5 Game Endings that are worse than Mass Effect 3


New member
Feb 15, 2011
Crysis had a crappy cliffhanger, also Rainbow 6 Vegas. They were both particularly annoying as you feel they were just missing the last act of their (already quite boring) stories, and didn't need sequels.


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Jun 9, 2009
ForgottenPr0digy said:
As for silent hill:homecoming I know almost every silent hill game has multiple endings but these are way too short and don't give a conclusion. Even the good wasn't all that great even with the extra scene if collection and photos/child drawings
I know, I was just joking. I actually like Homecoming for the most part but, yeah, the endings all kinda sucked.


New member
Mar 25, 2010
I agree completely, which is why I laughed so hard at Yahtzee and MovieBob and everyone else who got up in arms about Bioware changing their ending with DLC. They're far from the first, and not exactly the worst offenders, they just managed to piss off more people, that's all.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
Buretsu said:
RJ 17 said:
The one I agree with most is Rage...

But come to think of it, Rage and ME 3's ending have a LOT in common.

End of Rage: Fight off a few waves of super mutant soldiers, no main boss fight, a short ending movie that left everyone saying ".......wtf was that?!"

End of ME 3: Fight off a few waves of super mutant soldiers (i.e. Reaper forces), no main boss fight (funny as he is, Mr. Marauder Shields isn't a main boss fight), and a short ending movie that left everyone saying "......wtf was that?!"
Actually, Rage's ending was more like if Mass Effect 3 had ended right after Shepard finished putting together a fleet.

Though I have a feeling it was just intended as a hook for the sequel which probably will never happen, as the ending was just the last bit of spunk at the end of the long facial of the rest of the disappointing game.
Eh, it was a decent enough game to begin with, but got pretty old pretty fast when you realize that it's literally just going to a few "dungeons" twice before moving on. It also had the Boarderland enemy problem in that, despite being of different factions, all the enemies were essentially exactly the same.

But yeah, the ending was obviously setting up for a sequel. If they promised to try and make it more interesting, I might give it a look (if it ever gets made). But leaving it open for a sequel or not, Rage's ending was just depressingly bad.


New member
Feb 21, 2009
You know sometimes having an ending leaving behind some mystery is a good thing. Not concluding a story and ending it with To Be Continued... is one thing. But sometimes the writers want to leave behind somethings not being resolved because they expect you and your imagination to fill in the blanks.

An example is the ending to the movie Inception. Then there are movies like Momento which expects you to sort everything out yourself. I remember seeing that movie in the theaters, my cousin hated Momento because it didn't make sense to her. I loved it, and when I later solved its riddle, I loved it even more.

Anyways, talking about movies made by Christopher Nolan. Did anyone noticed The Dark Knight ended with no resolve and on a cliffhanger? I guess that makes it a "bad" movie.

One more thing on the OT.

Games with bad endings = God of War 3.


New member
May 31, 2011
Nomanslander said:
You know sometimes having an ending leaving behind some mystery is a good thing. Not concluding a story and ending it with To Be Continued... is one thing. But sometimes the writers want to leave behind somethings not being resolved because they expect you and your imagination to fill in the blanks.

An example is the ending to the movie Inception. Then there are movies like Momento which expects you to sort everything out yourself. I remember seeing that movie in the theaters, my cousin hated Momento because it didn't make sense to her. I loved it, and when I later solved its riddle, I loved it even more.

Anyways, talking about movies made by Christopher Nolan. Did anyone noticed The Dark Knight ended with no resolve and on a cliffhanger? I guess that makes it a "bad" movie.

One more thing on the OT.

Games with bad endings = God of War 3.
I think you're missing the point.

With the exception of RAGE and FFXIII-2, which were merely decent, each and every one of these games was great, and still are. A bad ending does not devalue the experience that came before it. However, a bad ending is a bad ending.

Also, I must disagree with you on the Dark Knight's ending. It was not a cliffhanger, nor did it not resolve anything. Harvey is dead, the Joker is in custody, we see a conclusion to the vast majority of the characters' arcs, and the story has ended. I stress that there is nothing wrong with a cliffhanger, or an open ending, when it is done well. Games like FFXIII-2 and Halo 2 do cliffhangers badly. Games like Digital Devil Saga 1 and Mass Effect 2 have GOOD cliffhangers.


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
I am going to have to say that Dead Space 2 has the worst ending of all the games I've played in recent times, yes including Mass Effect 3.

Basically, you somehow destroy the Marker by fighting Nicole in your mind which starts the self destruct for the Sprawl. Isaac sits there, resigned to his fate, probably looking forward to the sweet relief of death after everything he has gone through. Then Ellie rescues him, after which it cuts to him sitting in the cockpit of the shuttle and in an homage to the previous games ending he looks across to the other seat and sees...Ellie, cut to credits.

I was really pissed off with that ending.


New member
May 8, 2009
Abandon4093 said:
Char-Nobyl said:
Snip for too much Wahhh
Seriously too much belly aching to even bother trying to respond to.

The game never made out to be story driven, it was all about showing off ids new engine and all the cool things that entailed.

If you didn't understand that before purchasing, boo-hoo for you. I enjoyed it, then again I waited for a sale.
Oh, I'm sorry. Was my ~250 word reply too much to handle all at once?

Well, I guess that's on me. I should have added some fancy visual effects and stunning voice acting, then given it to you on three CDs. That might've been manageable for you.


New member
May 8, 2009
Abandon4093 said:
Said as if 'fancy visual effects and stunning voice acting' is a bad thing.
They are when it means we get a short six-hour campaign that comes on three CDs. I've had Live Arcade games last longer than it did, and this cost four times what they did.

Abandon4093 said:
Who gives a fuck if it wasn't an HOMG EPOCH STOREEELYNE! with a DRAMATIC ENNNNNNNND!.
Apparently everyone except you.

See, if an upcoming movie releases an amazing three minute trailer and it looks like the film will be an epic blockbuster, people are going to be pissed off when they discover that it's a short film that only lasts about five minutes. Sure, it's short film with amazing production values, but it apparently forgot that short films and feature-length films are very different things. A short film isn't just the outline of a feature-length one. It has to tell its story in the time allotted.

Rage? It didn't do that. At all. Instead, it was the skeleton of a full-length story presented as if it was fully fleshed.

Abandon4093 said:
I enjoyed it. Soooooooo.

U mad?
Not particularly. But you seem to be in denial, from the way you periodically insist that you loved Rage to the moon and back without any accusations to the contrary.


New member
Jul 20, 2010
Jitters Caffeine said:
Maybe Bioware will take a page out of the "Bethesda's Big Book of Fixing Your Shit" and retcon the ending better.
I really don't like the precedent that that will set. I'm sorry, but while I really didn't like the ending of Mass Effect 3 AT ALL (seriously, it was the worst thing I've ever seen a video game company pull, and Mass Effect was the first series I ever truly got into), I don't like the idea that developers could bend to fan rage. I'm going to take it in my stride, like the retarded epilogue bit to The Deathly Hallows. In all honesty, I just made up my own ending to Mass Effect 3. Retconning is a bit of a silly concept. If I don't like something that's been set down in front of me, I just come up with my own version which is better and then pretend that that's what happened. It saves me a considerable amount of blood pressure, believe me. :)


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Ill leave this here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfpMvR70KGw&feature=related

Mobile Force 1 the worst localisation ever (gunbird 2) Imagine been a hardcore shmup player who doesnt use a continue, spending weeks even months to beat the game, only to be rewarded with THAT ending


New member
May 8, 2009
Abandon4093 said:
My ass internet steel balls.

The campaign is listed as having 15 hours worth of content on average nearly 20 if you go OCD and complete all the sidequests.
It's 'listed' as having that much? And where, pray tell, is it 'listed' as having that much?

Abandon4093 said:
I think I completed it in about 13 and I tend to burn through games fairly quickly. A 6 hour game it most certainly was not.

8 hours is considered average for a FPS. Rage delivered nearly double that.
Got a citation to back that up?

Abandon4093 said:
Go pull the other mate, because I don't believe for a second it took you six hours to beat.
You're probably right. I beat it within a single weekend, but the fact that it was so short yet came on three CDs probably made it feel all the more lackluster. Kinda like getting served a pint in a gallon jug: it's going to look pathetic because of the container, not necessarily because of the quantity.

Abandon4093 said:
Again, bullfucking shit.

The story was thin, the gameplay was plentiful. Sure I'd have loved more, but 13 hours of playtime is pretty good these days.
Ah, yes. Plentiful gameplay. And structured so nice and neatly, too. You fight one bandit clan for a mission (or if you're lucky, two) and then never see them again. Each level was basically just a showcase for an item or two, or maybe a new weapon/ammo type. While that's all well and good for a single level, that was how seemingly every level played out. There was astonishing variety among enemy appearances and behaviors, but they'd rarely ever overlap, and they get showcased once or twice and then vanish. Well, not really 'vanish' so much as 'only spawn in one area that you have no reason to return to.'

I thought id did an amazing job with the different factions. You could even differentiate between them by their voices, for Christ's sake. But they got put on display, and then went away. Like a tech demo.

Abandon4093 said:
I just burnt through Bulletstorm in one 5 hour sitting a few minutes ago. Now there's a game I wish there was much, much more of.
Ah, Bulletstorm. I'm seeing a lot more common ground between us as this goes on. It felt a bit like it was staggering towards the end, though. Final Echo wasn't nearly as fun to fight as any of the other groups. It went from tattooed convicts, tribal cannibals, and horrific mutants to a group that looked and fought like the COG from Gears of War. Damn shame, too. But at least there'll undoubtedly be a sequel, given its financial success and the sequel hook. Here's to more Waggleton P. Tallylicker.

Abandon4093 said:
And I'm not saying the game is above criticism, I just don't get the 'ees no story ya'. Because I certainly didn't start playing it expecting it to be Deus Ex. I expected some gorgeous looking scenery and some innovative gun play. Got all that, not really looking for anything else.
My main gripe with Rage was that it was a shallow experience made all the worse by how much work clearly went into its tech and general development. Somehow, all those brilliantly rendered and emotive characters felt downright insulting because not a single one of them had a name that I can remember. It's like a corollary of the uncanny valley: the more realistic a character looks, the more disconcerting it is when they don't have anything resembling a personality.

...you know what, man? You've given me pause for thought. I'm going to break out Rage again and see if I can find that spark of fun in spite of its flaws. Because what've I got to lose besides a few hours?


New member
Aug 2, 2008
I have a hard time counting any game with an intended sequel in this list. God of War 2, Gears of War 2, MGS2, etc may have had bad endings if you only look at that game but a sequel was expected. With an intended sequel it is easier to let certain things slide in the expectation it will be explained in future games.