Hey Baby, What's Your Sign?
"My parents had bought me a Commodore Amiga a year earlier, considering that 'there could be a future in this computer stuff,' and figuring I would use it to learn computer programming or other future-related skills. But I had way better things to do with the machine, like diving into a universe of pixellated softraunch, bondage, forced marriages in wedding parlors, 'censored' bars that humped to the cadence of the fornication they were supposed to suppress and Spanish Fly abuse."
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"My parents had bought me a Commodore Amiga a year earlier, considering that 'there could be a future in this computer stuff,' and figuring I would use it to learn computer programming or other future-related skills. But I had way better things to do with the machine, like diving into a universe of pixellated softraunch, bondage, forced marriages in wedding parlors, 'censored' bars that humped to the cadence of the fornication they were supposed to suppress and Spanish Fly abuse."
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