Evony Responds to Investigation

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Evony Responds to Investigation

Much-maligned online game Evony [http://www.evony.com/] has responded to a recent investigation by Ars Technica, clearing up some questions about the company while muddying the waters on others.

Evony has been plagued by allegations of shadiness and sleaze since it went online in May 2009, a reputation not helped by its infamous and increasingly boobtastic series of ads. The game has taken heat for everything from its spam-like marketing campaigns to accusations that its client software is actually malware and that the company behind it is connected with some pretty greasy Chinese gold farming operations. Yet very soon after dropped a lawsuit [http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2010/03/evony-investigating-the-game-everyone-loves-to-hate.ars/] against U.K. blogger Bruce Everiss and it put two executives in touch with Ars for a follow-up.

The result is an interesting look at the game from the other side of the fence which unfortunately does little to clear up the confusion surrounding it. One of the two men who spoke with Ars, Turbine [http://www.mobygames.com/developer/sheet/view/developerId,83306/]. As the article noted, "His involvement with Evony makes the game seem less dubious than we had initially been led to believe." Yarbrough explained that, contrary to many reports, players are not forced to pay to get all the game's content, but that like many other free-to-play MMOGs, Evony "sells convenience" for players who don't want to rely on the randomness of the game to progress.

The pair touched on several other topics as well, pointing out that the Evony website has been updated to include a Google certification that it contains "absolutely no malware" and that the infamous ads are being phased out, but things got a little hazy again when Benjamin Gifford, Evony's vice development director for the legal and IP strategic division, attempted to explain why Evony chose to drop its lawsuit against blogger Bruce Everiss after only two days of testimony.

Gifford claimed that the suit was dropped in response to the Evony fan base, which was largely against it, but an earlier report by The Guardian [http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2010/mar/31/evony-libel-case-bruce-everiss] suggested that the case may have actually been sunk by Gifford's unreliable testimony. Transcripts of that testimony, which Ars acquired after the interview, would seem to support that theory; while Gifford was "open and truthful" in the interview about the fact that he doesn't actually possess a BA and MBA as was claimed in Evony press releases, he was far more evasive about the matter in court, contradicting himself several times and eventually being forced to admit that he'd lied.

If this was any other game, it'd be easy enough to believe that Gifford just got caught up in promoting a new game and let things go too far, but because of Evony's checkered past, he likely won't be able to get away with it quite that easily. Still, it sounds like Evony might be on the road to redemption, if Yarbrough and Gifford can be believed. Can they? Read the whole thing at arstechnica.com [http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2010/04/evony-speaks-to-ars.ars] and decide for yourself.


Caiti Voltaire

New member
Feb 10, 2010
Evony really isn't anything new to the browser "build city/empire" etc Civilization-type clone shtick except for it's increasingly shameless promotion and particularly aggressive and unpleasant player base. I don't think they're going to let up the smut anytime soon. They've been basically spamming people an lets not even start on the boob-tacular login page pictured (which is actually one of the cleaner ones Ive seen)


New member
Aug 31, 2008
Sounds like they've got one or two people on the PR side who know how to dig themselves out of a hole. It will be interesting to see how they fare - their hole's pretty deep as it is. I wonder if they'll accidentally dig downwards.


New member
Apr 22, 2009
If I saw that advert I wouldn't even look twice - it just registers as nothing to me after so many years of internet use.

Caiti Voltaire

New member
Feb 10, 2010
MaxChaos said:
If I saw that advert I wouldn't even look twice - it just registers as nothing to me after so many years of internet use.
It's so true, really, but it isn't just the internet games that have done this. Lara Croft anyone? And am I the only ones that remember those Might and Magic Day of the Destroyer ads with that admittedly pretty hot-looking dark elf?

That kind of advertising has just gotten so old to this point where it seem kind of pedestrian.

Not G. Ivingname

New member
Nov 18, 2009
Caiti Voltaire said:
Evony really isn't anything new to the browser "build city/empire" etc Civilization-type clone shtick except for it's increasingly shameless promotion and particularly aggressive and unpleasant player base. I don't think they're going to let up the smut anytime soon. They've been basically spamming people an lets not even start on the boob-tacular login page pictured (which is actually one of the cleaner ones Ive seen)
At least this allowed popcap to make the funniest parody ad campaign in history, you have to give them that.


New member
Dec 30, 2007
As a hardcore Civ player, I can't understand why Evony and its like are so popular in the first place. At its heart it's just a numbers game, unless you get deep into role-playing politics with other players. At that point, why not just play Civ IV?


New member
Jun 11, 2009
I couldn't read the article

I was just so taken aback by the absurd Fake-ness of that woman's face

It's so eerie


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
When they actually look like they are going to try a normal ad campaign I will believe it when I see it.

Until then it's just another dodgy advertising company to me...wanting your numbers

Caiti Voltaire

New member
Feb 10, 2010
Not G. Ivingname said:
At least this allowed popcap to make the funniest parody ad campaign in history, you have to give them that.
I wasn't aware of any such ad campaign. Have any links? Google is being its usual homogeneous unhelpful self :(

Banana Phone Man

Elite Member
May 19, 2009
Caiti Voltaire said:
Not G. Ivingname said:
At least this allowed popcap to make the funniest parody ad campaign in history, you have to give them that.
I wasn't aware of any such ad campaign. Have any links? Google is being its usual homogeneous unhelpful self :(
These I think is what he was talking about:

I wasn't sure if I could post the images directly onto here because of the rules against advertisements but here is links to the images. If it turns out to be ok then I will change these to the images.




Caiti Voltaire

New member
Feb 10, 2010
Thomas-101 said:
These I think is what he was talking about:

I wasn't sure if I could post the images directly onto here because of the rules against advertisements but here is links to the images. If it turns out to be ok then I will change these to the images.



Haha, that's actually pretty funny.

Not G. Ivingname

New member
Nov 18, 2009
Caiti Voltaire said:
Thomas-101 said:
These I think is what he was talking about:

I wasn't sure if I could post the images directly onto here because of the rules against advertisements but here is links to the images. If it turns out to be ok then I will change these to the images.



Haha, that's actually pretty funny.
Here is the escapist article on it http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/93649-PopCaps-Evony-Spoof-Ads-for-Plants-vs-Zombies-Keep-Coming


New member
Jan 11, 2010
johnman said:
Boobtastic ad's being phased out? Now thats a lie.
But they put t-shirts on the girls!

*rolls eyes*

Yeah I'm not buying the "We're phasing out the smut" either. The game was practically built on the offering of softcore porn.

Mr. Mike

New member
Mar 24, 2010
Well regardless of what they do, I doubt they'll get many more players. There are plenty of other browser games out there that don't have such a shoddy history, and without the enticement of busty women anymore, I don't see how they're going to do all that well.