the big deal, it's the effort of making it meaningful. Nintendo went *there* with Virtual Boy way before GameCube and slightly less successfully. I think it sounds like they're eating out of a big bag of sour grapes now that someone else is ready to give it a shot.
I was about to mention Nintendo's really bad experience with the Virtual Boy... Of course the tech available today could make for an experience that's more pleasant and more meaningful just for it's texture enriched graphics. But it does seem likely that Nintendo has put in the time testing the tech in practical circumstances, seeing as they have two past products that support the concept.