Pokémon and Half-Life Merge to Create Garrymon

Tom Goldman

Crying on the inside.
Aug 17, 2009
Pokémon and Half-Life Merge to Create Garrymon

Pokémon has been recreated using Garry's Mod with some very wacky results.

The first episode of Garrymon answers the question: what would the Pokémon television show be like if it were created by Valve? The answer, is something completely absurd. Two YouTube members are responsible for the development of this 11 minute long episode, which faithfully recreates specific segments from Pokémon, but also throws in lots of weird faces courtesy of Half-Life 2's Garry's Mod [http://www.garrysmod.com/about/].

Garrymon is surprisingly creative, but also incredibly (and intentionally) dumb at the same time. Pikachu is a headcrab, the Pokédex is now the Gabedex (complete with Gabe Newell's face), and the main character is just a whiny as Ash from the original Pokémon show. It follows the format of a typical Pokémon episode, beginning with Ash yelling about how he's going to become the best and such, attempting to do so and getting harmed in various ways, and ending with Ash somehow winding up victorious against all odds.

The Garrymon creators don't plan to stop here, with episode 2 currently in production. They've already demonstrated the ability to make lots of silly Garrymon using all of the tools available in Garry's Mod. It's one of those odd combinations that somehow makes perfect sense at the same time. My attention is usually diverted after 30 seconds of any video by the massiveness of the internet, but Garrymon managed to keep it for the full 11 minutes. I'm waiting for the introduction of the show's Team Rocket, which should probably become "Team PS3" due to Sony's inability to get Valve to develop for the console. Well, it's an idea anyway.

(Via: Destructoid [http://www.destructoid.com/garrymon-pokemon-meets-half-life-in-an-unholy-union-165055.phtml])



New member
Jan 22, 2009
I subscribed to this guy a few months ago when he only had the theme done. I'm looking forward to Episode 2.

Katherine Kerensky

Why, or Why Not?
Mar 27, 2009
Oh, this is brilliant :D I am so going to keep an eye on where this goes :D
And finish watching this episode...
Also: John Freeman! Yeah! :D Woo! :D
Apr 28, 2008
haha, the TF2 engie at the beginning was great.
hehe, pyro chicked :p

Well, that was different. In a good way.

Hopefully they crank the valves and this show keeps steaming ahead.

Now, I'm off to catch my own Dugdemo.

(whitty name here)

New member
Apr 20, 2009
Thats....on so many levels of awesome. This is 10 times better than the actual crap that is the pokemon TV show. I can actually watch this. Looking forward to episode 2.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
I know that this is against the rules and all that, which is why I'm writing this right here as well, but all I can think of to reply to this is: Meh ....

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
John Funk said:
That was incredible.
Beyond incredible.
The attention to detail...the jokes...just hilarious.
I nearly died at the 'Whose that Gerrymon?' segment.
Just awesome.

Epictank of Wintown

New member
Jan 8, 2009
Irridium said:
haha, the TF2 engie at the beginning was great.
hehe, pyro chicked :p

Well, that was different. In a good way.

Hopefully they crank the valves and this show keeps steaming ahead.

The show, though...this...I...wow.

Is it possible to be in love with something on YouTube?


New member
Aug 4, 2009
It was really true to the Source material.(Puntastic) Felt funny that I knew what was going to happen next the whole time....my childhood.

Great work!

Space Jawa

New member
Feb 2, 2010
I don't know whether this falls under so bad its good or if it's just really dumb fun. Either way, I like it in all its absolute ridiculousness.

Sir Ollie said:
Man, I want a DugDemo!
Dude, I want a Cubix! Preferably one that will never try to stab me.