Cliff Bleszinski Wants You to Like This Terminator Unreal Mod

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
Cliff Bleszinski Wants You to Like This Terminator Unreal Mod

Epic Games' Cliff(y B)lezsinski thinks this fan-made Unreal Engine mod based on the Terminator films is superb, and he's not really wrong.

Arguments with indie devs aside [], Epic's free Unreal Development Kit is viewed by many as one of the best ways for aspiring gamemakers to start proving their stuff with the goal of eventually joining the industry. It's a powerful engine, and gives talented would-be creators the tools to bring a vision to life.

In this case, the man behind FPS Terminator [] happened to have a vision of the Terminator films. So he decided to make that vision into a game. And frankly, from the available videos of the mod, said game looks pretty darn good. Yes, it's rough around the edges, but let's remember that this is an Alpha version of a mod created by a three-man team (and two out of those three were just working on the sound). Roughness aside, it captures the feel of combat against Skynet's army from the Terminator films almost exactly.

The cool-looking mod didn't go unnoticed, either - it was spotted by Epic's frontman Cliff Blezsinski, who Tweeted [], "Check out this SWEET FPS Terminator mod. These guys are going to get a job in the biz if they haven't already."

Kind words, Cliffy. FPS Terminator creator Kevin had some kudos to give to Epic in return: "The move from a mod to Indie not dramatical [sic] increased the number of watchers, but also wouldn't be if it wasn't for Epic Games inc. releasing the Unreal Development Kit, in my opinion the most powerful toolkit for creating games in the industry, for no cost. So I have major respect for Epic."

So hugs and respect all around, yeah? In all seriousness, the mod looks great, and it - plus some public props from Mr. Blezsinski - might just help aspiring gamemaker Kevin get his foot in the door.

(ModDB [])


Dr. wonderful

New member
Dec 31, 2009
Buy me dinner first, THEN I like the mod.

Just joking, It look sweet, and I got to have respect for the guy who have to take care of everything else other then then sound.


Prelate Invigilator
Jul 15, 2009
This rocks! And the vid plays best with the terminator theme playing in the back. Sending shivers down my spine as we speak.
Apr 28, 2008
For a mod, and an alpha version at that, that was really damn good.

However it was rather hard to tell what was going on. And all the grey made me feel tired for some reason...

But still, fantastic work. The guy deserves a job.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Love them ray guns.

This could actually be a great game; the usual COD shooting action, but in the Terminator universe.


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
Looks like fun! Might be worth giving a shot...Nice to see mod community getting a mention though!


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Wow, that was AWESOME... Brilliant sound effects. The ambience and the sound effects make it work above all. I can't comment much on the models as I've not played with the mod kit so I don't know if these are of good quality or not. Most of the Terminators where covered with mist or dust so I didn't get a good view of them but well because of the sounds and how busy it seemed... it worked and was awesome.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Makes you wonder what the hell the maker of the Salvation game were playing at when someone else can do it better by themself.

I hope Epic has been talking to those three about future employment.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
fix-the-spade said:
Makes you wonder what the hell the maker of the Salvation game were playing at when someone else can do it better by themself.
Right now they are probably thinking if they can get a refund on their college degrees.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
looked like a mix between terminator and the first level of Killzone 2.

Which makes it awesome.


Former Escapecraft Op
Aug 10, 2009
HG131 said:
Nah. Why? Well, here's an FYI, don't anger fans. However, when you ignore that, you don't ignore the rule of never angering a major developer who could buy out or influence alot of devs, preventing you from making more game adaptations of your properties.
I should have revised that countdown a bit. Since most mod teams fall apart on their own, IP owners tend to wait until the project is near completion to drop the hammer. It cuts down on the ill will from fans.


Digital Oracle
Nov 9, 2008
HG131 said:
SachielOne said:
Cease-and-Desist order in 3...2...1...
Nah. Why? Well, here's an FYI, don't anger fans. However, when you ignore that, you don't ignore the rule of never angering a major developer who could buy out or influence alot of devs, preventing you from making more game adaptations of your properties.
Actually, he's probably right. Some publisher (it used to be Bethesda, but it looks like WB now-- at least they did the last one) owns the rights to the Terminator franchise and they're not going to like somebody 'possibly diminishing' their franchise. Best hope for the modder is that the suits who own the current rights will be impressed enough to bring him on the team. As to pissing off the fans, it's not like its got hordes of fans ATM (only 4500 or so views on YouTube).

As far as Epic Games speaking out against a company that's protecting its copyrighted IP... yeahhhhh, I don't see that happening. In fact, I'm surprised CliffyB actually said something about this in the first place. What would he say if someone did a GoW mod with the Unreal Developer's Kit, after all?

OT: guy did a pretty dang good job; the textures were pretty good (don't know if they came with the kit tho), but the skeletal animation looked a little jerky. Fine tuning will fix that: the tools are a little unfamiliar at first.

Here's hoping he gets something playable and substantial out the door before the lawyers jump on him. Thankfully, it isn't EA that owns it, or he would already have his C&D order.


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
Am I the only person who thinks that the assault rifle in the vid looks just like the one from Killzone 2? That aside, still looks friggen sweet.