Fanfiction turly is a portal into the original world, for those who wish to tread that path. When I first started fanfiction, it was in Jak and Daxter (My Inuyasha fic before that doesn't count. I only wrote it cause a friend told me to, and fanfiction forgot it the second I deleted it) and my whole reason for writing was to disprove the Mary Sue in a romance story. Granted it was a nearly impossible task and my my SI OC Loor essentially useless, but it was a great amount of fun and let me get into writing personalities and playing with interaction. My mother, who had played some of Jak and Daxter and read each chapter as I finished it, actually came to me after a particular set and asked just how much diologue was taken from the game in that particular chapter. Turns out, none of it! I had just managed writing Daxter well enough that it sounded like it could have been canon.
Learning characters is a huge advantage when it comes to creating your own. When you've already played with a fully fleshed out creature, it's easier to create. But currently, I'm noting a problem with fanfiction that is forcing me into original work.
I have a thing for SI fanfiction. The OC Loor is in every one of my stories, and since she's based off of me I've seen no reason to change her name fic to fic. As I left Jak and Daxter and entered the terrifying world of Naruto (And it is terrifying. I never even watched the whole serise, and dear GOD they're all plot nazis.) my work grew more and more original. As Loor and her sister-sidekick Fury entered the world, several peices grew tweaked and changed as I re-wrote them into my brain's lines of understanding. A grand total of 3 reviwers are still following the story, loving each fresh and new turn of events, down from the 20 some I started with.
But the problem is I just can't work within some of the combines of the Naruto world, or should I say the lack there of? Some events within the story just blew my mind when I actually examined them, realizing none of it made any sense what so ever. When I changed things to make them sit with some proper sense, I lost readers. As I changed the world to obey simple laws of logic and physics (Oh god, physics) I could almost hear the shouts of dishelved fans telling me that's just not how it worked. Now, nearing the end of my fanfic and likely my entier fanfic career, I've come to realize I can only work in a world of my own making if I want things to make any bloody sense.
But of course, I think that's a jounry quite a few authors have made in fanfiction. I've lost so many fans to my originality, and you know what? I'm okay with it.
Hopefully now the original story I attempted to write at 13 will blow them all away after 5 years of practice.