Smile and Nod: My Favorite Villain is Me

Russ Pitts

The Boss of You
May 1, 2006
Smile and Nod: My Favorite Villain is Me

Playing as a villain may leave you wondering just how good you really are.

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Lvl 64 Klutz

Apr 8, 2008
It's good to see S&N make a return! I, unfortunately missed out on TIE Fighter and almost every other space shooter from back in the heyday of the flight stick. I did play Descent II, though, and digging into my memory bank of that game, I'm surprised how deep the story seems to be in TIE Fighter. I can only hope it may pop up on GOG someday.


New member
Feb 4, 2008
Even Maarek Stele (TIE Fighter's protagonist) doesn't escape the misunderstood bad guy treatment in the expanded universe [], though.

Elf Defiler Korgan

New member
Apr 15, 2009
A game mixing TIE fighter with scenes like this

would be supremely fun.


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
Yeah it's easy to forget all the racism, genocide and horrible crimes committed by the empire in the name of "order" and so easy to roll over and accept that you were "just following orders"... sound familiar anyone?

Alliance 4 Life! Down with the Emperor!

Though all things considered, Thrawn is an awesome villain and the much more sensible Fel Imperium in the Star Wars Legacy Universe draws a lot more from Thrawn's ideas than those of Palpatine and Tarkin.


New member
Jul 6, 2010
I think this dynamic is something that the Star Wars universe does exceedingly well in video games. In the movies, it's kind of hard to really understand how bad the rebels have it, and how strong their convictions are. KOTOR gave me the same inner dilemma when I started to realize that the good/evil spectrum was effectively replacing the difficulty selection, and the darker you played, the easier the game was. It brings significance to Yoda's explanation that the dark side isn't stronger, but "easier, more seductive".


Ridiculously Awesome
Jun 4, 2008
I, too, adore Thrawn, and this game was such a blast to play. You didn't mention my favorite part, however - flying as Darth Vader's wingman.


New member
May 12, 2009
I remember playing TIE Fighter and loving it utterly and completely. Especially Thrawn. This was as I was just getting into the EU books, and it totally flavored my perception of Star Wars from that point on. Always loved the Empire, even in the films they were my favorite. It just seemed like the rebellion was fucking up a working, ordered galaxy, and the Emperor was just using the dark side as a way to achieve order.

I'm not sure I've even played the rebel campaign in Empire at War. . . *rains Star Destroyers and TIE squadrons on his enemies*
Feb 13, 2008
One word. Dexter.

Or House.

Or Jigsaw, Freddy, Leatherface, Hannibal...

Villains, when done right, are much more interesting than Heroes.

But it's the Heroes you can rely upon. If Dr. Gregory House really existed, he'd be struck off in an instant. And probably at your request.

For the Star Wars Universe, match the Whiny Luke versus the Imposing Vader. Which is why the prequels stick in people's craw so much. Darth Maul is so much more than Qui Gon Jinn.

But you still root ( ;) ) for Yoda.

Just Craig

New member
May 21, 2010
PedroSteckecilo said:
Yeah it's easy to forget all the racism, genocide and horrible crimes committed by the empire in the name of "order" and so easy to roll over and accept that you were "just following orders"... sound familiar anyone?
Yeah, when I read his paragraphs summarizing the Empire's side of the story I had to laugh a little, thinking "boy, doesn't that sound familiar..."
Never played Tie Fighter, but I did play X-Wing back in the day. Sadly, I sucked at it. (Played a lot of Dark Forces instead...)


New member
Mar 18, 2010
Tie Fighter was an awesome game - in fact, it was the only game that came with me to college when I purged my library of video distractions. That said, I don't remember having any moments of enlightenment while playing. All I remember is the game's excellent mission designs, flight mechanics, and imperial march soundtrack.

Mr Smith

New member
Apr 22, 2010
PedroSteckecilo said:
Yeah it's easy to forget all the racism, genocide and horrible crimes committed by the empire in the name of "order" and so easy to roll over and accept that you were "just following orders"... sound familiar anyone?
All superpowers throughout history have done the same. It's amazing how important the status quo is when you're on top...

I never really got to play Tie Fighter. I bought a copy off a friend of mine many years ago, but it didn't have the manual so I could enter the codes to play the game. I eventually found them online, but for some reason I still didn't get to play it. Maybe I should see if it's available for download anywhere.

Steve Butts

New member
Jun 1, 2010
TIE Fighter is one of the top ten games of all time. Its approach to storytelling was well ahead of its time.


New member
Jun 5, 2009
PedroSteckecilo said:
Yeah it's easy to forget all the racism, genocide and horrible crimes committed by the empire in the name of "order" and so easy to roll over and accept that you were "just following orders"... sound familiar anyone?
Yes, most definetly. We've been here before. I understand Thrawn may be sympathetic (probably because he is), but the idea that Emperor - a classic example of fascist inefficency - can be a good guy stretches it a bit too far. Whole "villains get shit done" argument is not without it flaws: yes, they can get shit done in a first few months, but then comes a sobering realization: you can't rule the country, the planet, the galaxy, or what have you by simply shooting everyone who disagrees. You have to actually rule the damn place and make right descisions to stay afloat, not simply scare everybody into submission. Scary.

And then he strays into "white guilt" territory, as if we are to blame for being born in well-off nations/families/what have you. I could go into a long rant on how science is the answer and how the world can be made into a better place by applying just a little bit of idealism and common sense - but i won't, this is for another place and another time.

In short, the idea of letting villains win may seem good at the first glance, but in actuality it's really bloody stupid.

Mr Smith said:
All superpowers throughout history have done the same.
Yes, but some have enjoyed it a wee bit too much.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Sadly, we can never have a space sim like the good old days anymore thanks to mass market bottom lines. All we can do is cherish.


Empress of Baked Goods
Dec 15, 2009
Russ Pitts said:
Smile and Nod: My Favorite Villain is Me

You may realize that, as a citizen of the Western world, you've been privileged with the luxury of spending the equivalent of a full working week entertaining yourself with a digital illusion, on a machine that costs as much as it would take to feed a third-world family of four for a year, and that, once that machine becomes "obsolete," and you discard it, its innards will be poisoning the planet long after you're dead. If so, your own faith in who's right and who's wrong may begin to quiver and you may consider that possibility that your place in the universe is not as you assumed it to be.
I spend quite a bit of energy not thinking about this.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
PedroSteckecilo said:
Yeah it's easy to forget all the racism, genocide and horrible crimes committed by the empire in the name of "order" and so easy to roll over and accept that you were "just following orders"... sound familiar anyone?
The evil deeds that the good men do...

Reaently I've started thinking that the Empire wasn't that bad of an institution. Oh sure, it might build a huge battle station and blow up a planet for the sake of interrogating a hostage, but at least the economy was rising. Peace, safety and prospect. No trade federation to assult planets, no border conflicts between free planets, no time consuming voting within the senate to see what's the next color of space school buses are going to be. The emperor rules and people obey. If the emperor rules wisely, the people will benefit from this. Rebels just seem a bunch of terrorists who miss voting.